
Which Game Do You Play?

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Attaining true self, a game of spirit.


Due to the temporary things in nature, and being in truth, all pervasive Awareness, can everything be seen as a game. A hide and seek game.

Nature can be seen as game events happening as a result of all kind of causes.

Power games, can be seen as the great deceptive games that are happening in the game.

Game of enlightenment is the game of spirit, becoming whole again, realizing one is both the observer and the observed and remaining anchored in it.

The game has certain features that are blocked for others, our bodies can be seen as engineered systems and religions, science and everything based on perception can be seen as software that can be installed biologically through attention, effort, and concentration.


Game = Awareness + Intelligence.

The game, nature, that which we call the environment, everything related to the game, is temporary in nature. Intelligence is in this context thus the self purification feature that is everything, a converter that is pure. Intelligence = Law in this context, the law of action leading to its according results. Your relationship with intelligence happens through ones own thinking, building sub intelligences, that are related to certain habits. Different sub intelligences form there for your personal game. Because there is no actual separation, belief systems create ones game as a result also after death. One is there for powerful enough to create different hells and heavens according the relationship between you and intelligence. This intelligence and Awareness, are not bound to one body. There for one can have many incarnated sources of various of planes interacting with each other through out the interwoven intelligence.

The true star of the game, your True self, is the Supreme that governs all your worlds. Your true self is your ultimate guide and protector in this game.

The goal of the game, is to spiral out of the game, and to Attain the True self for higher experiences.

Understand that by this, since nothing has a vast source, people have endlessly have had created their own experiences, attained knowledge accordingly and blindly shared them, that is their game. This breaks the idea that evolution theory is real, religions must have been right etc. Understand that this game is polarized, and there for the greatest challenge to over come, to spiral out of this game, is to see through the deceptive games that are put upon you by overcoming your own created intelligences. I speak of intelligences, because there is no vast person. The only true personification is your True self.

All of history you belief to be true, is simply not true, maybe to them who belief so. There are endless different history stories that are related to different planes. Due to that there is no vast source, your true self creates its own history. There are just different games played, games of deceptive intent. Power games.

So let this article be a call, knowledge for your True self, a signal that this all is grand scale and highly complex.


I wonder how many on this forum, are interested to see more information about this game.

Let me hear in the comment section rather people are ready for such knowledge.







Edited by Motus Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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I also wonder rather people do not experience already that they are multi "incarnated" intelligences? That are converting different planes of existence already through their "Dreams" that are to real to state to be a dream, feeling parts of them die as if family died, which is just another part of them on a different plane of existence.

No one here already experiencing this? I can hardly believe that people here would be that lost in the deceptive game set, that really no one on this forum actually understands this.



Edited by Motus Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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Don't rly understand this thread, but saw dream a lot and I do love dreams. I've had some pretty intense dreams and I don't even know if some of the things I classify as dreams were dreams or something much much bigger, because when I look back, it felt like much more. Meh, no need for me to speculate - if it's not in the present moment right now it's not real. 

(If I get taken by aliens and anal probed, get back on forum, I will make sure I say the same lol! Power of now rules :D, no need to complicate my life)

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Dodoster I am afraid 99.99% grasps not what I am saying.


And this counts for almost all of my posts. As soon as someone is Attaining Awareness, it is not bound, then how many worlds, different histories were there from the polarity perspective?

I am saying that there is no vast source, so for example its more likely that those believers in that we come from monkeys, themselves were once monkeys and other animals in form of intelligences (spirit), and find it plausible that all came from apes, it is more likely that that is true, then that we actually truly come from apes.  Awareness was already, so one of those people might have had some experience about previous creations of himself, and accidentally believed it was for all. Comes up with a logic and so on. And is at that moment just in yet another game.


I just see clearly, with my vision, that all is a result of their thinking, shaping intelligences. When I see someone brought down by a police force that first has been chasing, I just see a group of wild lions, that were their previous parts that exist simultaneously.

