
Which Game Do You Play?

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@WaveInTheOcean The mast vanishes due to optical illusion, the curvature isn't there. Zooming that far in removes the illusion should not make any difference if its a sphere, the ship should not be seen except for the mast. The optical illusion has to do with how we see in line with the vanishing point. 

And I verified this with some educated people, I have had my calculations right. I have so much more, as I have educated friends, and I have been down that road of debunking both sides with them. I am not going into it here.

I share the information that I came to realize. If you have difficulty accepting it, thats fine. I strongly advice not to bombard after each time something awakens in you after I post. I mean common, that usually is the case with someone that actually is living a good discipline, secluded from sense indulgence and puts great effort in trying to explain what I came to realize.

It always shakes and awakens things, exactly those things to let the attachment go of.

Just reflect on it, smile and move on. Some things you will discover later. And yes, some are just better then others. Because they  dropped their possessions and live secluded from the masses and are developing spiritually, loving every living being while others do not. I don't see you are there yet. And that is something to remember very well when willing to reflect upon an article that came from someone who does live up to it.

Learn from them, don't bombard on the forum if you disagree. Reflect on it why not. Its your own perception that took a hit. I stand open for questions, but I must warn, the consequences of bombarding, are not good. Better to reflect, and if you really are stuck, ask. This way you improve quickly.

Lets be honest, what has anyone to teach me? If I dropped everything, and are not living in sense indulgence, and are disciplined. Dropped my hatred, delusions and ill will.

What must someone teach me? I can only say, I am my own teacher. That is why I stated: Please, don't bombard, reflect on it, and if difficulty, then ask. Also on this comment, don't bombard if not agreeing. Reflect on why you don't agree... But unless you are not as far developed spiritually, then why not learning properly from this being, instead of trying to teach this being a lesson.

Keep this in mind. Reflect well on what I post here.

Edited by Aware Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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51 minutes ago, Aware said:

@WaveInTheOcean The mast vanishes due to optical illusion, the curvature isn't there. Zooming that far in removes the illusion should not make any difference if its a sphere, the ship should not be seen except for the mast. The optical illusion has to do with how we see in line with the vanishing point. 

I really don't understand what you're saying. 

You say the ships disappear but the mast is the last thing you see.

Then you zoom in (using binoculars I suppose??) and what do you see exactly? YOu just say "the cuirvature isn't there".. what does that mean exactly? That you don't directly see the curvature of the Earth or that you zooming in makes you see the whole ship again, even though you with your eyes would only see the mast ???

What about if you just keep using the binoculars? I bet you will still see the ship disappear from the bottom to the top (mast).

"The optical illusion has to do with how we see in line with the vanishing point. "

Eh, no? That can still not explain why you would see the ship disappear from the bottom to the top. If the Earth was flat, you would see the whole ship disappear more or less at the sam time -- very obviously.


Uncut (longer):

"And I verified this with some educated people, I have had my calculations right. I have so much more, as I have educated friends, and I have been down that road of debunking both sides with them. I am not going into it here."

So these "educated" people are people with master degrees in physics or maths? :D:D:D:D:D  Stop embarrasing yourself for the dear lord of God.

Regarding all this two awareness talk and especially the ball-earth-talk there is really not much that awakens in me. Rather the opposite I would say.
I get confused how an otherwise somewhat wise dude, like you, can actually believe the Earth is flat after critically reviewing for and against the "Earth is a ball"-model. In a way it makes me lose hope in humanity. hehe:D The degree of how dumb people can be seem to have no end.

"And yes, some are just better then others. Because they  dropped their possessions and live secluded from the masses..."

Haha, sure thing man. What a fucking argument. :D:D  Yeah you're smarter and wiser than most here on this forum -- because you live alone in a cave and believe the Earth is flat... lol

"I stand open for questions" ...

You just constantly take this position of being better than everyone else here, right? That seems to comfort you to know that. That you know everything and none else here can teach you anything at all. I'll repeat myself: You are lost beyond help. I'm sorry for you.

"Lets be honest, what has anyone to teach me? If I dropped everything, and are not living in sense indulgence, and are disciplined. "

Is that what you tell yourself every night before you sleep to make yourself feel good? 

Surely mate, if none can teach you anything in this life, why don't you just get it over with already? :) 

"Dropped my delusions" ... LOL sorry , you're just so funny man... :D 

The more crap I read from you here the more I realize you're one of the least spiritually developed on this forum. You believe you're not attached, but I clearly see otherwise. You cling like a child to the worldviews you present here and you cling like a child to the lifestyle you have chosen.

In all seriousness I take it back, I don't like your presence here on this forum. You're spreading too much bullshit. And I have wasted enough time trying to unlearn you. It's hopeless, I see that at least.

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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Just print out your post, and read up that post in front of a mirror.

You clearly keep missing that point. Again, and again. That you are not talking to someone else. You are talking to another VERSION of yourself. You think you talk to me as someone else, justifying a person that then speaks and may defend accordingly.

