
50mcg of LSD - First LSD Trip - Trip Report

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Insane visuals for half a tab. I've got that highly connected ADHD brain or something making me super sensitive to these substances.


Note: When doing my research, this was by far one of the most helpful trip reports because this girl compared and contrasted her experience with psilocybin. The psychonaught wiki was also my main source for cataloging the long laundry list of visuals you can get on LSD. Super helpful to help prepare me for the trip.


October 30th 2021

Dose: About 50mcg, half a tab.

Route of Administration: Sublingually.


- What is Clarity?

- Self inquiry.

- Getting introduced to LSD.



Taken sublingually at 9:00am

First 20 minutes.

Start dancing to boost my state.

- Alejandro by Lady Gaga

- Love You Like a Love Song by Selena Gomez

LEOO you gotta add this song to your playlist:

- Dancing on my own by Robyn



Feeling excited.

I feel like it's gonna hit me when I least expect it lol.




30-40 mins

Been sitting for awhile, pretty bored.

A bit of yawning?

A bit of nausea?



47 mins

Anxiety in chest?

Mom calls me, giggles. She's my trip sitter.

Something is shifting.


50 minutes

A bit of nausea in the stomach

Loss of focus.


57 minutes

Lying on the floor with my dog, waiting for something cool to happen.

Kind of bored.


1h 5min

Maybe a bit of pattern recognition.

Feeling slow.

Breathing couch

Flattening visuals. The couch and pillows are one surface.

Perspective distortions.

Just feel funny.

Been feeling very sluggish.


Clarity is the ability to see through reality.

>Probably the only thing I got from this intention lol, I've already contemplated what clarity was for several hour beforehand sober.


1h 18 min

Tired af, yawning af

Blurred vision.

Seeing colours around my phone keyboard letters.


Just noticed I'm being taken under now.


1h 30 min

Visuals, patterns in the snow on the tarp

EXACTLY like those tree Visuals.


Feel like I'm in the middle of a sleep.


Good body high.


1h 30


Vibration.  Body is vibrating. Teeth chattering.

Lots of giggles.

I perceive the house differently.  Each space is its own room.  Each spot of the room becomes its own corner of reality.


1h 41min

In a really good mood.

Blurred movement.  >> Tracers on everyone walking around me. Visual example.

When I look at my mothers face I see tracers pulsating outwards from each wrinkle on her face.

Pulsating tracers on pretty much everything.




1h 50 min

Super comfortable, yet asleep, yet awake. Half in Reality, half out. Half in my head, half in conventional physical reality.

Increased vision for detail.

Super easy to be distracted.

Super free to easily contemplate.



Kicked in.

>I look at my arm, and the hairs on my arm are dancing to the music.


> I think at around here I went for a walk with my mom, walking my dogs, and we were looking at the gorgeous mountain views. Nice and sunny, nice nippy cold, blue skies, trees everywhere, late fall season, greens and oranges and blues and golden yellows. I got this wicked holistic insight. Where I saw reality as this context-less amalgamation of  evolution, and how I was just a part of that. I imagined myself as an eyeball growing out of the ground like a plant to look at myself. I saw reality from a perspective free from the several stories we tell ourselves to ground our reality in, and reality felt like a funky dream that was like walking in the dream world from the video game Tak 2. It felt like Minecraft pre-classic. Minecraft version rd-132211. I was FILLED with wonder about how strange reality actually is. This was probably the BEST part of my trip. Looking out at the mountains, realizing how mysterious it was that all of this was there. It was all consciousness, it was all foreign, it was raw. Raw reality is the most beautiful. I got a tiny hint of what it would feel like to realize that I created that mountain.



>Later I look at my face in the mirror When I get home, and I see patterning on my face, my face is melting, I see a man stretched out like a starfish on my nose like mermaid man's nose cover.


I see objects stretching.

>Just a funny thing to add in. At some point  here I went to take a piss and I looked down, I saw the toilet slanted af, it was very difficult to trust that I'm aiming properly in the toiler because I was getting so much pulsing tracers moving the toilet and not letting see a solid bowl that doesn't move that I can aim into. I look at my belly and I feel like a small vulnerable creature, extremely small and vulnerable. I look at my penis and its really fuckin small.  I'm just like "Damn really?".  I was thinking about things with in regards to exploring my sexuality, making me feel vulnerable as fuck, and I was like, "I am not thinking about this right now."





>Around here I end up throwing my entire trip. I fucked up by having someone message me over some stupid thing that I was selling and the dude wouldn't stop bothering me for it. But what ended up happening is that became my entire reality. I felt like my strings were being pulled like I was a marionette doll. Like my consciousness was being wrapped down in vines. It snowballed and became such a huge thing so fast. My body was tense and stressed. I was deep in the quicksand, deep in  the mud, deep in the tar, 6 feet under.

I was super frustrated that this threw me off so much.


