Ander Tomsen

Thoughts on this book by David Wilcock " The Source Field Investigations"

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Thoughts on this book by David Wilcock " The Source Field Investigations". I am relatively new (few years) in the self actualization and enlightenment journey. I found this book and i would really appreciate it if you gave me your thoughts and experiences about it before i purchase it of course if you've read it or know someone who did. 

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U might find some interesting stuff in there but I would not base your spiritual journey on it. For he is still in that "new age" type mindset and follows a structure built for that and we are trying to surpass all that stuff. Only u can say for urself if u will get anything out of it. But since u have found I'm betting you're probably more advanced than what's in that book. Definitely don't pay for the book, just borrow it from a library or use an app like Scribd to read it for free. 

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