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Meaning and Labels

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When you give something meaning you reject what it is. When you label something you reject what it is. You reject what it is because what it is is not what you label it. It is not what you make it mean. The label is the label and the meaning is the meaning. And neither of these things are what that something is. And so you are making that something into something it is not; which is to say you are not accepting it for what it is. If you call a tree a tree, it will say back to you, "Why are you refusing to love me?" It will ask, "Can't you just love me for what I am?" 

You dishonor something by labeling it. You dishonor something making it mean something. You would think that giving something meaning is honoring it. But you are only explaining it away. Why must it have meaning for you to love it? To accept it? To honor it? What is so wrong with it prior to anything you assign it?

When you make something mean something, it is almost like you are stripping it away from its nature. You are confining something that does not need to be confined nor want to be confined because its nature is unconfining. And so you are not accepting its nature which means you are not accepting it. It will wonder why you can't accept it. Why you can't sit with it, be it, unite with it, for simply what it is and not for what it is not. It will wonder why you have to remain separate from it by adding something in between you. Am I really that unlovable? It will wonder. Am I really that unworthy? 

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