The Sun Rising Tomorrow is Not an Assumption

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@Nahm Well then I'm emotionally discordant as fuck my friend. You can say that again.

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@Nahm You're right. I have no idea. It just depends when I answer that question. One hour I might say the opposite of the last hour. I'm a mf'ing walking contradiction. Partly truth, partly fiction.

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Sun, thought attachment wise… go inside, notice the thought ‘sun’… go outside, notice the thought ‘sun’. Notice the thought, the label, arises with or without, any corresponding perception. Then see if it’s noticed that no thoughts correspond with perception. Anything other than self referential thought. This is to ‘empty your cup’… as there’s no such thing as a cup, just the thought ‘cup’, and perception. Use those delightful nuggets for some song lyrics. You got the gift of prose there imo. 



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@SQAAD you may be making an assumption based on your observations of patterns. But you are still ASSUMING based off of observations or past experience.

I don't understand your point. How is this not assumption? 

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The point is that we believe that the sun will rise tomorrow because of models in our head. These models are an over simplification of reality. If we are not aware of something in the present moment, concepts about these things are never even close to fully true. Why would you believe any concept fully?

Literally the sun does not rise anyways. The earth spins and it appears to rise from our perspective. I would consider that the sun will rise tomorrow to be a false statement.

Edited by Jordan

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From my very limited perspective, there is an extremely high probability that the star in the center of our solar system will make an appearance specifically in the atmospheric region within the vicinity of my ocular perception, due to prior knowledge being gleaned about both how this planet moves around said star in a revolving manner and the nature of the planet’s own curvature, and that this occurrence is reasonably expected to take place within an amount of time colloquially referred to as a day.


Sun’s gonna rise.

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18 hours ago, Rilles said:

@SQAAD Assumptions are not necessarily bad, I think youre taking this too seriously, some assumptions are correct and come true but that does not mean they are not assumptions, they still are. You can assume the sun will rise tommorrow and it might but it is still an assumption because you can always be wrong.

I would focus on social assumptions and assumptions about ourselves, thats the most important, those have helped me in my personal life and still do. Caring about the sun doesnt really matter to your ego. 

Yes i agree. My question is : Is there anything that is not an assumption? Give me an example of things that are not assumptions.

Btw This video of Leo about assumptions has really damaged people who suffer from severe OCD , lol. Because OCD folks really want to be certain about everything and now Leo is making this task seem even more impossible to them . Ahahahahahaahaha :D Some people have really suffered from this video. (I am not blaming Leo of course, just saying). This can be threatening stuff for all kinds of people. 

Edited by SQAAD

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42 minutes ago, SQAAD said:


Yes i agree. My question is : Is there anything that is not an assumption? Give me an example of things that are not assumptions.

Btw This video of Leo about assumptions has really damaged people who suffer from severe OCD , lol. Because OCD folks really want to be certain about everything and now Leo is making this task seem even more impossible to them . Ahahahahahaahaha :D Some people have really suffered from this video. (I am not blaming Leo of course, just saying). This can be threatening stuff for all kinds of people. 

This is the way I see it. Every concept has assumptions surrounding it. I don't think you can be 100% certain of anything in the realm of concepts. Direct experience of the present moment allows you to at least be aware of what assumptions you are holding. Seeing, hearing and feeling are not assumptions, they are your direct experience.  

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53 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

My question is : Is there anything that is not an assumption?

And my question is : Is there anything that is an assumption?

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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1 hour ago, Gesundheit2 said:

And my question is : Is there anything that is an assumption?

An assumption is a belief. What is a belief made out of? Multiple emotions, internal images and sounds layered on top of each other. I count this as a thing. Point to any belief you have and that is an example of something that is an assumption made out of many assumptions. 

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32 minutes ago, Jordan said:

Multiple emotions, internal images and sounds layered on top of each other.

These things don't seem like assumptions to me.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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3 hours ago, Gesundheit2 said:

And my question is : Is there anything that is an assumption?

Anything not in your direct experience is an assumption.

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here is the question

what does the sun rising tomorrow mean to me

do i need the sun to rise to be able to produce fire to cook my breakfast?

truth is the sun rising tomorrow is utterly irrelevant to my life, it is abstract and academic

namely you have never assumed the sun will rise as having any meaningful impact on your survival

it is an irrelevance

contemplate assumptions that change the arc of life instead of wasting brain cells and people's time

for example

will the supermarket have toilet rolls tomorrow?

i assume they will if my assumption is false what is my plan b

i have backups so that my assumption them having them can be wrong 6 times in a row before there is any impact

so my assumption is provisional and when it doesn't hold all is still well

get real with the work and stop living in nitpickery

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12 hours ago, SQAAD said:

My question is : Is there anything that is not an assumption? Give me an example of things that are not assumptions.

There are things we usually refer to as non-assumptions in daily language that rely on conceptual constructs, e.g. "statements of fact" (conclusive analytical or synthetical statements). If you want to deconstruct language and concepts, then sure, it's all just assumptions. However, recognize that there are different levels of analysis, different degrees of assumption. The statement "the sun will rise tomorrow" contains a different degree of assumption than simply "the sun rose today".

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@SQAAD Your direct experience right now is the only thing that is not an assumption. 

Outside of that, you know nothing.

Even using probabilities is actually a joke. The sun rising tommorow vs not rising has a far higher probability from the relative perspective. But not actually. Because the relative perspective is itself a concept an assumption!

Everything you use to calculate that probabilty is an assumption, because it's based on the past. Past = assumption.

Existence is a dream. 5 minutes ago you might have been a frog in the Amazonas, and then God suddenly completey changed/morphed colors and sounds and body sensations and concepts into your present moment right now with fake memories! And in 10 seconds you might be an alien in a different universe, again with fake memories of having lived there for an entire life.

Deconstructing illusions is radical. Only in concepts and imagined memories the ego finds consistency, comfort and security. 

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You don’t know.

You don’t really know for sure if the sun will rise tomorrow.

You don’t really know if eating food helps you survive.

You don’t really know if death exists.

Anything that is outside of your direct experience, is a concept/imagination/belief.

Embrace Not Knowing.

Sure, it’s an assumption that the sun will rise tomorrow, but that doesn’t mean it’s reasonable to think that it won’t. Just be aware of what it really is; an assumption. 

Assumptions aren’t bad. They are what keep us alive.

It’s an assumption that eating food will keep you alive, yet you still do it.

Why? Because you get hungry, and you’ve developed a metaphorical mental model that says “If I eat food, I will be satiated”. But before you eat that food, it is just an assumption. For all you know, you don’t know if that food will satiate you, but you can make a well-educated guess (from “past experience” - which is also an assumption, but a reasonable one) that it will. That doesn’t change it being an assumption. 

The more aware we are of what things truly are, the closer we get to Truth.


Contemplate actuality, concepts, the difference between them, and the sameness between them.

Edited by Vision

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5 hours ago, Chris365 said:

Anything not in your direct experience is an assumption.

What is not in my direct experience?

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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