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[Psychedelics] Afraid to "unzip" delusion for the TRUTH

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Hi, everyone, new to the forum.

Reading through some threads made I recall a Salvia trip that I had about 5 years ago. I saw a humongous zipper thing in the space, and I took a peek into it. I had a feeling that on the other side, it is the TRUTH. I felt if I enter the zipper (or you can say "unzip it"), I will experience the TRUTH fully.

However, I stopped. Because I was so scared. My gut feeling told me that once I enter the other side, I won't be able to come back to this delusional "reality", or I might fully realize that everything I had, experienced was all "fake" and I did not want to do so; My girlfriend at the time was sitting outside in the living room. I was so afraid that I would "lose" her from being truly understanding that everything is "fake". So I stopped. I did not enter the other side.

Did anyone else experience similar thing before? What's your suggestion? Should I "enter the other side" for the potential TRUTH if I am in similar situation next time?

The fear was just so scary which also combines with immense sadness of realizing that everything I experienced in my life was "not real". :/

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Ideas about life being fake or not real are just a part of the story. Honestly it’s way more complex than that. If you had more pieces of the puzzle and some time to integrate them, you’d see that it’s ultimately not something to fear. There’s way more Love if you are able to go deep enough. Don’t push yourself too hard though. Being in a good mindset and proper setting while setting clear and positive intentions will likely reduce the chance you run into as much resistance if you choose to try more psychedelics. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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