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How can I stop falling back into old bad habits that I want to stop doing?

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My last post was similar to this but this is a huge issue of mine that I want to fix so I want to get as many responses as possible. There are bad habits in my life that I attempt to stop doing. I am able to stop doing them for some time but somehow I eventually fall back into the bad habit. It's like I can stop for long periods of time but can't completely break it forever. I somehow go back to doing the things that I don't want to do and end up regretting it. I would like to know how I can completely stop doing things that I don't want to forever.

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Try to work on your addiction one step at a time. 

Use limited portions of time and observe your behaviours in these portions or durations of time. 

Try grounding yourself into a steady discipline. 

This is most likely due to a lack of discipline. 

Also discipline your mind not just your body. See how it translates into your life. 

I'm trying to discipline myself but it's hard. 

Do you have emotional issues? 

If you do, then try journaling it to get it off your chest. Venting really helps in keeping those emotions away. 

Be more aware of yourself and how you spend your time. 

And try to be more calm and relaxed 

I saw that there is a huge mental difference between a headspace that is stuck in neurosis and depression and a headspace that is feeling loved, calm and happy. The differences are huge and radically shift your mindset and perception to your inner and outer condition. 

Devote yourself to extreme self care and discipline and most likely this problem of yours might go away. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@NightHawkBuzz  I suffered from this pattern.

I'd pick up working out every morning, quit smoking, then after a few months, I would have a backslide.

Here's how you transform it: you flip the story that you tell yourself about it.

Instead of calling the unwanted behavior a backslide, and saying to yourself: "Whatever I do, I end up here again",

  • for example: "No matter how many times I pick up running and quit smoking, I always end up smoking and not working out again",

Flip it. When you catch yourself in the old behavior, go back to the new behavior and say: "No matter how many times I do this behavior, I always end up in this new place! It's true, the evidence is here. Guess that's who I am now".

  • Example: "No matter how many times I try smoking again, I always end up working out and being clean from smoking. It's clear, and I can see it, because I am back there again now. Look where I am. Apparently, I can't help but eventually slide back into healthy habits"

It's all about where you lay the emotional accent. Where you put the emotional accent, no matter whether it's positive or negative, is where you gravitate towards.

That means that smoking one cigarette and saying: "OH CRAP, I'm back here again! How terrible of me", is an emotional accent, that is going to steer you in the direction of smoking more.

Putting on your running shoes and saying: "OH CRAP, I'm running again! Can't avoid this apparently" would steer you in the healthy direction using a negative emotional accent.

But you can also do it with a positive accent: "Phew, see, there I am, being healthy again! So happy that I always end up back here".

Just don't put accents where you don't want to go. Be indifferent there.

Try it, it's really powerlful.

Edited by flowboy

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Watch leo's video "Ego Backlash"  one of his best videos. 

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The same way focusing on the path inherently equals not running into the trees. Can’t not be what & where you are, and can’t look at where you’re going and where you’ve been at the same time. 



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