
Walked Into Spooky Af Raw Vegan “Restaurant”

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So, I’ve never felt a darker presence before in a place. Even psych wards were lighter, energy wise. This place was beyond dense and full of delusion, beyond comprehension. 

It’s like a center for raw vegan/growing food/new age, etc. It was some shady building in a very odd part of town.

I walk into this place, intrigued by a facade of spirituality and “awakening” in my local area. I was staring at the posters and information for like 15 minutes before I even talked to anyone, which was kinda weird to start. And, let me tell you, there were posters/new age propaganda everywhere. 

Then, I approach the restaurant counter, mind you, this place is as quiet as it can be. No music. No customers in sight, no one in parking lot, too. So, I was greeted by a lady who looked very unhealthy all around, which was kinda weird as an owner of a raw vegan center. As soon as she opened her mouth for 30 seconds, I realized she was completely off the rails, full blown schizophrenic. I couldn’t understand 80% of what she was saying at all times. 

So, anyways, this isn’t to demoralize schizophrenic people but a critic of the dangers of stage green culture/dogma and how it is very limited/delusional. 

She shows me around “the museum” and leads me to this secret door, takes me inside this little room with conspiracy propaganda and crazy ass articles and all the like you could expect from an unhinged stage green. 5G, miracle water, Corona BS, the earth has no core?, we are in the devil’s solar system? It just went on and on. I literally have no clue how she’s running a center like this and is functional? 

I’ve never met a stage green in such a toxic form in my life. She was full of so much contraction, hate of the “other”/society, etc. I honestly have compassion for her, because I couldn’t imagine how much she suffers trying to save the world from supposed evil forces. Seems exhausting. 

When I was eating my food, I was contemplating, and felt an overwhelming dark feeling from everything I just saw. It was not me being “judgmental” “projecting” “close minded”, etc. I was literally gaslighting myself, but I realized that my feelings were valid and that I am not able to be in stage green places too much, because it’s way too underdeveloped and cult like for my liking. I realized that I am emerging stage yellow, because there’s no way I can fall for such horseshit. 

It felt like there was some shady ass shit that must have gone on there, cult like stuff. “No phones allowed past this door” sign, wtf? 

The other girl that worked there looked extremely unhealthy too, not physically or whatever, but just like, I can’t describe it. By “unhealthy” I mean, like soulless, massive shadow, and almost as if demons or some sort of dark energy was living inside of these people/the place. The place felt like anti-life. It felt dead. Maybe this was my stage blue reaction, but it was not an intellect thing. It was a feeling of intense soulless darkness. Mainstream and religious places were more happy, lighter, and more developed than this place! 

I know one experience doesn’t mean all stage green is nonsense. This is an extreme edge case, but I mean still pretty shocking this stuff is literally 20 mins form my place. 

Like wtf? Any innocent young person looking for a deeper truth, stumble upon this place and get their lives sucked into delusion/potential cult/exploitation? 

I understood at this moment, that this is why spirituality is rarely explored deeply or talked about, in mainstream. It’s incredibly dangerous and unhealthy when done half-assed, without proper epistemology and healing of shadow. This was really showing me why I never want to repeat the mistakes I’ve made while in mania. So glad to see it from the outside now. 

Basically, I felt so heavy leaving that place and immediately listened to Leo’s cult psychology for 40mins to integrate what I felt. I feel like if I wouldn’t have been more careful, I could have walked into some dangerous cult so easy. No one is immune to being exposed to this stuff. Exploring is dangerous, comes with risk! I lost my best-friend to new age conspiracies/unquestioned dogma. Really sad to be honest, he was such a loving guy. Now he’s so bitter and angry at the world. 

I really need to study epistemology more, and never expect Actualized.org like spirituality anywhere I find in the world. It will never be enough, truthful, light, pure, or holistic enough for me. I know this path here is the most comprehensive and safe, out of everything I’ve studied/encountered. 

The Highest Truth will never be found in groups, masses, mainstream anything, for the most part.

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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Damn, that is wild. I'll admit, I was somewhat skeptical while first reading because I was like, "C'mon, sometimes the 'energy' we read from people is way off..." 

But lo and behold, you proved me wrong. Sounds like a certified asylum masquerading as a restaurant. Glad you're alive ;)

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That does sound like quite an interesting, although not necessarily in a positive way, edge case. I’m glad to see you saw through what you were exposed to without buying it. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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1 hour ago, EntheogenTruthSeeker said:

She shows me around “the museum” and leads me to this secret door, takes me inside this little room with conspiracy propaganda and crazy ass articles and all the like you could expect from an unhinged stage green. 5G, miracle water, Corona BS, the earth has no core?, we are in the devil’s solar system? It just went on and on. I literally have no clue how she’s running a center like this and is functional? 

@BipolarGrowth@OneHandClap lmao I know right guys. As soon as ^ happened, I knew I was in some sketchy ass territory! Lol

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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28 minutes ago, EntheogenTruthSeeker said:

@BipolarGrowth@OneHandClap lmao I know right guys. As soon as ^ happened, I knew I was in some sketchy ass territory! Lol

The sad thing is people like the owner of the restaurant are probably unreachable. They will have to grow out of it if their own accord, if they ever do. At the end of the day, it’s completely her prerogative to see so much of the world as her enemy.  

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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@BipolarGrowth I agree. The first sign on the door of the building said her family was trying to take her to a psych ward because of her awareness of the universe, so idk, there seems to be a lot of trauma she went though. I mean, imagine trying to pursue spirituality hardcore back in the like 60’s like wtf haha. So the isolation probably made her get into fringe new age stuff. 

This new self actualization/enlightenment path with a rational/orange mentality is a new thing, really. 

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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what you are talking about is not stage green that got corrupted, but dark beliefs that got carried into stage green.

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@Windappreciator is correct, this is not really related to a typical toxic green pitfall development. This person might very well have a mental condition.


Spiral Dynamics is a fairly limited model and you are not doing yourself any favours trying to apply it to every phenomena. Also do not forget Spiral Dynamics was invented before the advent of the information revolution. The evolution of identity was significantly impacted through technologies that emerged in the past two decades.

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Gotta admit though, it takes willpower to eat nothing but uncooked, non-animal food.

I paint abstract art. Check out my website and let me know what you think.


(I only ship within Sweden so forgive me if you see a painting you'd like but can't order)

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