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How to do conscious Copywriting?

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I am currently tiring to learn copywriting, since it's a very valuable skill that can help me become financially independent. 
I have recently re-watched the "deep problem of marketing" video and find my self asking questions like: 
What businesses can I work with, to ensure the marketing of their products/services will actually help people? What are some niches that are relatively high consciousness? 

Say for example someone is a life coach and sells books or courses and needs help with marketing, how do I know if his stuff is not bs and will actually solve peoples problems. Of course I can speculate and judge that from taking a look at his course or by asking him questions, but I don't think that would be a optimal and truthful method to rely on. 

Would love to hear your ideas. There has to be some way to reconcile marketing and consciousness. 

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@gggkkk The problem is that people find copywriting valuable precisely because it manipulates people.

No one is going to hire you for writing “hey I made this course, you might find it useful if you have X problem”. You get paid for writing “Only 2 hours left until the deal closes!! Act now!! Dwanye Johnson just bought one!”

I do think there’s an ethical way to market to people. You can speak with confidence about your product and how it might help people. That’s important and all fine.

But that’s not going to be what is found in most copywriting courses. Most copywriting courses will teach you how the press on the cognitive biases.

Ethical marketing is almost like anti-marketing. Which can be hard to teach, because it’s like you’re not actually marketing.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@aurum That's exactly the problem that I am facing and contemplating. Although I do think that as long as the product is actually helpful to a certain degree, marketing tactics can be used simply because it needs to compete with other offers/products in the marketplace. 

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Conscious copywriting is just honesty lol.

If you have a good product to sell and genuinely help people, you don't need to push so hard and be salesy or manipulative.

In that case, you just speak (or write) confidently and tell people what you can offer.

High consciousness people usually offer tons of free value up front, and then just use a sales page as a final push when they do occasionally launch a free product. So I'd look for people that have a Youtube channel or blog that's offering tons of really useful free advice.

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