
Places of Delusion

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When we are having a psychedelic experience, the context, thoughts, and images during the trip can seem like a different place/event and it is not till we come out of the trip or look around some more and then see that everything was "in our head" and it goes back to how it was before the trip.  The same goes with being in a dream when asleep.

Do you think that reality is already like this?  That what we experience now could be like the psychedelic trip and we will come out in some other context?  But yet there may possibly be no "right baseline context" and stuff could keep on warping to new contexts with no way to tell which one is the right one - other than it sure feels like the one I have experienced the most (and right now) is the "right" one but just because something appears to happen frequently doesn't necessarily mean "correct."  

It is interesting how we can be feeling a certain way about a situation and then we may get some new information and then think we were deluded and see it totally different.  What we see now tends to feel right, especially when we are calm.  I can see that emotions in a psychedelic trip may possibly be telling us that what we see is not right??  But also may not mean that at all.

Do you think every moment is delusion?

The movie 1408 did a pretty good job related to this concept.  It kinda reminds me of twisted shapes with inside and outside part of the same plane.

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3 minutes ago, PepperBlossoms said:

When we are having a psychedelic experience, the context, thoughts, and images during the trip can seem like a different place/event and it is not till we come out of the trip or look around some more and then see that everything was "in our head" and it goes back to how it was before the trip. 

It was not in your head.

It was an actual different place, just as real as your moment right now.

4 minutes ago, PepperBlossoms said:

That what we experience now could be like the psychedelic trip and we will come out in some other context?  But yet there may possibly be no "right baseline context" and stuff could keep on warping to new contexts with no way to tell which one is the right one -

There are no layers, in the sense of a dream within a dream within a dream  or a simulation within a simulation. Everything exists on the same level. Equally real. 

Every moment is God. Sometimes God is conscious of Itself, and sometimes God believe to be a donkey.

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2 hours ago, PepperBlossoms said:

Do you think

Stop right there lol.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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54 minutes ago, Gesundheit2 said:

Stop right there lol.

Yeah I guess no one can really answer that. ha.

2 hours ago, GreenWoods said:

There are no layers, in the sense of a dream within a dream within a dream  or a simulation within a simulation. Everything exists on the same level. Equally real. 

I feel like we still come up with justifications for stuff to not be real.  Like - oh I thought that 25+25 = 40 and that was real to me but then I did it again and then I thought that 25+25 = 50 and that the 40 answer was false, or not real, or mistaken, or lazy math ha.  Like the notion of imagination/fake/delusion exists in the same way that the notion of real/accurate/true exists.  It is like black and white where real and imagined define each other and can't exist without each other.

Imagination seems to be a paradox.

Imagination is the notion that it is imaginary and separate from reality but yet the imagination itself is part of reality otherwise it wouldn't be happening.  Imagination is true and real in that it happens even though the judgement/label applied to it meant that it did not (or not in the way we thought) - maybe we say it is imagination, when we mean the context was different from what we were thinking it was.  We say something is imaginary when it doesn't fit the context/story of whatever we are experiencing now.  Everything is always judged/experienced from the perspective of the now and the now tends to be considered real.  We are seeing whatever we are seeing and what we see is real but what we see changes/evolves and when there is contradiction from one sight to another sight, we explain that contradiction by saying it was imaginary but I guess we could also say it was real but it changed/morphed from then to now.

One could be on team imaginary and say everything is imaginary, delusion, and can't be known and likewise one could be on team real and say that everything thought/experienced/being is real. 

Even if everything exists on the same level, in the same oneness, we are still making up distinctions and creating our own hierarchies, stories, perspectives, judgements, comparisons.

It can be real for something to not be real and it can be not real for there to be any real.

Edited by PepperBlossoms

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8 minutes ago, PepperBlossoms said:

Yeah I guess no one can really answer that. ha.

Answer what? What is a question? Or, should I say: "What?" is a question.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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No subjective present moment experience is more correct, valid, etc. than any other, however, how your subjective present moment experience lines up with the story arch of new ones you’ll find yourself within will certainly make things seem as if an experience was somehow invalid. In Truth, all of the solidity, meaning, and understanding of the entire human experience will be eradicated and replaced with something that makes your current experience look ridiculous, alien, or just plain arbitrary. Ad infinitum. You’re never in some holy ground of understanding where you’ve arrived at an answer that will last forever. 

Even being a “fully enlightened” human being won’t mean shit while you’re a dolphin. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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@PepperBlossoms Yes. From the relative perspective we can make the distinction of real vs imaginary.

But from the absolute perspective there are no differences, no dualities. It's all God, shapeshifting into appearances, which could be called imagination. In that sense everything is imagination, and that imagination is real, it is God's imagination, it is God.


Creation works like daydreaming. Your life is God's daydream. 

Let's say you visualize being in a forest. You visualize a body (=colors + body sensations) and a sense of self and a belief/feeling that that sense of self belongs to the body. 

The visualized scene in the forest is reality. Now, in that scene, visualize a pink unicorn, flying between the trees. And also visualize/imagine/create the feeling/belief that the visualized body/person is visualizing the unicorn.

Now, is this unicorn, this visualization, a visualisation within a visualisation? Or is there just one level, one consciousness with visualisations/imaginations in it? All equally imagined by God.

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Wow.  Y'all are good.

22 hours ago, Gesundheit2 said:

Answer what? What is a question? Or, should I say: "What?" is a question.

haha good one.  "What" is a statement.  What is a statement?

A question is what we say it is.  It may mean that we are seeking for information but yet what is information?  If there is none then why are we seeking?  Who is seeking?  What is seeking?

14 hours ago, Nahm said:

Also noteworthy, we never have a psychedelic trip. 

Who is we?  What is who? 

22 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

No subjective present moment experience is more correct, valid, etc. than any other, however, how your subjective present moment experience lines up with the story arch of new ones you’ll find yourself within will certainly make things seem as if an experience was somehow invalid. In Truth, all of the solidity, meaning, and understanding of the entire human experience will be eradicated and replaced with something that makes your current experience look ridiculous, alien, or just plain arbitrary. Ad infinitum. You’re never in some holy ground of understanding where you’ve arrived at an answer that will last forever. 

Nice one that really sums up the whole funniness of chasing knowledge or chasing anything.  But yet we can also chase nothing and it is still chasing.

22 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

Even being a “fully enlightened” human being won’t mean shit while you’re a dolphin. 

It may mean that me the dolphin may get treated better by me the human.

8 hours ago, GreenWoods said:

Now, is this unicorn, this visualization, a visualisation within a visualisation? Or is there just one level, one consciousness with visualisations/imaginations in it? All equally imagined by God.

Haha unicorns.  To visualize where the visualizations go and then see that itself is a visualization.  To visualize one level and to visualize levels within levels.  To visualize visualization visualizing visualization.

Edited by PepperBlossoms

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On 10/30/2021 at 10:48 AM, PepperBlossoms said:

When we are having a psychedelic experience, the context, thoughts, and images during the trip can seem like a different place/event and it is not till we come out of the trip or look around some more and then see that everything was "in our head" and it goes back to how it was before the trip.  The same goes with being in a dream when asleep.

Keep in mind that psychedelic experiences are no different than sober the highest level.

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