
¿Why My Life Lacks Joy? (Rant)

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I have removed a lot of distractions and I finished some addictions last week. 

Overall I feel better, more productive and more focused + motivated to go eat life... however, I have also realized, this doesn't give me joy. It just gives me relief that if I "sort out" stuff in life, like, career and personal development the next years, I will stop suffering so much.

So my motivation is completely animalistical. Fucking depresses me that I will spend maybe the next 5 years just trying to get by in life , constantly trying to sort out the stuff I lack, in what it seems an overwhelming, long, dull errand which I don't have fun. 

I think the only moments I do experience some relief (now that I quit my regular addiction which used to provide me with that relief) is when I meditate. Some days I concentrate and in the middle of that boring nothingness, ironically life gets really fun. 

It's like... duh... can't I have some joy ?? I mean I don't think that I need to be in an amusement park. I just want to feel happy and joyful doing life. Like, I could be working on my career, and not getting stressed about trying to get a job in the sector before its loo late. I could be going out , and instead of trying to be so alfa, perfect and serious, try to laugh my ass off and express with joy and exuberance each interaction with each human being that I like.

But no, everything is sooo fucking serious. Everything is at stake. My suffering is at stake. Me trying to sort out my personal shit is a stake. Each is one day less I have before my ego its 100% closed and I will forever be my faulty "me". (Not my succesful me). So everything is at stake. For the ego, each day it's a race. No day has joy. Only few moments, seconds, which are of course appreciated as pure gold. 

It's so ridiculous :D 


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Why do you feel that meditation grants you some relief? Maybe the secret to happiness is simply being, free from the false promises of thought. Identifying with the monkey mind is the fundamental source of suffering.

Career and personal development will help with survival, but they cannot bring you happiness. That is only realized from within.

Realizing the ridiculous is a good step toward awakening xD

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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I think this is a function of constantly chasing some other experience. You've probably heard this like 100x from spiritual teachers, but knowing it intellectually is different from embodying it. You don't allow yourself to enjoy yourself right now because you feel there are responsibilities, things, work and whatever else left to do. You don't want to let yourself enjoy now, because there is some other experience you want to chase and arrive at. This is a never-ending cycle, because once you get that experience, you are most definitely going to envision some other experience which is "better" than that experience, and so you chase things ad infinitum. So, give yourself permission to enjoy everything right now. Treat every moment as if it is the peak of your life, as something to be enjoyed.


Describe a thought.

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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

I finished some addictions last week. 

Aside from what the others have said, also be patient.

It takes time for the body and the mind to adapt to a life without the addictions. I'm going through it right now as well, and it doesn't feel good. But I know that it is temporary and I suspect that it's a direct result of having removed some bad habits that were providing short-term gratification which is not there now.

So be patient and give yourself time, sit with the discomfort, it will pay off in the future.

Alternative Rock Music and Spirituality on YouTube: The Buddha Visions

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On 27/10/2021 at 0:09 AM, Moksha said:

Maybe the secret to happiness is simply being, free from the false promises of thought. 

 ♥ This 

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There's nothing serious going on here. 


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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It’s not about time, and it certainly isn’t about you. Garbage in, garbage out. Notice meditation seems to make you feel better, only because it’s a break from the garbage perspectives. If those perspectives were indicative of you, that is, if you were ‘garbage’… they’d resonate. To keep said perspectives, you’ll need an array of substances to suppress the natural response of the true nature. 



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