
What's a craving you've burnt through?

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Other than food and tasty treats I can’t think of a single craving I’ve satiated. I’m addicted to everything, including being addicted to the addictions themselves.

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I know these aren't super spiritual but these are just small examples. 

Social Media and YouTube

I used to watch that shit constantly and then one day I just got tired of it. So now, my ig and sc are lurk accounts that I occasionally check up on and I only watch youtube like once a week. 

Most games on my phone 

For some reason, I get really addicted to playing games on my phone. And in those times, I basically spend a couple of days playing the same game for hours on end until I'm so tired of the game to where I'm over it. 

Junk Food 

A lot of this has to do with how people approach intuitive eating. Basically, that's when you let yourself eat whatever you want without judgement. The without judgement part is crucial because doing so helps you heal any unhealthy attitudes you may have of food (this method is often used to help people heal damaged metabolisms as well as eating disorders) and get rid of the novelty behind the so called "guilty pleasures." Then, at some point, you just stop caring about junk food and you find yourself gravitating towards healthy food in the first place. 


Granted, I didn't have a lot of karma in this area but I had one bad experience and I was like *that's it, I'm done.* I know people joke about how everyone says that but then they go back and do it again but so far that hasn't happened. I've stayed true to that claim.  

Chasing Success and Recognition

I feel like my life was built up in a way that enabled me to burn through this really soon. My parents pushed this on to me since I was a child and while I do benefit from it a lot, growing up I recognized the limitations early on. But at this point I'm mostly over it. 

Being the therapist friend 

I wanted to see what it would be like if I poured my therapist, advice giving tendencies onto this site. I did that for a few months and I feel like I don't do this as much irl anymore and this has helped me create healthier relationships. 

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No longer care about looking cool

no longer care to live in a special place 

no longer care for sweets

don’t really care to travel or see wonders of the world all that much

Don’t really care about hanging out with friends


Edited by Bob Seeker

A Call to Live Differently: https://angeloderosa.com

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Video game addiction was holding me tight in its hands from around 11 to 15 years old, i stopped as soon as high school started, i also burned though my desire for fancy designer clothe and now I don't even mind looking like a homeless person. next is Youtube addiction which is the hardest and the longest addiction i've had (basically my entire life)

its a shame how fucking sad and wasteful that is, watching shitty Youtube memes for 7+ hours a day. hopefully i burn through this decade long addiction this month.

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On 08/11/2021 at 3:41 AM, Droo_ said:

between the ages of 8 and 12 I was basically addicted to playing video games as this was all I would do.  Actually looking back on it now I am glad my parents didn't try to stop me or limit me from playing so many video games because now I have no desire to play them at all because I get no joy from it. Also candy, I have no desire to eat it.

Same for video games

Not same for food though lmao, if I had any addiction it'd be food hahaha

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