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Very Impressed With This Teacher - Shunyamurti

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Most impressed with this man out of the hundreds of teachers I have seen, or skimmed over, that is still alive. 

He talks about God, infinity, the ultimate bliss and fulfillment with such consistent calmness and presence that I belief it comes from truth and unconditional love, and the things he shares are clearly deeply insightful, clever and sometimes hilarious.

I hope he may benefit many:


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Thx for link. Heard 2 mintutes of him. I'm sold. Seems like a wise guy.

The youtube comment:

"The whole gig spelled out about as well as it can be in under half an hour. Truly unbelievable. It is easy to become complacent in semi-disinterested patterns, where I mostly don't really care what's going on, and a silent wisdom operates more or less skillfully, yet layers of a veil remain pulled over. Your words are a precious reminder of the full recognition of aloneness. That a shudder may course through the body shaking off this fear of being alone that awaited in the shade beneath the arc of self and other. To reveal the inspiration and love of what is true beyond the pettiness of temporal forms. To remind of the power of directionless faith. And to set fire to the subtle arrogance of complacency until any usefulness seen in these videos disappears to reveal only a joyous homage"

is nice as well.

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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Sri Anandamayi Ma was once approached by someone in doubt whether to join the Ashram or not, I don't think I can give up all the pleasures of my wordly life and she said:

'Ahh, you are a true renunciate. You are renouncing the infinite bliss of God for those few crumbs? ':D

Bliss or Hubris: You Choose ~ Shunyamurti


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Yeah he is great, and adept. Thanks for sharing.

You may also enjoy this guy, who he reminds me of: 


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It is the matter of the broken machine fallacy.  A broken machine can not accurately determine whether it is broken nor accurately create a series of steps to repair itself.  It is the same thing with perception.  How can it be possible to accurately gauge whether someone has truth or knowledge or is teaching bullshit?  

Trust me. The real yogis out there don't have the time to be making videos every week. They are out there busy either recluse meditating or out there saying the only few words that matter at no price to anybody at all for spiritual knowledge is absolutely priceless and must be given away freely:

1. Meditate

2. Compassion 

3. True spiritual knowledge must be experienced by yourself.


Some people like me and mind you, I'm not perfect, are trying to scientifically prove love and compassion to be the only answer and the more and more I search, I find that it is written in the very fabric of the Universe itself. It is written in DNA. It is written is evolution's natural trajectory. 





Edited by XeRnOg

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