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I keep changing my mind and feel lost

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I'm 28 years old, and for the last month I've realized that I'm a person who changes my mind all the time and who never gets involved in a project or goes all the way through.

My friends tell me the same thing and I have plenty of examples where I changed my mind along the way.
Recently I played in a band for several months thinking I was going to stay in it for years and after 6 months I decided to quit because I didn't like to invest myself in it anymore and wanted more time for other things.

I sold my electric guitar for an acoustic one, thinking that I would never want to play electric again, after 3 months re-listening to my electric compositions made me regret selling my guitar and finally I sold the acoustic guitar to buy an electric guitar.

I had started a morning routine with cold shower, I stopped after 3 months.
I had started to learn a language, very motivated, I have the vision but I never keep it and my motivation falls down so I don't learn anything since weeks.

Now I'm interested in women & dating but I'm afraid I'll lose motivation again and stop half way. I am also discovering magic, archangels, law of attraction and light transmissions which have opened my mind and I also want to practice the law of attraction but if I do that I am afraid I will have to give up something else because it takes time.

There are only two things that I have done consistently for the past 3 years and that is my street interviews and I know that I won't stop unless I get depressed or sick. And the other is meditation.

All this scares me, I don't know how to find my way and stick to it while being fulfilled. It's as if I had a lot of things in mind, always wanting to try new things but I have no organization and I never go all out in one area. If I go in one direction, I'm afraid I'll miss out on something in another or not take the right path.

I didn't mind before because I didn't realize how changeable and unstable I was. Now that I see it, I realize that I am missing something and that I may be going in circles.

Do you have any advice please?


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That is a scary thing to realise.


I realised it when my friends told me. I had started and quit 3 different university courses. I had lived in 17 different places. I started creating an app, then I lost faith in it and quit.

Realising that this pattern leads nowhere is an important part of the transformation.

I've been doing the same thing for over 2 years now, and I don't really think of quitting anymore.

There's things to pursue that are so true to you, so authentic, that the thought of quitting won't occur.

The rest is temporary exploration, fun, but although it's painful, you can let it go when it's ran its course, and be better off for it.

The more open-minded your personality is, the more of these temporary explorations you will have.

The higher your impulsivity is, the more you will commit to things you have to later uncommit to.

The more you are in touch with what is truly worth striving for, to you, the less you will want to spend energy elsewhere.

Edited by flowboy

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Why not have both electric and acoustic guitars? Maybe you need to save a bit to buy one, but why not do that?

You can do a cold shower tomorrow, or right now if you like. Maybe you learned something from doing that, and don't want to do it anymore. 

Focusing too much on women and dating is how you fail at it. It's great if you forget about it and focus on living, developing and enjoying your life. That's half the advice given to people in the dating section who are really into pick up. Focus on what feels good to you now. 

The essence of Law of Attraction is, ask and it is given. Ask, and forget the subject. Seems you're pretty great at doing that. LOA is not something you need to devote yourself to, it's the awareness of how things are already working out for you. You also see the power in focusing on what you want, not what you don't want. Notice the difference between actually doing something, playing guitar, taking a cold shower, and the thought "I haven't stuck to this". LOA teaches us that there is no wrong direction, only the fear and avoidance of it, is what makes it seem so. FOMO creates itself. When you are afraid of missing out, you miss out in that very moment of entertaining that fear. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Gabith the issue is not the fact that you change your mind, the issue is that you beat yourself up over it.

You'll never truly get over the hump until you stop being so hard on yourself. Self-compassion goes a long way.

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@Terell Kirby Okay hope it will help... i'm on this, I'm working to love myself more, to be less judgemental and I made huge progress but it's a long road and I know I have a lot of work to do because I'm not conscious enough of all my subconscious thoughts and beliefs.
I still have a lot of insecurities and it's very hard to accept these parts of me. It's like I'm just able to recognize and love all the good parts of myself but not the "bad ones"

I think I'm afraid that if I allow myself to accept the "weak" parts of me it will be counter-productive

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Preference arises, then is experienced, new preferences arise, then are experienced. Perfect. No judgment of self or process required. Address the fear & doubt by learning, understanding and using the emotional scale



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19 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Preference arises, then is experienced, new preferences arise, then are experienced. Perfect. No judgment of self or process required. Address the fear & doubt by learning, understanding and using the emotional scale

Thank u

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12 hours ago, flowboy said:

That is a scary thing to realise.


I realised it when my friends told me. I had started and quit 3 different university courses. I had lived in 17 different places. I started creating an app, then I lost faith in it and quit.

Realising that this pattern leads nowhere is an important part of the transformation.

I've been doing the same thing for over 2 years now, and I don't really think of quitting anymore.

There's things to pursue that are so true to you, so authentic, that the thought of quitting won't occur.

The rest is temporary exploration, fun, but although it's painful, you can let it go when it's ran its course, and be better off for it.

The more open-minded your personality is, the more of these temporary explorations you will have.

The higher your impulsivity is, the more you will commit to things you have to later uncommit to.

The more you are in touch with what is truly worth striving for, to you, the less you will want to spend energy elsewhere.

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