
How to Make Decisions That Are out of Integrity?

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Let's say that I have to make a decision that is out of integrity. This decision is out of integrity in the moment but then in the long term will allow me to be much more in touch with myself and my values.

How do I make this decision?

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@Raphael Speak from your own conscious presence. Become in touch with the present, and act spontaneously from this conscious presence. 

I don't know if you can guarantee it will be the right decision. But you will be acting with integrity because you are speaking the truth, as the truth. It's also consistent and reliable, because there is only ever this moment. So when you make decisions while in touch with the moment, you always know where to go if you want to speak the truth, and with integrity.

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42 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@Raphael Speak from your own conscious presence. Become in touch with the present, and act spontaneously from this conscious presence. 


not to derail this thread - where did u get this quote? ive been doing this for sometime and have found massive value from this when i do it. 

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2 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@Jacob Morres I just made it up. Because I speak from conscious presence so I generate wise quotes lol


@Raphael lol, listen to Raptorsin, he's telling the truth. It's the only way to be authentic also. It's the answer to every descision you'll ever need. If you can be present in every situation, you will know how to act spontanuously. That is the way and wisdom of Tao. You just have to align yourself with it. If you practice being in the Now regulary, even your external situations will shift and align themselves according to Tao without you doing anything.

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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On 10/27/2021 at 3:00 AM, Raphael said:

Let's say that I have to make a decision that is out of integrity. This decision is out of integrity in the moment but then in the long term will allow me to be much more in touch with myself and my values.

How do I make this decision?

There is no “long term”. ‘That’ is this, ‘then’ is now. You’ll be barfing that karma up inevitably, tasked with the weight of righting your wrongs, and I can’t say I’d envy it. 


Beautiful to witness my friend. ? 



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On 27/10/2021 at 8:00 AM, Raphael said:

Let's say that I have to make a decision that is out of integrity.

Integrity is not a straitjacket, it is a guiding principle. Sometimes the bigger picture is more important to consider.

57% paranoid

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Body awareness can help.

Cycle through all the options you have, saying out loud: " I want to do X ".

And then pay attention to what the body does.

The option where your body gets the most relaxed, is your truth.

That doesn't mean it's coupled with the most pleasant emotion. It could be coupled with sadness, or fear even. Or joy. Whatever it is. But if all the muscles can relax with that choice, then that means something, I'd say.

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Look at my signature; that may help you :) 

Also, you take 'integrity' as an ideal or virtue that you need to align yourself with and if you don't, something is wrong.

Again, back to my signature. There is really no right and wrong. The only way you're going to find out what is most appropriate is by experimenting and trying. You probably take 'acting in integrity' as something done intuitively, guided by feelings and emotions, or at most intuitive logic. I would actually opt to experiment with acting from logic a little bit more as well; just out of your freedom to experiment with life. See what happens if you make a decision that 'doesn't feel right' but which logically seems to make perfect sense. Feel free to try and experiment and see for yourself. That's the only way you're truly going to get answers to your own questions.

Edited by Nightwise

Instead of continuously trying to make the right decision, experiment with making your decisions right instead (own up to them). Consciously making a commitment to a decision IS what makes it the right decision, regardless of the choices you had.

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On 10/27/2021 at 3:00 AM, Raphael said:

Let's say that I have to make a decision that is out of integrity. This decision is out of integrity in the moment but then in the long term will allow me to be much more in touch with myself and my values.

How do I make this decision?


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