When I see all that debating, I find it no wonder they think they came from apes. I see how they make politics.

I find it more plausible that they all just create their own history due to that there is no vast source, that their Supreme, their true self is the governor of their worlds, Awareness.

I find it not strange that if people drop their belief systems and seek hard, drop their attachments, they see their True selves sharing all the information from what was not born, in relation of what is born, which is grand, highly complex and filled with compassion like no other.


Edited by Motus Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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Motus, you sound like you got it all figured out.

My advice to you:

- Sit down and ask yourself if you really understand who you are, and how the "game" functions.

Could it be that it's all just ideas in your head that are actually hindering you on your path? You seem to be pretty attached to these ideas you postulate here on this forum. Try to become deeply aware of the fact that all you post here is just that: ideas created by your mind.

And then embrace reality, embrace the not-knowning, and dive into it... It's when one fully incoporates the"I actually don't know -- I have no clue -- but I'm open to whatever it might turn out to be"-mindset into the heart that true greatness can be allowed to arise out of nothingness. Frustration and fear may be the first reactions though, but it'll pass.

I can recommend "The Book of Not Knowing" by Peter Ralston. I for one haven't bought Leo's booklist, but everyone knows this book is on the list as Leo has has given credits to Ralston in some of his videos.

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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@WaveInTheOcean I can only see who I am not.


I understand that people might think, well Motus, those are just your ideas.

But I can't deny it. All things do are temporary in nature and this brings laws with it due to this fact. The more attachments go, the more that which is unborn, the relationship grows. It results in knowledge, and this knowledge is exact. Its according to the law of action and result.

I am compassionate, and feel in my heart I should share it. However, I can see and feel, that I wish you all could see it. Its so clear to me, and see that I was not the first, All the Buddhas, and the Arahants that were his followers, did see this as well.

It seems only waveintheocean, that I cannot share my exact vision, my understanding, due to the limitations such as language and the other that is not prepared enough.

But at least, let there be a few who do can understand it quickly. Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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22 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

Try to become deeply aware of the fact that all you post here is just that: ideas created by your mind.

How can my mind, be separated from your mind? I don't see a base for that. I only see, many are suffering, and few are not. Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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"The goal of the game, is to spiral out of the game, and to Attain the True self for higher experiences."

What if there are no ultimate goals?

Life is a game. You can never stop playing. You can die/kill yourself but this is merely like a piece in Ludo that dies, and then God rolles a dice, wooah it's 6, new piece comes in.

"I also wonder rather people do not experience already that they are multi "incarnated" intelligences? That are converting different planes of existence already through their "Dreams" that are to real to state to be a dream, feeling parts of them die as if family died, which is just another part of them on a different plane of existence."

What you call The True Self was never born so it could never die. It's not a thing. Yet, Nothingness is what you are, yes you. It's this nothingness that experiences everything. It's also out of nothingness that every experience is created. And thus every experience happens "inside" nothingness.

"The true star of the game, your True self, is the Supreme that governs all your worlds. Your true self is your ultimate guide and protector in this game."

A true star, an ultimate guide, a protector? Interesting properties to give nothingness. But whatever floats your boat.

"So let this article be a call, knowledge for your True self, a signal that this all is grand scale and highly complex."

Yes, reality is infinitely complex... not just "highly complex".

Knowledge is for mind, not for the True Self. The mind has knowledge which it can store and proces, which the True Self then experiences.


"I am saying that there is no vast source, so for example its more likely that those believers in that we come from monkeys, themselves were once monkeys and other animals in form of intelligences (spirit), and find it plausible that all came from apes, it is more likely that that is true, then that we actually truly come from apes.  Awareness was already, so one of those people might have had some experience about previous creations of himself, and accidentally believed it was for all. Comes up with a logic and so on. And is at that moment just in yet another game."


Just like your ideas here is another game.

