
Inception (Journal)

47 posts in this topic

Hi, this is gonna be the place where I:

  •  Journal
  • Write poems
  • Think out loud

Personally I like twisting and turning my mind inside out. My profile is based off of the movie “Inception” by Christopher Nolan, which I highly recommend. And the same goes for his work general.

You’re welcome to comment when relevant.

SD: Yellow; MBTI: INTP-T; Enneagram: 5w4; HD: Generator; Big 5: Open, conscientious, introverted, agreeable, neurotic.

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  • Don’t beg for pleasure; find pleasure in pain
  • Don’t beg for comfort; find comfort in discomfort

  • Don’t be for ease; find ease in adversity

  • Don’t beg for peace; find peace in chaos

  • Don’t beg for certainty; find certainty in uncertainty

  • Don’t beg for order; find order in disorder

  • Don’t be for perfection; find perfection in imperfection

  • Don’t beg for meaning; find meaning in meaninglessness

  • Don’t beg for beauty; find beauty in ugliness

  • Don’t beg for love; find love in hate

  • Don’t beg for company; find company in loneliness

  • Don’t beg for approval; find aproval in disapproval

SD: Yellow; MBTI: INTP-T; Enneagram: 5w4; HD: Generator; Big 5: Open, conscientious, introverted, agreeable, neurotic.

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Here's a list of eerily peculiar and relatable emotions i didn't even know had a name:

I want to post more on here, could somebody remind me? I don't how many times I've had and idea for an awesome original insightful post, but didn't bother to actualize it. That's a general theme in my life... :/

SD: Yellow; MBTI: INTP-T; Enneagram: 5w4; HD: Generator; Big 5: Open, conscientious, introverted, agreeable, neurotic.

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Goodmorning, so i just woke up after having a dream of something I've been avoiding for a long time. Not only have i been avoiding doing it, I've even been avoiding looking into why I've been avoiding it, and things in general. But this morning was different; i woke up compelled to study the matter.

So... avoidance, hiding (something or from something), sticking you head in the sand, having blinders on. Why do we do it? That's what I'll be studying next. Some things to get the ball rolling:

  • Survival mechanism, obviously (it hit me that it's called mechanism because it's mechanical i.e. unconscious).
  • Avoidance coping, procrastination, delaying, postponing, deferring.

  • Escapism, being absent, distraction, diversion, detour.

  • Deliberately overlooking/ignoring the oftentimes obvious (elephant in the room).

  • Acting like something isn't there, sweeping something under the rug.

  • Ignorance, deception, gaslighting, delusion, living in a bubble.

  • "It's not that deep" (i could go off on a tangent on this one).

  • Leo's video: "The Avoidance Of Truth - Why You Fear Truth" (

  • Ultimately any avoidance boil's down to and is a analogous to the avoidance of Truth.

  • "You can run but you can't hide"Joe Louis

  • "Fate leads the willing, and drags along the reluctant" - Seneca

  • “That which you most need will be found where you least want to look” - Carl Jung

  • "Flight or fight indicates a permanent choice, but flight often means putting off the fight to another day" - Angus Bumby

Edited by Inception

SD: Yellow; MBTI: INTP-T; Enneagram: 5w4; HD: Generator; Big 5: Open, conscientious, introverted, agreeable, neurotic.

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Death is a sudden, radical and unexpected shift in perspective/identity, i.e. a rude awakening. Like when you're alarm clock goes off while you're in the middle of a dream.

Spirituality is the process of gradually changing your perspective/identity. This would be like waking slowly up on a Sunday.

"It's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop" 

You can't stay asleep forever, so how do you want to wake up? ;)

Edited by Inception

SD: Yellow; MBTI: INTP-T; Enneagram: 5w4; HD: Generator; Big 5: Open, conscientious, introverted, agreeable, neurotic.

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No amount of mental masturbation will make up for a lack of discipline and courage.

SD: Yellow; MBTI: INTP-T; Enneagram: 5w4; HD: Generator; Big 5: Open, conscientious, introverted, agreeable, neurotic.

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Spirituality has been sugarcoated and watered down to appeal to ego just like everything else.

In a sense Truth should frighten, not comfort you, at least not in the beginning.

However in the end there is nothing more comforting than Truth.

SD: Yellow; MBTI: INTP-T; Enneagram: 5w4; HD: Generator; Big 5: Open, conscientious, introverted, agreeable, neurotic.

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Blog post #8: Reality is wild

You'll never tame Reality. It will never submit to your silly ideas of how it should behave. Again and again it will break down you assumptions. Truth won't accommodate your fantasies, rather you most accommodate it, however outlandish it may seem. Notice how people say: "But that doesn't make sense!", as though that's the primary concern. It doesn't matter what you think! If it's true then it's true!!! That's the only think that matters, not whether or not it makes sense. The problem is that you have a bias towards sense, which limits the amount of truth you can handle. Instead you "should" be biased towards Truth, which would limit how much sense you'd make. Sense "shouldn't" be the limiting factor, Truth should, which isn't limited at all; The unlimited limiting factor. What is sense anyways? Does sense even make sense?


