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I heard Kriya Yoga from Leo an other sources to be one of the best (more inside)

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Should I sign up for the Self Realization Fellowship? You pay like $90 an they give lessons they have bunch of books.

If not SRF curious which living tradition could probably find in a major city in California which helps with raising Kundalini fastest. I had it raised temporarily for 3 months after ayahuasca but it went back down.

Thank you.

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53 minutes ago, Malken said:

which helps with raising Kundalini fastest. I had it raised temporarily for 3 months after ayahuasca but it went back down.

If you want your kundalini to awaken, go for shaktipat transmissions. That's  a lot quicker than kriya or kundalini yoga.

But it's still a good idea to do kriya supreme fire (as explained in Santata Gamana's kundalini book) as well, as it will make the procese even faster.

Shaktipat + kriya supreme fire = fastest kundalini awakening

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@GreenWoods  Shaktipat seems like superstition and or just full on placebo effect. I'll try it potentially one day.


I looked up Santata Gamana unsure why I should trust their authority. They don't run a organization or have photos of them online could be just one of those authors that writes books lots of people want to read but doesn't have own experience or no original content is in there to make that specific author valuable opposed to others.

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32 minutes ago, Malken said:

@GreenWoods  Shaktipat seems like superstition and or just full on placebo effect. I'll try it potentially one day.

That's not the case.

I got lots of shaktipat and it woke up my kundalini. I felt vibrations in the spine, pulsating up and down, eventually reaching the brain resulting in bliss going up my spine and feeling ecstasy.

100% no placebo. Shaktipat is real. But not every shaktipat giver is real.

32 minutes ago, Malken said:

I looked up Santata Gamana unsure why I should trust their authority. They don't run a organization or have photos of them online could be just one of those authors that writes books lots of people want to read but doesn't have own experience or no original content is in there to make that specific author valuable opposed to others.

His techniques are the most potent kundalini techniques I could find.

I regularly do the kriya supreme fire which always puts me in deeper bliss and deepens meditation. 

The techniques you find from organisations are usually far far less potent. I would try to avoid organisations. Any organization has to water down the potency because they don't want to be responsible for immature newbies to freak out.

Do shaktipat + other transmissions + supreme fire and you will make more progess within months than people going to organisations within years.

Here I wrote in detail about different transmissions, including shaktipat.

Edited by GreenWoods

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