Those "believers" .. "themselves" were once "monkeys"

Which believers? Who is it inside a biologist that may once have been a monkey? ... 

Actually I think my main problem with with this discussion, is that I simply don't see the point with this thread:D Just like I haven't seen a point with any of your comments posted on this forum so far. I have thought about putting you on ignore, because everytime I read a post from you, I feel like I have wasted time. Just like I have done now. Jeez.

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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21 minutes ago, Motus said:

How can my mind, be separated from your mind? I don't see a base for that. I only see, many are suffering, and few are not.

Good question.

Let's first differentiate between mind and consciousness.

Mind = talking, emotions, thoughts ... Consciousness = You .. The non-located no-thing experiencing the mind.

Your mind/brain/ego is of course separated from mine because your brain is at another location in this world.

Now here comes the really strange part.

You are the self-aware non-located no-thing (consciousness/nothingness) experiencing one....... mind.
I am ,,,,,,the self-aware non-located no-thing (consciousness/nothingness) experiencing another mind. 

So You are I and I am You.
The Law of One. We are all one. Unity. etc etc etc

Two ways to attack the problem:

- We are One, but yet, this Infinite One has infinite minds attached to it and it can only experience one mind at a time.

- We are One, but yet, this Infinite One splits itself up into many finite One's, which each has a mind attached to it.

You are one part of the Infinite One, I am another part of the Infinite One.

Both ways can't explain reality fully though. They are both lackluster.

So the question: "Why do I have this experience and You have another experience" can't be answered. If it could be answered fully, then reality wouldn't be infinite.

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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2 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

What if there are no ultimate goals?

That is the point! 


4 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

Life is a game. You can never stop playing. You can die/kill yourself but this is merely like a piece in Ludo that dies, and then God rolles a dice, wooah it's 6, new piece comes in.

That is not true. There is a way out. Which I explained often already. Its by the law that everything is temporary in nature, everything happens by action and result, that there is a way out, get rid of the attachment. The reason one can kill ones self is due to that Awareness can't be killed.


6 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

A true star, an ultimate guide, a protector? Interesting properties to give nothingness. But whatever floats your boat

Nothing is not you. Nor is everything you. That from nothing not comes something, and from something not nothing, let that be clear. That Awareness is not something, does not mean it is nothing. That it is not nothing, does not mean its something or a combination of it. Another reason is, from nothing comes not something, due to that Awareness wasn't born, and is not equal to nothing or something, but supreme due to being all pervasive, which is nothing not, and something not. These are polarity based.


8 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

Yes, reality is infinitely complex... not just "highly complex".

I say highly complex, because it can be understood by the law of action and result, and the knowledge with it when one drops his attachments to the fruits of any result.


10 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

Which believers? Who is it inside a biologist that may once have been a monkey? ... 

Awareness was and is still through all these forms such as biologist and monkeys. Its by their actions and results they end up there and there, from animal kingdom to heavens. Awareness does not change in that, however, it can be so that one has experiences of previous forms and imposed it. Everything is so interwoven, I would wish you could see that.


12 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

Actually I think my main problem with with this discussion, is that I simply don't see the point with this thread:D Just like I haven't seen a point with any of your comments posted on this forum so far. I have thought about putting you on ignore, because everytime I read a post from you, I feel like I have wasted time. Just like I have done now. Jeez.

With that I can't help. I share for those who have eyes to see. Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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@WaveInTheOcean See, that is why I said, I only see many suffering, and some not.


Your mind, does not differ from mine. Only some crave (being attached to desire) and others not.  If this craving (attachment) is gone, there is yes, body, and Awareness.

Edited by Motus Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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12 minutes ago, Motus said:

Everything is so interwoven, I would wish you could see that.

Me too. I know everything is interwoven, yet I can't see it. 

