i Feel Tired By the Lovelessness around me

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I feel tired sometimes by the lack of love around me. My parents never loved me unconditionally and they rejected some parts of myself. This has created some trauma. Every time that i don't get the love i want, i feel terrible. 

I feel terrible for not being accepted exactly as i am. The environment around me is not optimal and i am working to change that at the moment. It is really hard to feel unloveable at times. To feel unappreciated. I wish people were more loving in general. The world would me a much better place..



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Love yourself!!!❤️❤️❤️

You not feeling accepted by others is not really them, its you not accepting yourself. If you accepted yourself you wouldnt care what they think.

Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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7 hours ago, SQAAD said:

My parents never loved me unconditionally and they rejected some parts of myself

Most people won't love you unconditionally ( with very rare exceptions ), you yourself don't love yourself unconditionally. 

Furthermore, there is no rule that says other people are obligated to love/accept you unconditionally, you just made that up, that belief will only create unnecessary suffering in your life. 

Edited by Harlen Kelly

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10 hours ago, SQAAD said:

I feel tired sometimes by the lack of love around me.

This thought feels terrible because it’s untrue. The thought  “there’s only love all around and within” feels true because it’s actually accurate. If it doesn’t feel great, notice that would actually be because another thought, which is self referential (“about yourself”) arose… and that is the thought which feels discordant. 


My parents never loved me unconditionally and they rejected some parts of myself.

You don’t know your parent’s direct experience. In openmindedness, they might have and do still, love you unconditionally. They might have some conditioning they could work on letting go of, just like you. 


This has created some trauma. Every time that i don't get the love i want, i feel terrible. 

Certain thoughts don’t resonate because of how off the content is in regard to the love you are. 


I feel terrible for not being accepted exactly as i am.

There is no direct experience of anyone else’s thoughts. That thought feels terrible. Because it’s so discordant / untrue. Not because it is true. Accepting or not accepting another or yourself is existential rumination, which is the result of aversion of feeling - and is not the result of actually feeling & understanding the emotions you are experiencing. 


The environment around me is not optimal and i am working to change that at the moment. It is really hard to feel unloveable at times. To feel unappreciated. I wish people were more loving in general. The world would me a much better place..

Not only hard, but impossible, as unloveable and unappreciated aren’t even emotions you could be experiencing. They’re thoughts (rumination ‘ aversion of feeling). 




If what he just said resonates, as in feels great, resonates in an uplifting manor, awesome. Otherwise, I would definitely stop listening to him because he doesn’t actually understand what he’s talking about. 



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I get you, I also feel that way sometimes.

I see the world around me and it looks so cold, full of narcissists, haters, gaslighters.

But, remember, you're always loved unconditionally by God, by the creator, nature, universe whatever it is.

The fact that God expressing himself through you says how important you are.

You are enough as you are now, and what you're feeling now is totally OK.


Edited by Random witch

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18 hours ago, Rilles said:

Love yourself!!!❤️❤️❤️

You not feeling accepted by others is not really them, its you not accepting yourself. If you accepted yourself you wouldnt care what they think.

I also like to think that but i don't know.. Sometimes i find it hard to believe that you can be ok with yourself if you are not receiving the kind of love you want from others around you....

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8 hours ago, Nahm said:

There is no direct experience of anyone else’s thoughts. That thought feels terrible. Because it’s so discordant / untrue. Not because it is true. Accepting or not accepting another or yourself is existential rumination, which is the result of aversion of feeling - and is not the result of actually feeling & understanding the emotions you are experiencing. 

Not only hard, but impossible, as unloveable and unappreciated aren’t even emotions you could be experiencing. They’re thoughts (rumination ‘ aversion of feeling). 


You definitely made some good points which i need to take into consideration more.

But there is lack of love from others around us. It's not just thoughts. You can see how people behave. How they treat each other. How they look down on you. How they don't support you. Its real.

We are in the jungle. People are egotistical as they go. Most of them just care about their own petty little agenda. Most people don't give a damn about anyone else. Its brutal. its relentless. Its hell. 

Edited by SQAAD

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@Random witch 

6 hours ago, Random witch said:

The fact that God expressing himself through you says how important you are.

I like that! xD

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@Random witch

6 hours ago, Random witch said:

I get you, I also feel that way sometimes.

I see the world around me and it looks so cold, full of narcissists, haters, gaslighters.


Its brutal. There is not much love circulating around in this jungle.

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You have to be and find the love you seek inside yourself and then give it away to the world in order to find the love you're looking for in others.
Literally easier said than done.

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12 hours ago, SQAAD said:

I also like to think that but i don't know.. Sometimes i find it hard to believe that you can be ok with yourself if you are not receiving the kind of love you want from others around you....

Dont let those beLIEfs limit you. ;)

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@SQAAD you are right to feel that way. we live in a society of superficial, narcissistic and stupid people. but not everyone is like that. truly noble people exist, it is in your hand to have the instinct to approach them, and to stay away from the idiots.

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Aww... man. I was going to post this to inspire you, but then I inspired myself and I started playing it really loud and belting it out, and just about everyone in my family yelled at me for being too loud, and then the dog even jumped on the keyboard and hit the spacebar and stopped it. 

So anyway, I guess we're in the same boat. 

(Just ignore the Jesus part) Anyway, even if you can't express it because you annoy everyone around you, you can BE the light, you are the light. There's nothing you can do that will change that, or nothing anyone else can do.

I highly suggest reading Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl. It's such a powerful example of BEING the light in such extreme conditions. We really are never powerless. 

As for feeling unappreciated, go for a walk in nature and think about how unappreciated you are. Then look at literally anything. A leaf, a root, a tree. Can you appreciate it? Is it unappreciated? Can you truly appreciate it and also feel unappreciated at the same time? Why not? 

Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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6 hours ago, Rilles said:

Dont let those beLIEfs limit you. ;)


1 minute ago, mandyjw said:

Then look at literally anything. A leaf, a root, a tree. Can you appreciate it? Is it unappreciated? Can you truly appreciate it and also feel unappreciated at the same time? Why not? 

beleafs xD

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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who have WE picked up the phone to call text email in the past week ... that's why there is no love

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