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Light language channeling with great results (video)

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I saw this video when I first opened YouTube. I’ve been giving advice to people who ask or seem to want it that following intuitive signs and where life takes you can be quite effective in spirituality. This whole year has just been a spiritual journey that no book, course, enlightened teacher, single spiritual system, or really anything or anyone who exists could have given me even a half decent road map to.  It was a fusion of so many techniques, some completely self-developed, that is too rare for me to have discovered by doing anything but following my intuition to degrees that would certainly scare most people. 

You have karma. Your free will is inherently linked to nature and karmic conditions. Something brought you here seeking for Truth. This process can unfold with way more intelligence than you could ever plan for. Don’t think you know more than life about what’s going to bring you to your deepest desires or highest good. Anyway, here’s the video. 

At first I was skeptical, but I saw some comments on the video which were describing some powerful effects. I know my chakras are kicking pretty hard, especially the crown, so I felt pretty confident I’d sense something unless all of these people commenting are bullshitting and the creator of the video is fake. That didn’t seem too likely to me, but who knows? 

I felt some strong activity with twitching and rapidly shifting sensations in the root and sacral chakras. My heart chakra felt quite expansive with some added energy and sensitivity. My body as a whole felt very open and spacious. I felt to be so light in my bed that it was a bit like I was floating separate from it. I have been told that my lower three chakras are a bit unbalanced from the top four with the top four being more “open.” It’s good to feel some more activity and energy going into the bottom two. 

I’m planning to check out a lot more of her videos and look more into the new age space. I think it overall can get an over reactive bad rap in spirituality which is unnecessary/unhelpful. I had an ex girlfriend who made ridiculous spiritual progress on only stage green style methods for the most part. This style of spirituality tends to suck in a lot of spiritually-gifted people who just don’t want to pursue Liberation in the more direct ways many of us here discuss. They can do some pretty amazing things to help. Plenty of these stage green methods and ways of viewing things can help at certain points to bring one closer to Liberation. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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Thank u brother

I felt spaciousness during the video and toward the end I felt veeery relaxed I'm interesting in light transmissions since less than a month and it totally opens my mind. The "old me" would never believe in stuff like this

Edited by Gabith

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2 hours ago, Gabith said:

Thank u brother

I felt spaciousness during the video and toward the end I felt veeery relaxed I'm interesting in light transmissions since less than a month and it totally opens my mind. The "old me" would never believe in stuff like this

Glad to see it worked. It definitely takes some open-mindedness. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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