>So this was a great learning experience in learning how to control and manage a trip going sour. I changed my environment, I walked into different rooms, etc.

I managed to deal with it while on acid, and resolved the issue by letting go of the buyer, transferring the 10 bucks back, blah blah blah. Haha not fucking worth the 10 bucks. Jesus Christ.


>Reality was trying to give me a warning shot. To make sure that I have EVERYTHING under control for future trips


I video call @Aaron p , and he's lobotomized on 300mcg of LSD. I end up laughing so much at his inability to formulate sentences that I literally fall out of my chair and start to roll on the floor laughing.

Aaron is on YouTube watching Ali g skits. 

"Bro let's play rocket league."

I laughed so much I managed to save myself from the trip. Completely shifted the mood.

Thanks Aaron.


The only thing that exists is what's in your direct Consciousness. Everything else is maps, of what you think exist. Second order reality, doesn't exist right now.

>I  need to understand what Leo means exactly when he says first order reality and second order reality.


>My vision becomes blurry, especially my left eye, it's like my eyes stop working properly. I put on my prescription sunglasses to sharpen my vision. I stare at my hand, and I experience magnification on my hand, I see the cracks in my knuckles in my skin. I see every fine little detail, it becomes HD, then 4k, then 8k. Then I see another hand in the completely opposite direction overlaid on my own hand.  I'm gonna have my glasses available to me going forward.



5h 12 min

Having trouble to sit down and focus.

So distracted the whole trip.


>I look at my hand, and the birthmark on my finger sneaked around to the other side.

>I look at my curtain with a pattern flower design on it and the patters start to break apart and move in all directions along the curtain.


First order reality, second order reality

The difference between them is a spectrum.

> Your first order reality bubble renders in from your second order reality map (?)


I still don't understand the difference between first order reality and second-order reality.


If I learn a million things about God, I'll be able to find God himself.

> Basically describing  my insight on how doing all of this consciousness work eventually adds up to enlightenment.


I understand that my reality is constructed by stories.



When I'm selfish I suffer.

What you haven't let go will cause a bigger snowball down the road.


If I let go of everything I will do nothing.



Earplugs help a lot with Consciousness work.  And they help a lot with an LSD trip.


Transformation visuals. The ceiling fan was stretching, moving, shrinking.


All of my attachments are distracting me from doing Consciousness work.


Having nobody to rely on me is great. Because it can get ugly when people rely on me for things that are outside of my conscious control. 

>Thinking about the bigger lesson of what the fuck just happened with the situation that threw off my trip earlier. Even though I ended up distracting myself away from it, it ended up lingering for me for the rest of the trip. I was out of the tar pit but I still had the tar on me.


LSD is more focussed than psilocybin BUT, you still have to focus. LSD is very distracting.

>You're in the drivers street but you have to still drive a bus with only two wheels on it.


I think I understand what vision logic is. Vision logic is my Consciousness's way of understanding reality beyond words, but through images.


Life is the biggest drama movie.


The happiest man is the one who can surf all the waves at once. Becoming more conscious, taking care of your survival, taking care of your desire for relationships, taking care of your desire for sex.

>Surfing all of the waves, integrating it all. Becoming the centaur.


For a self to have a purpose, that is a construct that is created out of the construct of the self.

The self is a construct. A purpose is a construct. As long as you believe you exist you will believe that you have a purpose.

Purpose hinges on the construct of the self.


Your purpose hinges on the fact that you exist. And that "fact" itself IS a construct.


Everything needs to be controlled to have a good LSD trip. You can't have anybody messaging you about anything. That WILL throw your entire trip off. Even if your phone is on do not disturb. If it enters your consciousness, it will infect it totally. In TOTAL. A TOTAL INFECTION into your consciousness.


When there's nothing to do, you just sit and bask with yourself, forever.


At some point, I was having a small intuition into how reality transforming a psychedelic trip can have. How it's more total than you think.



Sharing experience is what motivates.

Share my struggle to motivate other people.

The Paradox of showing my struggle to motivate other people through their struggle. And me doing that is what gets me out of my struggle. (Being a self-improvement teacher.


I need to be friends with people running their own business to understand what I need to do to get my business.


>I need to just understand the exact monetization steps to set up a website and to setup a product you can check out, learn how to run a well-targeted ad. Learning that will take the barriers away from getting my business of the ground.

An insight is the ability to articulate something out of the confusion. Something out of the confusion WHILE in the LSD trip.

I saw how man evolves their language to understand what's going on. I must evolve my language to understand what's going on.

I need to build an existential vocabulary. Look at Leo's episode for that. Understand all the words he lists and the combination of knowing them all will increase your consciousness.

Could you hypnotize yourself into understanding God?


Make steps such that everything that enters my consciousness is aiding towards increasing my consciousness.

>Proper environment design. Only making the right choices to do the right things.


Does the past exist? Like evolution to get us here? is that second order reality?

I'm glad I did shrooms first.

