
Why Goes God Allow War?

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violence is you changing what is

did you really need to pick the flower

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3 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

Why do you think psychedelic's are necessary at all?

How come life isn't just one great island trip?

I think God (our real self) isn't truly limitless and can do all, it's just infinite in what IS. That IS is bounded and limited. Meaning, some things CAN BE and some others CANNOT. Example: There has to be suffering for it to be joy, sadness for happiness, uneasy conscience for peace, etc. Duality. There has to be poverty for there to be wealth. People that die for those that live. God has to be OK even with its ugly side. That's why it's all "love". Because otherwise there would just be infinite madness for itself. Now what decided the conditions for God to be the way it is I have no clue, and probably cannot be understood by humans. But maybe someone here has in some sort of insanely deep breakthrough experience realized this, or been deceived by it equally. 

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war is your bias

it is actually all war all the time but you say no that is acceptable to me

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8 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

Why would god create a universe with war, and the capacity to murder each other?

Your idea won’t create a universe. 


There are many things we cannot do as humans, like breathe underwater. If you can limit that, why not limit the capacity for war?

We can breathe underwater. It just requires suppression / submersion and a supplemental apparatus for the breath. 


Don't say it's all love. Because a universe with the same conditions, minus the ability to murder would also be have the same justification, and that does not further the conversation in a meaningful way.

Therefore this is ignorance, backed with pride of. Own justification, less you be owned by it. Truly it is only that war within that is seen without. There are no conditions within the universe. 



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God is Infinity. So God needs to create both peace and war.

Not creating war is God avoiding a part of Itself, which God can't do as It's Love for Itself, for all parts of Itself, is unconditional and Infinite.

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@michaelcycle00 "God's Plan is suspiciously similar to that of someone with no plan." ?

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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4 hours ago, michaelcycle00 said:

No? Isn't the whole sough-after state of "enlightenment" or "liberation" to have internal peace irregardless of what's going on around you? Why not come with that ON from default? Why do we have to chase it by taking psychedelics, doing meditation, yoga, emptying ourselves, etc. The end of it is to basically get rid of there being an antagonist in the first place (at least inside your mind). It's like we're taking unnecessary steps to reach something that's eternal nonetheless. Therefore making anything before that completely irrelevant. 

The mark of any truly well made movie is that it momentarily makes you forget that you're just watching a movie. Crappy movies constantly remind you that it's "just a movie" you're watching. You want to be engaged (i.e. fooled) by it, otherwise it's just effing boring.

But then again, it's also no fun to completely forget that you are watching a movie, cause then you take it too damn serious.

So every now and then, you remind yourself that it's just a movie. And then you forget that it's just a movie. And then you remember. And then you forget. And then you remember. And then you forget. And then you remember. And then you forget.

And that's... movie magic!


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8 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

So we just count ourselves lucky we weren't being during the holocaust?

There is only one consciousness.

So either the holocaust is a figment of your imagination, or you experienced every single death in real-time.

Same with:-

  • Hiroshima / Nagasaki.
  • 400 years of slavery.
  • People jumping from the World Trade Center.

And so on.

Either all of those people were you, or they didn't exist at all. Those are your two options.


8 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

Why would god create a universe with war, and the capacity to murder each other?

Have you ever played a video game, watched a movie, read a book? Do you want to ban such things?

The real question is: Am I here voluntarily? Why would I play this game?

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2 hours ago, Mason Riggle said:

@michaelcycle00 "God's Plan is suspiciously similar to that of someone with no plan." ?

Is that the conclusion you came to based off of what I said? Man oh man... xD

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42 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

The mark of any truly well made movie is that it momentarily makes you forget that you're just watching a movie. Crappy movies constantly remind you that it's "just a movie" you're watching. You want to be engaged (i.e. fooled) by it, otherwise it's just effing boring.

But then again, it's also no fun to completely forget that you are watching a movie, cause then you take it too damn serious.

So every now and then, you remind yourself that it's just a movie. And then you forget that it's just a movie. And then you remember. And then you forget. And then you remember. And then you forget. And then you remember. And then you forget.

And that's... movie magic!


Sure. That makes more sense. Still doesn't explain a good amount of things. Movies usually have a happy ending though (unless it's a trilogy). In our "shared movie" or whatever, there's actors getting raped, mutilated, and then cared for by their assailant just so they can torture them again. Or having their families get murdered in front of them. And boom credit scenes. What kind of movie is that? However, the real important question is: Why is God the way it is? Some have even said that infinity created itself out of nothing. Others that it has always existed... safe to say we have no clue.  

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This is what your body's energy production looks like at a microscopic level. Without it, there would be no war. But why would God change anything about these molecules? Everything is working perfectly from top to bottom. If you change just one thing about it, it's no longer complete. Reality is complete as it is. It necessarily has to be that way.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@michaelcycle00 Dude, this life that (you think) you're living is not the whole movie. It's just one scene of a movie that goes on forever - or more precisely, it is one POV shot of a scene. Trust me, you aint seen nothin' yet! Rest assured that there will be plenty of unexpected plot twists and surprising revelations ahead, my friend. ;)

27 minutes ago, michaelcycle00 said:

However, the real important question is: Why is God the way it is? Some have even said that infinity created itself out of nothing. Others that it has always existed... safe to say we have no clue. 

Aw, it's so much fun to play the guessing game, isn't it? You are like a kid watching a magician pull rabbits out of his hat, and you're wondering: How the hell does he do that?! Well, don't press him to tell you all of his tricks... you don't want him to just give the whole Goddamn show away, now do you? xD

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3 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Dude, this life that (you think) you're living is not the whole movie. It's just one scene of a movie that goes on forever - or more precisely, it is one POV shot of a scene. Trust me, you aint seen nothin' yet! Rest assured that there will be plenty of unexpected plot twists and surprising revelations ahead, my friend. ;)

What is that supposed to mean? I know it's not the whole movie, I literally said that there are actors going through awful stuff and not getting a happy ending. Has not been the case for me personally otherwise I wouldn't be typing this right now. Can you expand on the "unexpected plot twists" and "surprising revelations"? Do you see the future?

3 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Aw, it's so much fun to play the guessing game, isn't it? You are like a kid watching a magician pull rabbits out of his hat, and you're wondering: How the hell does he do that?! Well, don't press him to tell you all of his tricks... you don't want him to just give the whole Goddamn show away, now do you? xD

I don't care about guessing honestly, in fact, what I want is to just give myself (from my Godself to my ego-self) enough knowledge so that I can have peace of mind that I won't be getting sawed in half by a criminal in this life or that I'll have to see my future kid(s) die before me. You know, horrible things you don't come back from. And that I have the capacity to make my outlandish goals happen. That's it, literally. Just enough to function properly here and from a place of happiness instead of fear.

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Why did J.K Rowling create Voldemort?


There you have it.

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14 minutes ago, Nahm said:


Is it known or assumed that God knows and thus allows, war?

It's assumed.

I've been watching Napolean's invasion of Russia, and I just don't understand how it happened like that.

Like if I were there, i basically just made myself into a soilder who gets to freeze to death?

It seems like I would never put myself in that situation if I had a choice. Were there enlightened people in Napolean's army?

I just don't get it

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