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Petition to free Steven Donziger

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This is a case of clear injustice.  This man is trying to protect thousands of people from environmental destruction and human rights violations.  Chevron did not allow him a fair trial in response to being held accountable for all the people killed for billions in profits.

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@Windappreciator chevron is attempting to avoid accountability for massive multi billion dollar lawsuits in 31 different countries.  The charges total around 50 billion dollars and the CEO is pretending it isn't real.  This is leading to the judicial harassment of those attempting to stop the environmental destruction.  A common tactic corporations use is to file false claims of defamation even if the charges accusations are true and already on the courts.

In this particular case, Steven Donziger won an 18 billion dollar lawsuit against Chevron which they have not paid.  Chevron is using strategic lawsuits to stop this man while using corrupt court cases to skew the judgement on their favor.  Big money does not stop at politicians, it effects the entire judicial system in the United States with over a thousand judges failing to recuse themselves when they have ties to the stocks of companies involved in lawsuits.  Chevron took over this entire legal judgement and process.

It has been 30 days since this unfair judgment was handed down and three days since Donziger was moved to prison with a maximum sentence of six months.  After 42 days it becomes impossible to file a judicial ethics complaint about the judge involved in this case.  Donziger still is not being allowed a retrial.

A quote from Wikipedia

 "Human rights campaigners called Chevron's actions as an example of a strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP).[3] In April 2021, six members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus demanded that the Department of Justice review Donziger's case.[4] In September 2021, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights ruled that the pre-trial detention imposed on Donziger was illegal and called for his release.[5]"

 If Donziger were allowed to hold big corporations accountable for environmental destruction, this would be a major victory for everybody across the world victimized by pollution and corporate greed.

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