
What is the minimal that girls demand from guys?

48 posts in this topic

The question is two fold. 

What is the minimal that you need as a guy to get in a girl's pants as ONS or fuckbuddy?


What is the minimal that you need to be a girl's boyfriend?

I was contemplating about this and I was wondering the opinion of some females. 

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2 hours ago, StarStruck said:

What is the minimal that you need to be a girl's boyfriend?

Slightly below average looking minimum 


Not shorter than 5 cm than her

More confident than her

More independent than her (so less needy)

Somewhat funny or at least not super serious

Have passion, hobbies, goals, purpose etc

Have somewhat your life together

Being okay in bed

Being more dominant, assertive than she is.

Taking care of yourself in terms of hygene, grooming etc

Not being socially retarted 

Not being super dumb or ignorant in general

That should do it :)

Edited by Karmadhi

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To do more than the bare minimum xD 

I’m more fun on Instagram :x


Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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They technically don't demand anything.

In fact, every guy that does more than the maximum he can do will still get rejections from women.

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Physical attractiveness (relative to the woman...but good hygiene helps in all cases), and confidence.

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5 hours ago, StarStruck said:

The question is two fold. 

What is the minimal that you need as a guy to get in a girl's pants as ONS or fuckbuddy?


What is the minimal that you need to be a girl's boyfriend?

I was contemplating about this and I was wondering the opinion of some females. 

This is just not a good mindset to have in the first place, about anything really


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Presence would be the minimum. Ironically presence also contains the maximum.

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Dude, stop caring.

Just keep approaching and developing your skills.

The frame of your question already reeks of low value and desperation.

All a girl needs to sleep with you is for you to be fun and chill. Girls sleep with random guys for the dumbest reasons. There is no logic to it other than that the guys are very social and fun to be with.

Girls do not logically screen who they sleep with it. It's purely emotional. They will sleep with a serial killer if the emtions are fun.

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@Leo Gura

2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

All a girl needs to sleep with you is for you to be fun and chill.

If it was only was that easy...

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13 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

@Leo Gura

If it was only was that easy...

Being fun and chill is simple, but it is not easy. And at the same time you have to be able to pull that off in a highly social environments. And you have to approach.

Can you approach a hot girl and be fun and chill? That takes YEARS of work for most guys. Which is why she isn't sleeping with you.

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@Leo Gura He said how to get girls, not how to get hot girls. Big difference. That would be like asking how to get a job as a data analyst in some random small firm versus on google. Totally different ball parks. 



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All girls are attracted to the same thing. The hotter ones are just harder to be fun and chill and detached with. It's because you feel she is hot that you start acting weird, needy, and try-hard.

Hotter girls also simply have way more guys competing against you to get her, so your opportunities are much more limited. And since hot girls are rare, you simply don't bump into them often enough to have a good chance of attracting them. It's easier to attract an average girl simply because they are 20x more common and available.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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  I  have noticed on this subform that the only time girls get mentioned, it is hot girls. As if other girls do not even exist. 

There is no reason to limit yourself to just approaching or trying to fuck/date 8/10+ in terms of looks. There are many variables that make a girl to be a good partner, appearnace is just one of them. Yes it matters, but so do other things. Maybe if guys approached more 6s and 7s or even 5s it would make things so much more simple. I know that girls are the same, they will only filter high value guys, it is human nature. But i find this so disgusting for some reason, everyone deserves love. I feel like a girl rn typing this but that is how i feel.

Maybe that 6/10 you approach ends up being your future wife which you have missed if you had ignored her because she was not "hot enough".  As a guy your worth in society is partlly dictated by the hotness of the girl you are with. Fucked up imo.

Hot girls are really good to practice though, i tend to purposfully treat them like their looks are irrelevant, it is so much fun haha.

Edited by Karmadhi

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2 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

@Leo Gura He said how to get girls, not how to get hot girls. Big difference. That would be like asking how to get a job as a data analyst in some random small firm versus on google. Totally different ball parks. 



Then it is ridiculously easy.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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9 hours ago, Flowerfaeiry said:

To do more than the bare minimum xD 

Tell me what that is so I can do it. :D

Edited by StarStruck

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Dude, stop caring.

Just keep approaching and developing your skills.

The frame of your question already reeks of low value and desperation.

I'm already doing that and I'm not getting the results I like.


All a girl needs to sleep with you is for you to be fun and chill. Girls sleep with random guys for the dumbest reasons. There is no logic to it other than that the guys are very social and fun to be with.

Girls do not logically screen who they sleep with it. It's purely emotional. They will sleep with a serial killer if the emtions are fun.

I would add to that: somebody they can trust and be themselves with sexually.

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13 hours ago, StarStruck said:

What is the minimal that you need as a guy to get in a girl's pants as ONS or fuckbuddy

To have a crush on the guy and be drunk. 
But you still gotta know eachother a bit first. 
rarely will you get a one night stand with someone sober and who doesn’t know you at least a bit already.  Most hookups happen when everyone is drunk at parties etc. 
It’s unsafe for girls to hook up with a random guy that none of their friends know and is unknown.  Unless of course you’re living in a city where most people are anonymous.  

13 hours ago, StarStruck said:

What is the minimal that you need to be a girl's boyfriend?

It’s different for everyone since people have diff standards and personalities. But there has to be some deeper resonance going on that you connect with, you should be able to get along with eachother in a friendly and relaxed way, and be comfortable and enjoy being together not just for sex alone.  

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