Is your point that if a woman goes home from a party and someone rapes her... then it is was what she wanted? Because it happened? Because she is the raper and the raper is she? There is only One? Only doings? Only happenings? No do'ers? Only God playing a game? Everything is interwoven? How can you get out of the game? By dropping all ideas, all attachments and just fully accepting what is?:) I guess that's a way to view it.

Gotta smoke some stuff at some point I guess. cheers.

EDIT: Which psychedelics have you taken Motus? Give me some information on how you have recieved all this knowledge.

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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4 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

Is your point that if a woman goes home from a party and someone rapes her... then it is was what she wanted?

This is an awful indeed, but I am not stating that she wanted this nor that she deserved this.

I state, that rather someone wants it or not, that these things happen due to ignorance of the fact that we are Awareness.

I am exactly explaining, to seclude from worldly activities and unwholesome deeds, by this seclusion, develop wholesome deeds. Imagine both the raper and the victim would have followed my advice.


And no, I don't use psychedelics, I plea against it. You can ask Leo about it. I have a clear view about it, which I shared with him. But I do not see you as separated from me, you can throw at me what you want, its not going to change.

I have written down an article Nutshell + in-depth teachings of enlightenment... There I explain the whole bunch of it, from the cycle of life and death to ridding one of the illusion of separation. Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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Just now, Motus said:

I state, that rather someone wants it or not, that these things happen due to ignorance of the fact that we are Awareness.

so because of Karma?

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14 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

so because of Karma?

Going to parties, drinking etc, is not wholesome, because its not needed for the body, nor for Awareness.

Its only born out ones Passions or ignorance. There is no separated "I". Its an illusion, nothing good can come out of that which is born out of passions or ignorance.

Where did the drinks go? To the "I"??? Maybe to Awareness then??? In my view, it goes to the stomach and so on.

Its just the body that was poisoned in the name of an illusion.


Now put a lot of such people together, that belief in an "I" that is separated and see what happens.

Edited by Motus Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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If everyone suddenly fully realized they were the Supreme All-Pervasive Awareness, then what? Maybe no more rapings and such ... But which game is it that stops exactly?

"I state, that rather someone wants it or not, that these things happen due to ignorance of the fact that we are Awareness."

Let's say we have a dude, let's call him Bob, that is ignorant to the fact that he is "Awareness" (whatever that might be) just like everyone else is.

Motus ... In the case of our friend Bob here, who/what is it that is ignorant of the mentioned fact?

What's your answer?

EDIT: Btw, to say the "I"-illusion is created out of passions is an absurd statement in my humble view.

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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@Motus sure but you cannot ever avoid unwholesome behaviour. if you choose to eat and drink to keep the body alive, its unwholesome. the only way to seclude from EVERYTHING is to kill the body. 

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1 minute ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

But which game is it that stops exactly?

Hide and seek is the game that stops.


4 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

Motus ... In the case of our friend Bob here, who/what is it that is ignorant of the mentioned fact?

There is Waveintheocean, no puppet somewhere in ones brain that makes the show. Your friend, is called bob, but bob is nowhere to be found. 

Lets bring this closer: You are at the moment ignorant, by thinking and believing that there is a separated I and as a result of that, you put up that example. Can you say when you are sick, now I want to be better, and it worked, your disease is gone? Or claim: I will not grow old and will not die, and you don't become older and don't die?

You can't, so the same is, with everything else, we can influence it, and not control it. The beLIEf you can, while it can't, the beLIEf you are separated from anything else and as a result act upon it, is being ignorant proven by that behavior, not because there is something physical that IS ignorant, but by the fact of behavior that is not in accordance with the fact that all things are temporary in nature. 

So its not who or what, (all things are temporary, no self). Bob is there for the result of his thinking, and is becoming that which what he is thinking. Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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Is your answer Bob?

What/who is Bob?

An ego? An I? 

You just said there are no seperated I's.

Does Bob have free will?

Did Bob decide to become ignorant of the mentioned fact that he is Awareness?

