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Doing fun stuff as exercise

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I've started doing fun stuff as exercise instead of going to the gym or doing Youtube workouts. 

I bought my mother a kayak this year, so I've been borrowing it and using down at our local river. 

Have been bouldering with friends in the local rock climbing gym. 

Become a member at a BJJ studio. 

In a few weeks I will be getting back into Bachata dance when classes are back on. 


All of these things involve so much dynamic movement, and I look forward to them. I actually crave getting onto the BJJ mat. I tried for so long to discipline myself, be consistent with running, skipping, going to the gym etc. I'm kind of over it tbh. I've had to come to terms with the fact that I won't be a shirtless instagram model, because it doesn't make as much sense to me. 

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