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Inevitable hyperinflation upon us?

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Prominent figures such as Jack Dorsey and Michael Burry warns us of hyperinflation. The latter of which predicted the housing bubble in 07/08, and also the dot com bubble I believe, back in 2001.

Let us discuss hyperinflation and if the US might be at risk of it soon. Obviously hyperinflation is extremely rare, usually reserved when something major happens, such as war... or you know, maybe a corona virus.

Here are a few things we might discuss:

1: Do you think this is all BS and that we shouldn't worry?

2: How would one go about surviving hyperinflation?

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I think hyperinflation is probable if you take a look at the current world-economic and political situation. Major things are happening, not only COVID-19 but also more subtle events you might not recognize and this for a good reason.

Of course you must learn to invest. I don't think you should trade stocks and real-estates but rather focus on currencies and raw materials. And a skill people need which you can trade could be useful as well. Something in a niche, which is part of a area with a high market-capitalization.

Edited by IAmReallyImportant

You can derive it from simple logic

Left means not right

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Maybe, maybe not.  Experts/analysts are often wrong, however; we should take their concerns with a careful eye.  I'm quite sure that if they can see this is a possibility, the world governments can as well.

You should've seen the alternative, if nobody did anything to mitigate and a vaccine wasn't developed. :o  Absolute collapse.

Edited by hoodrow trillson

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