Just print out your post, and read up that post in front of a mirror.

You clearly keep missing that point. Again, and again. That you are not talking to someone else. You are talking to another VERSION of yourself. You think you talk to me as someone else, justifying a person that then speaks and may defend accordingly.

If you did not drop your attachments, are therefor as a result defending yourself unknowingly, forgetting that you are speaking to another version of yourself due to it, have nothing to say about what I teach sharing that which actually is of a higher knowledge and why, but in stead just keep on projecting your own deluded views pretending that it are my wrong views, while I did drop my attachments and are therefor not as a result defending myself unknowingly, forgetting that you are another version of me.

Then surely I do am better, more sublime, more loving, and far more advanced then those who did not drop their attachments, are therefor as a result defending themselves unknowingly, forgetting that they are speaking to another version of themselves due to it, have nothing to say about what I teach, sharing that which actually is of a higher knowledge and why, but in stead just keep on projecting their own deluded views pretending that it are my wrong views, while these attachments are dropped by me, and I am therefor as a result not defending myself unknowingly, forgetting that they are another version of me.

However if you truly think you do are better by saying that this man, this caveman that dropped at all is attached to his views, while you yourself did not drop your attachments, are therefor as a result defending yourself unknowingly, forgetting that you are speaking to another version of yourself due to it, have nothing to say about what I teach, sharing that which actually is of a higher knowledge and why, but in stead just keep on projecting your own deluded views pretending that it are my wrong views, while I did drop my attachments and are therefor not as a result defending myself uknownknogly, forgetting that you are another version of me, then sure I am better then you in every way, with every other caveman that also dropped his attachments with the world, the masses and their entertainments practicing the Dharma and the 8 folded path and sharing their insights as an act of compassion.

Of course you didn't mean that with deluding yourself thinking you are better by saying they are deluded.

Leave this thread and the people on this thread alone that are willing to listen and share, and put me on ignore, to prevent further results from your actions, that are unwholesome in nature, have nothing to do with actually practicing, has nothing to do with stimulating others to practice, but have only to do with starting debates, trying to gain intellectually while your actual practice is out of the question.

I thank you for your good contribution, which is far more important then the shape of the earth. If you remain in this thread, then come of your high horse, learn to respect my work and those who practice hard, and leave the damn ball earth be. If not, then move on, leave these cave people alone.

Edited by Aware Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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1 hour ago, Wormon Blatburm said:

You seem so hurt by what people say on an Internet forum, defending yourself so passionately.  Why don't you just use what you perceive as other people's unconciousness as a mirror of the inner workings of your own mind? That's more helpful than getting into these mud slinging contests

You're right, thanks. Enough is enough.

I admit I was tired yesterday which my post reflect. 

The thing is, if it was just a dude who had not written anything intelligently, and just claimed the Earth was flat, then I wouldn't waste a second on him.

The problem for me here is obviously that I see a guy who has lots of wisdom - but still is deluded in many ways. And yeah that triggers me probably because I'm scared of how I myself may turn out to become.

And yeah I'll use this thread as a warning to myself on how deluded one can get on the path if they aren't aware of their own inner workings.

Again Aware, I'm sorry for judging you and writing my last post. I really am. And I thank you for your contribution in this thread anyway, although I'm puzzled by the stupidity of lots of it. I know that you will automatically interpret "puzzled by stupidity of it" as "oh, the guy admits he isn't spiritually developed to understand my holy teachings"... Well - you know that might just be right. Or might it be that I see more clearly than you and see through your own delusions? Nah, that'd be silly to even think this thought, right? Because you're not attached to anything in this life, so you're something like a reincarnation of Buddha. So wise, so better than others, so smart, so loving, so sublime, so goooooooood, so advanced -- right? No one can teach you anything. You get your knowledge through communication with other masterful beings from other Universes doing the night where you meditate. I bow before you, my master. I admit I am not ready for such divine knowledge. Oh Lord, I wish I could see the logic behind the arguments for Earth is flat -- the big grand hoax created by the THEM, the sequentials... Oh Lord, save me, help me, show me.

"and put me on ignore, ..."
Great idea, thanks. That's exactly what I'm gonna do, I think we two have thrown enough bullshit at each other for now. And I'll be free from reading more "divine crap" from you.


Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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1 hour ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

Because you're not attached to anything in this life, so you're something like a reincarnation of Buddha. So wise, so better than others, so smart, so loving, so sublime, so goooooooood, so advanced -- right? No one can teach you anything. 

This is however your true nature. My mind nor your mind differs from that of a buddha (and many others that lived and worked hard). However he is better, more wise then others, so smart, so loving, so sublime, so good, so advanced, and no one can teach him because he lived up to it, by leaving his possessions, became mindful, developed the 8 folded path and came to greatest understanding, while other versions did not live up to it, and as a result of this, this points exactly out his being better, more wise, more smart, more loving, more sublime, more good and more advanced, and therefor it would not be suitable to try teach him when one is himself entangled, attached, there for less wise, less good, less smart, less loving, less sublime and less advanced.  And should instead be wise and learn, respect this being, and take the information needed and start practicing.

