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"There is no time"

26 posts in this topic

4 minutes ago, Fearless_Bum said:

@WokeBloke it is a fantasy. 

Imagine using a wrench and one day literally thinking you are the wrench and only the wrench. 

Just because something has utility doesn't mean that there isn't the possibility in getting caught up in it. 

Make all your maps is what I say, just notice that you aren't in them. 

Okay give me your definition of fantasy please

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Moreover, all measurements (of reality / infinity) are incorrect because a) they are measurements; and b) all measurements are reductionist in nature. Georg Cantor essentially proved this - it is what drove him insane. The same with Godel. It turns out that infinity cannot ever be circumscribed by the finite. It's a fruitless task. You cannot package and constrain infinity within any finite logical system.

This is also illustrated in Zeno's paradoxes. In Godel Escher Bach, Douglas Hofstadter refers to Achilles and the Tortoise. If the tortoise is given a head-start of 50% of the race, Achilles must first cover that distance. By the time he reaches the tortoise's starting position, the tortoise has moved on. Achilles must then cover that distance as well. He never actually catches the tortoise because all distances are, in reality, infinite. You can zoom in and keep subdividing distances forever. So it is with time. So it is with everything we try to measure.

In the relative human form, measurements are useful tools. Just don't take them literally if your goal is apprehending reality or truth.

Edited by axiom


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3 minutes ago, WokeBloke said:

Okay give me your definition of fantasy please

@WokeBloke it's mindfuck because this sentence is a fantasy as long as you fall for it. 

To define it is like asking me to tell you what I'm made of, but the words are what I'm made of yet the definitions you derive out of the words are not what I am made of. 

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11 minutes ago, Fearless_Bum said:

@WokeBloke it's mindfuck because this sentence is a fantasy as long as you fall for it. 

To define it is like asking me to tell you what I'm made of, but the words are what I'm made of yet the definitions you derive out of the words are not what I am made of. 

This sentence doesn't make sense.

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2 hours ago, WokeBloke said:

To deny time is to deny change. 

Time is a measurement of change just like distance is a measurement of space.

Time is a creation as is space but they are real creations.


If you say change is imaginary I would once again say it's God's creation and thus is real and its effects are mind staggering. Ant -> squirrel -> elephant -> monkey -> humans -> Sadhguru

Your inquiry started with the assumption there is time, and that it is being denied or could be denied, buts it’s actually just a belief. That there isn’t time isn’t a matter of denial, proof, being right or even proven wrong or being convinced. It’s a matter of inspecting and thus seeing through and being without, the limiting belief. 



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21 minutes ago, WokeBloke said:

This sentence doesn't make sense.

@WokeBloke ofc it's like a glitch in the matrix. At some point when shit gets real it doesn't make sense anymore. 

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