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charlie cho

Can doing the right thing cause physical illness, not only egoism

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Im curious. I dont necessarily think the body will feel pain when it does unloving selfish angry things. 

I remember in the bible before jesus was crucified, he was aching in pain all around his body because he realized that god wanted him to sacrifice himself. 

And sacrfice is no easy task. Yes, its a loving thing. We often attribute physical illness to egoism and peoples incessant attachment to things causing mental strain, thus physical disorder. But maybe, as jesus had done, sacrifice and love, because its so stressing to the ego, the ego may backlash and react against it with physical pain.

I think it totally exists. One may see it as growth pains. Maybe its just plain devilry from the part of the ego. Nonetheless, i dont think physical pain is caused solely by egoism. I think when one tries to do loving things, that loving thing can cause mental strain from the ego, and create physical illness too. 

I can also summarize it as one having too much courage that the ego cannot bear, so it backlashes against the body because it has no way out. Just imagine a life time gangster whose set in his ways, and only knows how to be vile against others. Lets say for the first time in 50 years he decides to sacrifice a part of himself for someone. You dont think there will be a huge mental physical strain on his part? I wont doubt the next day, he will have an illness! A person who ate junk food 50 years of his life. For the first time he eats a salad, i can pretty much assure you his body will react negatively and backlash against him immensely!

This is just a theory, a possibility. Not sth that i can prove

Edited by charlie cho

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Interesting theory/line of thinking. What does it ultimately matter in your life though? Will you stop doing the right things because of a small potential of an unpredictable illness occurring? 

When I was 18, our government class was having a discussion/informal debate on medical marijuana. In a sort of synchronous way, the night before I had seen a piece on CNN about how medical marijuana was the only effective treatment for certain children with seizure disorders. In this discussion with around 20 people who were mostly conservative and had no direct experience with marijuana, I spoke passionately and completely dismantled the arguments of a few of the other people at the top of our graduating class. I had never in my life overcame my social anxiety, especially not in front of any moderate sized group of people with differing opinions. I did it for those kids. 

Within 24 hours, I was in my first manic episode of my life. My bipolar disorder manifested in the first noticeable way ever  due to me doing what I felt to be the right thing. 

If I hadn’t spoke out for the perspective of those kids who were greatly benefiting from medical marijuana, maybe I would’ve never witnessed God, Infinity, Absolute Love, etc. Do the right thing. Fuck the costs. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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