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I feel hopeless and discouraged

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I feel hopeless and discouraged , there's so many to heal I feel I'm extremely dysfunctional person and I will never be healed\normal my childhood was an absolute disaster all kinds of abuse , neglect and abandonment, also sexual abuse ,I carry allot of traumas I took a break from everything to heal them I felt hopeless I don't even know where to start , I've waisted 3 days doing nothing I tried to look online for self healing practices but I feel numb disconnected from myself I have a lot of resistance because I feel there is so many to face .. I'm starting to give up in life and started to have suicidal thoughts  

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The things that helped me were time and not giving up hope.

You can go slowly. You can waste time. Maybe you need to allow yourself to rest after those hard things you’ve been through.

I’m more fun on Instagram :x


Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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@B_HAZ it's ok to feel down.. everyone does. this is not the end of the story, rather a beginning..

take time , waste time and 3 days won't certainly be enough to heal all of ur past.  

, despite it all , life itself is the greatest miracle of all .... take a break and keep going. look for a therapy.

be grateful

in the end, you will be grateful for all the difficult times you had . 

much love!???



my mini-blog! 

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it's hard for me to believe that I'll ever change I tried to convince myself that It will get better but Its only getting worse when I look behind all I see is pain , suffering and failure 

I tried going to therapy didn't work  

I'm really tired of trying and I've been going through a severe depression because of this , I've really hit rock bottom every aspect of life is broken and the issue is me I'm really fucked up

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seek awakening. When you are as fucked up as you say you are, you are cornered, there is no way out, things were twisted from the beginning and no matter how much you straighten them they will always seem crooked. When the idea of suicide crosses your mind, it is time to seek awakening. do your research, you are in the right place. If you awaken to your true nature, your problems will be fixed, since they will not be a problem.

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Take a second just a few seconds. 

"I can do this!" 

Muster up the strength to repeat this, slowly shift the narrative. Notice how your emotional state shifts, your body may even begin to feel lighter no joke. Then increase the momentum and add more inspirational thoughts.

Not undermining your traumatic experiences, but I guarantee you that you can shift your emotional state immediately. 

This is hard to believe from the point you're at, I get it. 

Vent, journal, meditate. 

Edited by Fearless_Bum

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@B_HAZ Hi.

I am so sorry you've experienced so much abuse and trauma! It must have been so painful! Hugs!

Can you be more specific, please?

To what type of therapy did you go? What do you mean when you say "trying"? Why it didn't work?

In every therapy the painful, repressed emotions come out on the surface. And it is very unpleasant! But every professional therapist knows how to help you to confront your "demons". They were trained for that. And so it is really important that the therapist is licensed.

But becose you are experiencing depression and suicidal thoughts, please go seek professional help. Don't just be alone in your darkness. Help is available.

I really support you on your healing journey and there is no doubt, you will be succesfull and out of this dark night!


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