
My Life After 150 Experiences of 5-MeO-DMT

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50 minutes ago, EntheogenTruthSeeker said:

Your symptoms sound like everything I have experienced to severe degrees, before 100% detoxing my body for two months. You are very likely toxic, physically with heavy metals, acidic lifestyle, weak organs/tissues/cells, etc. 

Working more on spirituality will not improve you. I’ve tried that, too. Nothing works unless your brain is free of heavy metals and your health is fucking 100%. 

Insomnia, OCD, etc. all the stuff you listed sounds like basic toxicity and imbalance in the body. 

I was the same way, but after this two month raw fruit and vegetable cleansing with a bit of regular food to ground during difficult times, my spirituality has increased 30X fold! All the psychedelic breakthroughs and experiences are being integrated from YEARS ago that I was never able to remember or whatever. 

You may think you’ve worked on your health, but seriously, it sounds like you need cellular regeneration at a deep level. Especially the part about orgasms, this sounds like your body is degenerated, very acidic, and your lymphatic waste is not moving enough to provide a DEEP/transformative healing. 

immediately stop spiritual work and purely focus 100% on your diet for 3 months. Baby steps. 

Look into “40 Day Grape Fast”, detoxification specialists, Dr. Robert Morse, etc. 

You will feel beyond fucking horrible eating these foods, seeing how your body is barely able to keep you alive in a thriving state. The detox must be taken at a reasonable, sustainable pace. 

Start with 1 squeezed lemon juice in AM/whenever into 16oz water for 21 days, and report back results, if you wish. 

I am not you, have no clue about your health, just making assumptions on one post. However, just trying to make you aware how important diet and detoxification is with being able to achieve enlightenment. It’s more important than meditating and psychedelics IMO. 

This definitely sounds like it could be it ;-).

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@Michal__ thanks. My intuition is very strong about this. A harmonic, alkaline based body does not behave like this. It’s not just “ego” or a lack of self help that is his problem. It’s very simple and straight forward. But almost no one talks about detoxification because the masses accept dis-ease paradigm, accept health continues to worsen despite being still before your 50’s, etc. 

Detoxification is a whole other level of spiritual awakening. It makes enlightenment have such a different and nuanced level of understanding. It makes infinite consciousness so fucking easy to access, sober. 

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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Video on OCD, other neurological and physical imbalances. 

OP, I did my 8 week cleanse with this guy. $150 for breakthrough information, simplified. Just watching his short videos will radically help your situation. 

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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@DoTheWork I've also found bro, that just because a person takes psychedelics...even powerful psychedelics...doesent mean they are using them in the most effective way.

Personally I've witnessed people who take even 5meo who still subscribe to religious kind of dogmatic spirituality. This is where I talk about contemplation. Personally deriving truth independently.

If 5meo is the thruster blasters on the side of a rocket... contemplation is the base launch pad that the rocket launches from. For example, if your launch pad is 5° off pointing in the wrong direction, when you blast off you won't be going in the right direction, and this error will be more noticeable the farther you go....the angle that you set yourself at on earth matters. Or blasting off with blasters that are too powerful for the size of your current rocket...maybe it's just too much for now. 

What happens on earth controls the trajectory of the rocket after its given the power of rocket fuel. Contemplation and a good lot of hours of it, will control the trajectory of the entire rocket.

Edited by Aaron p

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You don't need to be healed!
You don't need to feel something!
You don't need to do anything!

There's still just mental story, that you need to do more. No. You are enough ALREADY. THIS IS IT!

You are just GOD pretending that you are not. You just still acting like you'are on the path. PATH TO WHERE? there's no one who's walking the path. There's no path neither.

Edited by Forza21

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Have you tried just like, regular therapy? 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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On 10/30/2021 at 7:02 AM, gettoefl said:

thank you for this treasure trove of info ... how is your daily meditation practice ... i haven't done psychedelics but wish to as soon as i can ... daily meditation has brought great equanimity to me and my identification with thoughts is ever diminishing ... i use the Gurdjieff technique that divides attention between the outside and the inside

Self-observation brings man to the realization of the necessity of self-change. And in observing himself a man notices that self-observation itself brings about certain changes in his inner processes.Self-observation is an instrument of self-change,a means of awakening. ~Gurdjieff

Impressive! If I'd never used psychedelics there's probably no way I'd be as wise as you seem to be. xD

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For god sake just stop with the psychedelics. In my opinion, psychedelics is only the cherry on top of the apple pie. What really counts is the apple pie which is spiritual work.

Psychedelics is just a booster. If you are stuck, you will even get stuck even more. Last year I made the same mistake. It is like holding down the gas while the clutch is in neutral. It is very bad for your health, you will age like a mother ****er on psychedelics.


Edited by StarStruck

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@StarStruck How do you come to the conclusion that you age with psychedelics? I never heard this. For me its quite the opposite. Mushrooms trigger neurogenesis, make you more adaptable and flexible to new life situations. I feel younger 

And how do you come to the conclusion that psychedelics and spiritual work are two different things? I tried everything besides psychedelics (breath work, astral travel, binaureal beats, kriya yoga, meditations) and nothing gives me as much spiritual growth as taking psychedelics. Not even close! 

Edited by OBEler

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@DoTheWork Maybe you should try some serious inner shadow work. If possible with competent psychodynamic psychotherapist.

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On 10/30/2021 at 7:42 AM, DoTheWork said:

- identification with thoughts is stronger

- my thought loops are stronger

- my depression is stronger

- my anxiety/social anxiety is stronger

- insomnia is stronger

- my dissociation is stronger

- my noise sensitivity is stronger

- my OCD is stronger

- my food allergies are the same

- my motivation is weaker

- problem with my speech is the same

- orgasm feels very weak when compared to 8 years ago

- my traumas has not been revealed/healed

- I still see others as others


5meo wont fix any of these problems so, you are using the wrong tool.

It can show you infinite love, presence, forgiveness of self and others, and how you totally absolutely deserve and are love. Hey, it showed me Qigong and infinite forgiveness and Unity.

But, it didn't fix my problems. Its a lens you can look through to do some deep existential contemplation and to feel and experience truth and love.

But, your orgasms could be fixed through taoist sex practices (look up mantak Chi), your physical problems need a doctor, your social anxieties and fears require going and facing those fears and getting direct experience, your motivation problem is complex and you need to work on it it may be related to these other problems.

Don't just sit alone all day. Go meet people, try new things and experience life. Take direct action and a break from the substances. They can be a dead end. Well, they are if the clearly aren't doing the job. They are not a cure all.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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try religion...

There are also priests who basically are non dual, with a bit or a bit more Jesus talk...

As they say, all paths lead to the same goal, maybe that's for U...


And/or stop all of it for a few months or one year,,, nice time to do that because its new years time"

Go to the gym, extreme sports, maybe even steroids (i Know this sounds crazy, but it will ground you in the basic masculine way of existence witch could help you)...

Try to help others, forget about yourself...

in all of those ways, it could happen that thins spontaneously evolve from all those trips and meditations, when you truly give up the path and everything, THAN paradoxically it could happen

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