I get EVERY visual on LSD. So working myself up to a moderate dose of shrooms helped prepare me massively for this trip.


Because as Leo says understanding that your God is merely just a process of opening the mind. I understand that now.


- Listen to Leo's guided exercise to realizing you're God audio while on LSD.


A high Consciousness person is able to understand all of the constructs operating in his mind. But he keeps them there to aid in his survival.

A super conscious person dies, but the physical brain and body being rigid will keep your body alive.


I'm becoming conscious of several reality constructs. I can see with more trips and on substances like 5meo, how all of these constructs will fall away.


You need to find out what works for you when tripping.


Psychedelics wipe your context. Your context is what you ground your reality in.

Leo needs a video on context itself. Does he have one?  Not the recontextualization episode. Talking about how your reality is grounded in context.

Yawning is a sign of something shifting in your brain. Which is why you yawn when the psychedelic  is activating.


Business idea

Family stories catalog where tv shows can pick from them and put them in their skits for their sitcoms and whatnot. Like a steam asset store for writing stories for your tv shows.


Hide my phone while tripping. Or turn off all notifications that could possibly fuck with my trip, such that I can't even SEE the messages when I  look at the top pulldown tab. Then turn it all back on after my trip ends the next day. so write down somewhere all the things I've blocked.

Or just hide my phone and just use my laptop on the wifi.



You need a few gurus

1. Conscious as fuck for increasing your consciousness, create a map of reality so you can navigate in it.

2. School of hard knocks so you can get to work taking care of your survival needs.

3. Therapist, love, makes you feel good

For example

1. Leo

2. Gary Vee / Alex Becker

3. Ralph Smart / Wayne Dyer

You need multiple different perspective sources for your learning and benifit.



I experienced tons of stories and scenarios throughout the entire trip. Which is why earlier I said each space feels like its own room.


I'm going to start thinking about how my present actions will snowball into the future. Even the small things.


I learned just how much your mind creates scenarios. And how much it takes over your emotions and how it feels. That's what's swimming around in your subconscious all day. And that will bubble up to the surface and ruin your life.




Trip Recap 

  • Best insights and experiences

My experience of "Raw Reality"



  • To do

Build my existential Vocabulary, Use Leos video!

Learn each technical step to monetize my products.



  • To do next time when tripping

Control my environment when it comes to what can come through on my phone.

Have my glasses available.

Do what works.

Listen to Leos guided exercise on realizing you're God.

Listen to Leos guided exercise on understanding infinity.

Listen to Leo's episode on why brains don't exist.

Try to play voice recordings of my intentions to myself, and listen to that, and see what results I get from that.

  • Additional things I've learned

I need to think about how all of my actions, especially the selfish ones. How they could snowball.

I learned how your mind creates these stories and scenarios, and it's not even reality, it's all fiction and made up.

You need to massively control your environment for an LSD trip. What I got was a warning shot, so for next time I don't make the same mistake. I learned just how sensitive and influenceable you are on psychedelics.

How sensitive I am to psychedelics, with the amount of visuals I got on just half a tab. 

I learned how much LSD wipes your context that grounds you in reality. How your reality is just grounded in context. 

I learned that there is something very mysterious about reality lurking around the corner, and I can't wait to find it again!


  • Questions I have

What exactly is first order reality and second order reality? Where can I read more about this?

Does Leo have a video on context? Other than recontextualization?

When I talked about "Raw reality", What was that?

Edited by ZenSwift

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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Very detailed! Give yourself time to contemplate and integrate all of this. You are quite sensitive to psychedelics, so keep that in mind whenever trying something new. 

What exactly is first order reality and second order reality? Where can I read more about this? I’m not sure what Leo means, but it sounds like first order is the “actual” or what is here in this second. Second order might be imagination of past or future, but to me that still occurs fully within the first order. Ultimately they are not separate in higher conscious states in my experience if that’s what he’s referring to. 

Does Leo have a video on context? Other than recontextualization? I think that’s the only one which focuses directly on context. 

When I talked about "Raw reality", What was that? It’s hard to say. To me it sounds like viewing things without your normal conceptual lenses or just completely new ones which change the feel. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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@Aaron p B|

@BipolarGrowth I definitely have to work on integrating the experience with further direct contemplation. However, I did do quite a bit by spending several hours writing down the trip report. 

When it comes to sensitivity, I can only imagine what 5-10mg of 5meo will do to me. It's gonna be epic.

@EntheogenTruthSeeker  Thanks! :x


I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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On 10/31/2021 at 10:07 PM, ZenSwift said:

What exactly is first order reality and second order reality? Where can I read more about this?

Reality is ONE. All the orders are illusory.

You are seeing reality as it absolutely is at all times.


When I talked about "Raw reality", What was that?

It's everything you see, exactly as it appears, with nothing behind it.

Stop trying to ground reality in anything else. Everything is itself. A=A

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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