1 hour ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

The problem for me here is obviously that I see a guy who has lots of wisdom - but still is deluded in many ways. And yeah that triggers me probably because I'm scared of how I myself may turn out to become.

And now you are honest. YOU SEE YOURSELF BY THINKING YOU SEE ME! You never saw me who you think you are pointing this at!

And this is what those caveman has understood and overcome by secluding from the sense indulgences. But instead of respecting them, or any other person for that matter working hard on it, you remain coming with ramblings, not coming with a more sublime teaching, or demonstrating a better understanding or a better discipline you follow, or dharma that came out of such practices. Which proves by result that you do are very attached to your ramblings and your own thinking to know it better.

And in such a case, surely if I do live up to it, and those others who read this, do live up to a sublime good discipline, they are absolutely better in every way in comparison with yourself. Because these beings have dropped their fears of being afraid. Do no longer entangle in becoming this or that. But you in stead fail to understand, even when reading this post, that its another version speaking to you, that did drop his possessions, did leave the sense indulgences and practices Dharma and the 8 folded path, and came to knowledge, understanding. And therefor I indeed claim to be better then you in every way possible demonstrated by what I have been teaching here in comparison with your ramblings. And this includes that all others who practice hard, that you call cavemen, also live up to a right discipline are better then you, in every way possible. And this includes all that read this, and understand this, are stimulated to practice, see that this post is not coming from hatred, is better then you in every way possible.

If you can see through this, then you have overcome yourself being seeing that the real you, is better then little you, in every way possible.

Therefor I share once more truth: One can defeat an army of 1000 men, but one who has conquered himself is far greater.


If you remain in this thread by any means, share an article with a full way to enlightenment, a full categorized way of understanding that people can relate to that came from your understanding that is a result of your own discipline, in recognition, that is far more sublime then what I have been sharing here in this forum over and over again. If this is not possible, because you do not live up to it, cannot think of the right examples because of lack of understanding, then I say: Refrain from your unwholesome speech in stead, respect those who do live up to it, take notes, take that which you need, and move on!

And take my advice, take year off, go for a retreat yourself, live very simple with good hearted people that practice hard and share their teachings as well as an act of compassion, and come back here again.

Edited by Aware Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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I just meditated for over an hour.

I will un-ignore you, though this will still be my last post in this all-too-long-thread.

I realized I'm judging a lot.

Thus I'm judging myself.

Let me say this. I love you, Aware.

You are better than me in many ways, I don't disagree now.

I love you no matter if you think the Earth is a plane or a sphere.

I realize that I'm in the deepest sense talking to myself when I talk to you -- just as I'm judging myself when I judge you.

That is to say, when I say you are better than me -- which you are in many ways -- it is very much like saying to my trueself that it is better than "me" (false self).

You are absolutely right, I'm still afraid of many things during my life. This shows that I'm still attached, that I'm not free. And that you are not -- that shows that you are purer and wiser than me.

Such things as what shape the Earth are smaller matters, if you get me.

I have much to learn. Yet, I can see now after my meditation that I have indeed learned something from "wasting" time here talking to you.

I'm thankful that you've continually replied to me every time.

You are very direct, and I get confused by that sometimes. But I see, the you I think you are is me.

I'll work. I'll stop judging. I'll practice it.

I'll refrain from unwholesome speech whenever I can (when I'm aware enough, which my posts here reflect I am not always).

I'll take a break from this forum and work on myself and what has to be done, so I can evolve.

Thanks. I'm out for now.

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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@WaveInTheOcean  that was awesome from you! It's hard to do what you just did. Nice!!!


I am also learning from all this thread.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@Aware  I have a question, if the earth is really flat. Does it have an end? How does that works?

I think that @WaveInTheOcean was talking about that the boat should fall on the edge, if it is plane it must end somewhere, and boats should fall on that edge. It has to be like a disk, right?



Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@abrakamowse  I have already opened a topic some time ago in philosophy. I am not going to continue here about it.


As a closer: I am not buying what NASA shares. But I do not buy either that which must therefor be true. (All the flat earth models must therefor be true). Its so sensitive this subject, people never asked me what I truly belief. It directly is one or the other as a complete belief package, which I refuse to accept either way. Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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4 hours ago, abrakamowse said:

@WaveInTheOcean  that was awesome from you! It's hard to do what you just did. Nice!!!


I am also learning from all this thread.


He is awakened to the vision of Dharma, that is pure, and pervasive. This achievement can't be undone by any other living being.
One day, many will benefit from him.

Edited by Aware Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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On 07/01/2017 at 6:08 AM, Aware said:

It directly is one or the other as a complete belief package, which I refuse to accept either way.


The current scientific belief system actually accommodates both at the same time:



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