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Debbie B

Common Sense Is Not A Dirty Word!

4 posts in this topic

I am sad and a bit dismayed.  We humans on here are all at different stages of development, I am learning all the time and I love it :D.  

But if I see one more 'post' on wanking I shall scream! 

There is whole world out there. A HUGE PLAYGROUND, if you will.  We are part of something AMAZING...I kid you not!  And there you are on your computer wasting your life and you want to learn how to meditate!  You need to learn how to stand before you can walk.

So here is advice from a Lady who has bought up 3 kids....



Find something useful to do. 

Get outside. 

The job of your dreams will not walk into your bedroom and present itself to you. 

Neither will the girl of your dreams....She will be off, living her own dream.

Learn what makes you happy and not waste my time or yours with stupid comments here!

Get disciplined in your life....Have dreams!  And go all out achieving those Dreams!  Work 12 hours a day minimum...That is the effort required!

Stop the bloody 'PITY PARTY'...You will be the loser.  And nobody will join you...we are out there doing 'LIFE'

Work hard, be as good as you can. 

Life is not always fair...Get over it.

You are so lucky to be born now, with all you have, Don't waste it!

Read books of great people by all means.....Wouldn't it be great though if you became a great person?  It is entirely possible!!



My apologies, if you are further up the evolutionary scale but I am FED UP of listening to the whining! 



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@electroBeam  It is just tough LOVE.  

And don't fret over are only 19!  It will happen when it does...enjoy your life, never turn down anything, sample all...the good stuff twice!  Nothing is sexier than a fulfilled guy who is too busy living, to notice girls!!   Then become a catch!

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Learn how not to be fed up with this, because there is no end to it.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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