
Warm cozy love vs. cold empty love

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Warm love: warm, cozy, spaciously compact, safe, secure, fun, dynamic, happy, feeling whole as in contracting to infinity

Cold love: cold, spaciously vast, still, sad(?, i dont think so, but I used to call it sadness before), exposed, uncaring, exploration, quite, often confused for depression, physical emptiness, feeling whole as in expanding to infinity


I am talking about these two as literal feeling in your chest. What I described above is what I feel when I feel these two types of love(relatively speaking). I call those both love because that honestly feels like the best word for it. Most people have this idea that love is this warm and cozy thing that gives you a sense of safety and security. But the opposite is just as true. I was investigating into suffering a while back and stumbled upon this feeling that I have felt many times. Turns out I loved this feeling, which I had confused with suffering. 

This cold love is sooooo peaceful and still. While I can say the same for warm love, it's more dynamic, while still insanely peaceful. Ime both of them manifest as my body being still and quite tho. The difference is internal, in the heart.

Most fun part of this experiment so to speak is that you can mix these two and feel them both at the same time, which feels much much more complete and grounding than just feeling either one of those. Since one expands and another contracts to infinity, it ultimately leads you to the same thing.

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good insights ... in terms of people i came up with love1 and love2 ... love1 is when i want from you, love2 is when i want for you ... love1 is mundane love2 is divine

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