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Russell Brand on Big Pharma

7 posts in this topic

He is right on this in my opinion.. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Corporate greed undoubtedly exists. What I’m unsure of is whether or not there would be a vaccine against COVID-19 at all without companies being heavily funded as they were. The R&D and testing that went into making mRNA vaccines is a huge investment, and the rollout of vaccines to billions of people in a timely manner is another huge investment. These are for-profit companies. They want to make more money than they invest. It’s really simple when you don’t need to invest in the first place!

That’s how you fast track an inoculation against a global pandemic. You make it simple for the profiteering corporations to do so.

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@Willie America and Canada send billions to other countries for all sorts of reasons and so I'm sure we could find the resources. I think this would be a better alternative to dealing with those who have a record of being  fraudulent and deceptive. Consider the mp4 down below, the story thickens



Pharma Contracts.mp4

Edited by Johnny Galt

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Are we just going to keep ignoring this? 

For those that know the realities of which I point to, do not be quiet. You will be mocked, shamed, ridiculed, and you will be treated as subhuman. It can destroy you or, you will rest deeper into source and light and in turn it becomes a catalyst for your spiritual development. Regardless of the odds, stand your ground!


Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial


"In one morning I had to ground 3 out of 3 pilots due to injuries"

Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, Brigade Surgeon for the 1st Aviation Brigade, Ft. Rucker, Alabama, U.S. Army




Edited by Johnny Galt

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