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An Easy Way To Feel Better

1 post in this topic

Here's a simple but effective practice to feel better.

This is quite similar to the emotional scale thing Nahm often recommends, but a bit more straight-forward:

-> Find a pen and a piece of paper.

-> Write down any good-feeling thought that is true to you right now. It would be good to write at least three thoughts you find even a little bit joyful, relaxing, inspiring, happy.

("True to you right now" as in anything that you can see and feel with clarity in your mind and body in this very moment. Literally anything, such as "it's a nice weather today", "tomorrow I will eat a good meal", "maybe I can create a good life for myself", "it is possible that this certain person likes me", "I learned something new today", "I like the Lord of the Rings - trilogy" or maybe "it's okay if I don't feel like going to the gym today". Simply, anything that is true to you here-now and feels good.)

It's that simple! Try it! You will be feeling better right away.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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