“To demand ‘sense’ is the hallmark of nonsense.” - Ayn Rand

"The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you." - Neil deGrasse Tyson

Edited by Inception

SD: Yellow; MBTI: INTP-T; Enneagram: 5w4; HD: Generator; Big 5: Open, conscientious, introverted, agreeable, neurotic.

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Post #9: Deconstruction

At this rate I'll deconstruct the entire universe before i get a girlfriend.

SD: Yellow; MBTI: INTP-T; Enneagram: 5w4; HD: Generator; Big 5: Open, conscientious, introverted, agreeable, neurotic.

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Post #10: Do you mind?

Reality is Mind, but it doesn't mind, do you?

SD: Yellow; MBTI: INTP-T; Enneagram: 5w4; HD: Generator; Big 5: Open, conscientious, introverted, agreeable, neurotic.

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Post #11: Getting serious

For the first 3 years of my journey I've been mostly quiet on this forum and shying away from conscious people in general, but this is no longer the case. As you may have noticed I've been posting a lot recently, that's because I've gotten serious about this work. I'm done fooling around. This is where the rubber meets the road. I try to limit myself to about 10 posts a day to ensure the quality of my posts, and to avoid spending all day on the forum.

Watch me transform first myself.

SD: Yellow; MBTI: INTP-T; Enneagram: 5w4; HD: Generator; Big 5: Open, conscientious, introverted, agreeable, neurotic.

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Post #12: Dafoe is not a foe

As you can see from clip 1 and clip 2 Willem Dafoe seems surprisingly chill, funny, and down to earth, walking the streets of NYC and interacting with people, which is kind of ironic given that he commonly plays the villain. He seems very humble and doesn't seem to take him himself too seriously. In other words it seems like he's aware of the very simple, yet often overlooked (especially by his peers) truth that at the end of the day he's a human just like everyone else. Obviously this is just speculation, since i don't know what's going on in his head.

Some other people from Hollywood I admire is Jim Carrey (obviously), Jack Black and Denzel Washington.

Edited by Inception

SD: Yellow; MBTI: INTP-T; Enneagram: 5w4; HD: Generator; Big 5: Open, conscientious, introverted, agreeable, neurotic.

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Post #13: Best sex of my life

I just had the best sex of my life, and it was with and by myself. I'm getting to a point where I enjoy my own company more than the company of others. I understand myself, I don't judge myself, I appreciate how beautiful, strong and wise (just generally awesome) I am, I don't pretend and expect myself to pretend to be separate, I can truly be myself around myself, and I know exactly what turns me on ;) (this is not affirmations, I mean it literarily).

"If you are lonely when you're alone, you are in bad company." - Jean-Paul Sartre

SD: Yellow; MBTI: INTP-T; Enneagram: 5w4; HD: Generator; Big 5: Open, conscientious, introverted, agreeable, neurotic.

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Post #14: Awakening

You don't awaken, you're awoken from.

Nobody wakes up.

Somebody is the dream.

SD: Yellow; MBTI: INTP-T; Enneagram: 5w4; HD: Generator; Big 5: Open, conscientious, introverted, agreeable, neurotic.

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Post #15: Intentions for an intentional community

I'm tired of living in a SD orange society of sleepwalking bots running on auto-pilot, so I will be seeking out an SD green intentional community like an ecovillage to live in, where people are at least a bit more conscious. I want to make this happen in about a year.

SD: Yellow; MBTI: INTP-T; Enneagram: 5w4; HD: Generator; Big 5: Open, conscientious, introverted, agreeable, neurotic.

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Post #16: There's no place like home!

The more I realize the collective level of consciousness of Earth the less I'm surprised it is the way it is today. In fact, it be surprised if it wasn't the dumpster fire that it is.

SD: Yellow; MBTI: INTP-T; Enneagram: 5w4; HD: Generator; Big 5: Open, conscientious, introverted, agreeable, neurotic.

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Post #17: Understanding

Above all i value understanding. The most valuable "thing" i have is my understanding of Reality. The quality of my life has been directly proportional to my level of understanding. Anything other than the pursuit of understanding is either supplementary to this endeavor or a sidequest to pass the time.

And there's only one "thing" to understand, only at ever deeper levels.

"Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity"Aristotle

Edited by Inception

SD: Yellow; MBTI: INTP-T; Enneagram: 5w4; HD: Generator; Big 5: Open, conscientious, introverted, agreeable, neurotic.

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Post #18: Oneness

There's many lies, but only one Truth; many detours, but only one Path; many disorders, but only one Order.

Multiplicity is illusion, there's no plural.

SD: Yellow; MBTI: INTP-T; Enneagram: 5w4; HD: Generator; Big 5: Open, conscientious, introverted, agreeable, neurotic.

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Post #19: You don't have a life

There aren't multiple lives, there's only one, and it isn't yours.

Edited by Inception

SD: Yellow; MBTI: INTP-T; Enneagram: 5w4; HD: Generator; Big 5: Open, conscientious, introverted, agreeable, neurotic.

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Post #20: Santa Claus

You can't find yourself for the same reason you can't find Santa Claus.

SD: Yellow; MBTI: INTP-T; Enneagram: 5w4; HD: Generator; Big 5: Open, conscientious, introverted, agreeable, neurotic.

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