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First I started out with art to escape the madness. 


                   Art work 


Then it gave way to thoughts on overall productivity. 





INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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I also have smaller goals like improving my memory, keeping a consistent meditation habit, watching useful stuff on YouTube, Psychoemotional processing, Emotional labor, spiritual practices,relaxation exercises, focus exercises, health stuff, sleep restructuring, physical exercise, learning new languages (German),Improving my writing and communication, social and people skills, "Me-time", learning singing and dancing, using spiritual help to solve my problems, increasing physical activity and overall improvement in my lifestyle.. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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I have to slowly (and I really mean it slowly, like real slow) improve aspects of my life one by one 


It's hard because my progress is usually slower than how I would want it because I constantly get exhausted and my home situation never allows me to have mental peace. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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I even forgot to upload art 


Keeping a tab on myself and self improvement activities. 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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I can't use obsidian because I find it uncomfortable to use. 

Lets track my Time. 

My time since the new relationship 


It started on August 20. 

Then one week was spent in adjusting things. Trying to get into a new relationship and I was kinda nervous. 

Now I'm married to him. 

September was a difficult time because there were too many arguments between me and people and I couldn't adjust to that. 

Then on September 29 I announced my departure from the forum. 

It felt good for a while. 

At least for a week I didn't need to deal with people issues 

Then it was October. 

I think I spent the whole month of October dealing with personal issues and shit. 

It was tough and stressful but I got over it and learned some really really valuable lessons on interpersonal communication


All of it came to an end on October 24.

Thats when my mother was violent with me again. 

And I tried to invest my time into art. That was a relaxing time. I did art for like a whole week day and night. I worked really hard on my art pieces. 

I'll call it my October Project. 

I did not get to celebrate Halloween (although I'm a witch and Halloween is my most important festival witch-wise) so I feel upset. Halloween came and went and I busy dealing with personal issues with my mother and her pathetic behavior. 

Anyway whatever went, it's over with. 

I do feel upset that I couldn't celebrate Halloween because it's the most important part of the entire year that I wait for. Witchcraft is my core spiritual practice and I missed on it because of my work schedule going haywire. 

Then I began hurriedly developing a blueprint to track my progress which in this journal. 

I also did some gardening work for three days on November 2, November 3 and November 4. I busy with the plants in my apartment cleaning the garden. That was some laborious work. 

I also met new people who are foreign language students while doing the gardening work. Their names are Salvador, Dimitra, Sally, Pearl and Amma. They are all from different countries and they came here to stay for foreign language studies. 

Salvador is from Brazil. 

Dimitra is from North America 

Sally I'm not really sure. I didn't ask her 

Amma is from Indonesia

Pearl not sure where she is from. 

I'm excited because in the past 3 days I made new friends. 



Today is November 6. I'm not sure what I did for the past two days. My memory escapes me. But I'm trying to not focus so much on this forum and only focus more on what I can achieve henceforth. 

I'm trying to explore note taking software but I did not like notion. 

Obsidian is uncomfortable for some reason. 

It looks unusual. Not user friendly. 

One Note has issues. I lost entries on One Note.

Notion is useless because I gave my private email id to someone. I'm so stupid and dumb. Will never do that again 

So I'm left with Evernote. I'm trying to use it but there are restrictions on how much you can upload as a free user. 

I don't want to pay right away because it's a subscription service and I don't want to get into any trouble. Generally subscriptions are difficult to keep a tab on. 

I also have to check my bank account. 


So I'm not left with many options for note taking but I'll keep exploring. Right now I have Evernote. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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From today onwards I'm going to maintain a logbook of sorts. 

To keep a tab on what I do everyday and accomplish my short term and long term goals 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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