
Is there a "how" to how you're creating everything around you?

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Is it even valid to ask how you're creating anything at all? Or is it simply direct through no "how" at all?

Edited by Holygrail

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@Holygrail by literally BE-ing it. There's not even an interval between the creator and its creation, it is instantly there....boom. 

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1 minute ago, Fearless_Bum said:

@Holygrail by literally BE-ing it. There's not even an interval between the creator and its creation, it is instantly there....boom. 

Crazy... I'm wondering if you can become conscious of that

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@Holygrail no need to be conscious of it, it is the case already so effortless it seems unbelievable. 

But maybe you can sure.

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You can become conscious of how your doing it. From a massively heightened state. Interpreting it with your finite ego mind is where it becomes tricky. You can barely explain it to yourself in your own head once returned to an ordinary state and that’s with being able to perceive imagery in your own imagination along with your vocabulary trying to explain it to yourself with words. Never mind trying to explain it to another person using only wording. And in an ordinary everyday state so to speak, your not conscious of it. So your going off memory anyway to start with, of something you can’t even explain to yourself properly. When in a state of being conscious of it, it’s completely obvious, but ultimately so shocking and unbelievable at the same time. You become the ‘how’. Infinite intelligence pours through you at painful levels it’s so effortlessly intelligent. I remember once holding my head in my hands not being able to take the intelligence that I was becoming aware of. Like every drop of the heaviest rainfall you can imagine ploughing right through me. And then I let go, and had one of my greatest awakening experiences to date. The release of the limitations, the beauty and awe of the design and what’s at play. But that’s so unexplainable from my limited vocabulary. It even becomes as if there’s not even a how. But at the same time you see how. 
Greatest thing about it, is that you know there’s even more depth to it than what I experienced. So many facets. So much more to experience. Or to be

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@Holygrail perhaps the closest thing to a 'how' that I've heard, is 'imagined duality'.. 

Nothingness/Everythingness (one-ness) pretending to be separate from itself (two-ness, Somethingness). 

A good example of this, is how reality 'creates' a 'self' or 'ego', through duality... by imagining a difference between 'that which is self, and that which is not self', ego arises.  

Conversely, ego 'vanishes' or 'ceases', when the illusion of separation is seen for what it is. (When imagined duality is transcended)



"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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2 hours ago, Mason Riggle said:

@Holygrail perhaps the closest thing to a 'how' that I've heard, is 'imagined duality'.. 

Nothingness/Everythingness (one-ness) pretending to be separate from itself (two-ness, Somethingness). 

A good example of this, is how reality 'creates' a 'self' or 'ego', through duality... by imagining a difference between 'that which is self, and that which is not self', ego arises.  

Conversely, ego 'vanishes' or 'ceases', when the illusion of separation is seen for what it is. (When imagined duality is transcended)



woah, you're answered spawned a mystical insight for me. thanks lol

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What does "how" mean?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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16 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

What does "how" mean?

good question, which is why i dont think it even makes sense to ask. A how would be grounding creation through some sort of process of "steps", can't see why it can't be direct rather than having a regress of how's, but i guess it's more of realizing "how" it's being done, through one of Leo's videos, he became conscious of how he created every single molecule in his body.

Edited by Holygrail

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The how is sheer imagination, it has no mechanism whatsoever. It just happens, this is how intelligence and creativity works.

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