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Big picture thinking

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Hi Guys, 

Question, I have been studying the mind and spiritual information and feel I have taken some large leaps with the help of a few friends, a specialist in Bhakti texts and another friend who is brilliant and intelligent and always seems to have the perfect answer. Reminded me of when @Leo Gura was talking to Curt actually. Such complex questions but he always had a profound answer no matter how pressed. My assumption is that it just takes time to research and learn more about life and the mind and spiritual ways - in essence building a framework that can answer all questions? But after 5 years or so of working on this I still feel so far from these two peoples levels. I have found myself questioning on a few different occasions if it is possible for me to have that big picture thinking. E.g. when i have a problem in a relationship or at my work, some people seem to see things very narrow and some like my two friends can see many different perspectives and angles on the same problem and help me come to the root of my issues very quickly. 


Is it simply a matter or time working on researching material on the mind/spiritual texts + introspection + natural talent. Or is there something in your opinions that I could be overlooking.


E.g. If i just read all the books on @Leo Gura's book list for example will I be able to operate similar to him? If you have any of his videos you can direct me to or any other teachers that'd be great. 

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