If Bob someday becomes conscious of the fact that he is Awareness -- did Bob choose to become conscious of this?


Is your answer Awareness?

So Awareness chose to become ignorant of the fact that it is Awareness?

This one sounds better right? There is no Bob in the first place. Bob is an illusion. There is only doings within, by and created by the Supreme Awareness, aka God.

So when Bob is ignorant of the fact that he is Awareness, it is actually just Awareness playing a little game with itself; that it is Bob and not awareness. Right?

In that case, what the fuck is your point with this thread, mate?

You say many suffer and live in illusion.

Yet, you say there are no separated individuals.

And you also say we are all one.


Look, Motus, you have not figured anything out at all. And I don't claim to have either. 

You talk about how it's important to drop all attachment.

How about you drop this very obvious attachment of yours to the confusing teachings you are writing here?

You say evolution is not real. 

Could it be that is both real and not real at the same time?

Could it be that everything is just a matter of perspective?

From a logical perspective -- trying to model reality and understand it in terms of langauge -- then evolution is 100% proven to be what is going on.

Yet, at the same time, the fact that we are sitting here on this Earth having this discussion should tell one something... That reality is mystical as fuck... 

So returning to evolution.. from the highest perspective the idea of evolution may just be a silly idea, and actually every mutation that has happened in genes was not random but determined to happen, and by so, we are all children of God and God's plans.

Somehow, God's plan include people living life where they believe they are a body-mind. There's really nothing wrong about it.

You talk about how there's something wrong about the current situation on Earth... Yeah sure from my perspective a lot of shit is wrong... But I'm open enough to realize that from other perspectives of my own little egoic, for example from a very, very high perspective (God so to speak) everything that happens here on Earth, even all the suffering and "evil" shit: It's all one big harmony. All is perfect. Reality is perfect as it is. No need to change it... And yet we feel a need to change it, and I feel you man.. It would be great if all could find their inner love and happiness by seeing that they are not their body nor their mind ... But mate, become one with the Truth for yourself first,, you obv have a long way to go, and I'm not saying this to bash to you, but I'm saying it as kindly as I can. You are very obviously attached to these concepts of yours.. drop it man.. don't hold it as Truth.. Don't bash duality. Don't become a zen devil. 

Embrance reality as it is. Love yourself. Find yourself... you will discover you can't... And then live a happy life, do what you want. If you want to teach others, then do it, but don't do it the way you currently do it. You are so confusing to read.

Look at what you have written:

"Nothing is not you. Nor is everything you. That from nothing not comes something, and from something not nothing, let that be clear. That Awareness is not something, does not mean it is nothing. That it is not nothing, does not mean its something or a combination of it. Another reason is, from nothing comes not something, due to that Awareness wasn't born, and is not equal to nothing or something, but supreme due to being all pervasive, which is nothing not, and something not. These are polarity based."

I mean what the actual fuck do you expect people to get out of this? 

"But at least, let there be a few who do can understand it quickly."

I assure you, no one on this forum have got any larger understanding of reality by reading what you have written in this topic. 

My last post here. have a good day.

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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18 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

@Motus sure but you cannot ever avoid unwholesome behaviour. if you choose to eat and drink to keep the body alive, its unwholesome. the only way to seclude from EVERYTHING is to kill the body. 

No that isn to quite right. Giving the body what it needs to survive, is not unwholesome because its as well in accordance with Awareness, duty. If you would let yourself without reason die out of hunger, that is unwholesome behavior. 

Lets says someone is in accordance by seclusion from unwholesome behavior, and someone has a sickness that is very very painful, to hard to bear. But one is awakened, Attained Awareness.

Then its not unwholesome to commit suicide. 

Please understand, Drinking alcohol and taking drugs for fun, is unwholesome because the body nor Awareness needs it. Its born out of passion and ignorance.

Not eating and dying yourself out just because of laziness to take care of the body, is still ignorance. Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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