
Can’t breathe PLEASE HELP

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I have been having trouble breathing through my nose for years now. I am at a total loss for what to do. It’s greatly limiting my quality of life. I’ve been to different ENT doctors and they all do the same. They say I have allergy and give me allergy spray but the spray doesn’t help me. They see my nose is swollen inside. If any of you has any idea what I can do please tell me!! 

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Your allergies could be related to Vitamine deficiencies. Check your vitamines. Read some books about vitamins. Be especially cautious when it comes to the 2 vitamins that most people are deficient of: VitD and forgot the name of the other one. 

You could be heavy metal toxic. This could be the cause of your allergies. Test your toxicity for mercury / lead via a urine provocation test by using DMSA. Make a test with and without DMSA to see if you are toxic. If you indeed are toxic use the Cutler protocol to chelate. 

Psychedelics did heal allergies for some people. (Work against my allergies as well). Check them out. 

Also, read the book "Breath" by James Nestor. It explains everything about breathing and will give you a deeper understanding of your problem as well as possible solutions. 

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

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I think this kind of stuff can be healed by changing lifestyle to get more fresh air. Sounds like you have some irritation going on from all the stuff you're putting up your nose. 

Some things to experiment with as well are:

Mewing(proper tongue positioning method), nose breathing, nightly mouth taping, nasal massages, taking deep breaths in nature, fresh air in general especially cold/for a couple of hours at a time (like a hike in nature). 

Sometimes grains, oils, overcooking and other things in the diet can cause problems. Possibly it is a mold problem and if so I have no idea what to do for that. 

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Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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You can remove all sugar, milk, and milk-based products(including cottage cheese, ice cream etc.) from your diet completely for 4-8 weeks and see. You can still have green tea or black coffee. 

There is a huge correlation between sugar and inflammation. And milk with allergies like rhinitis for eg.

If this does not work out you can reach out to me, I know someone in India who can heal. But you will have to travel there and see him in person. 

I have read about a few people doing this and solving similar health issues. I would say it is quite probable that if you try this you will get positive results. Definitely worth trying if you are suffering a lot, the probability is quite good.

Edited by captainamerica

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Kriya Yoga is your long term solution to me. I might be wrong. If I were you I would try the breathing exercices you find in whatever Yoga fits with you. It will be hard at first as you already have problems breathing, go slow eventhough I know it is hard when you feel you are suffocating :/

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Do you know what you are allergic to? Have you had skin prick test to find out? Is it anything in the environment? 

A book called Oxygen Advantage by Patrick Mckeown could be interesting read for you.  There are some (somewhat unpleasant) breathing exercises in there that are fairly good at unblocking the nose temporarily. 

Also, you may try experimenting with quercetin powder, it is a super effective histamine blocker. Not a cure but may help with what you are experiencing. 


Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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On 26/10/2021 at 9:28 AM, captainamerica said:

You can remove all sugar, milk, and milk-based products(including cottage cheese, ice cream etc.) from your diet completely for 4-8 weeks and see. You can still have green tea or black coffee. 

There is a huge correlation between sugar and inflammation. And milk with allergies like rhinitis for eg.

If this does not work out you can reach out to me, I know someone in India who can heal. But you will have to travel there and see him in person. 

I have read about a few people doing this and solving similar health issues. I would say it is quite probable that if you try this you will get positive results. Definitely worth trying if you are suffering a lot, the probability is quite good.

If it interests you, I will recommend this resources for some information on this.

Trust you can take it from there. 

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Try three things. 

  • Mild exercise 
  • Steaming the face and nose. Breathe in steam 
  • Vitamin D 

Eating Himalayan salt helps. 


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On 10/26/2021 at 7:59 AM, Ilan said:

Kriya Yoga is your long term solution to me. I might be wrong. If I were you I would try the breathing exercices you find in whatever Yoga fits with you. It will be hard at first as you already have problems breathing, go slow eventhough I know it is hard when you feel you are suffocating :/

Did you have great results with it? can you tell me more please, that's very interesting

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Spirulina tablets (if u use Amazon buy from so part of order goes to a charity of your choice).

Spirulina has been demonstrated in repeated experiments to have a real significant positive effect on nasal decongestion from allergies.

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@Michael569 I did the allergy test again now. I’m allergic to pollen and cats but my doc said it’s not the cause since there is allergy season now and I don’t have a cat. 
he suspects it’s because of the air pollution in my city but I live close to the mountain and there isn’t much pollution there, so it doesn’t make sense to me.. 

no idea what to do at this point 

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@KenDo have you considered mould to be a problem. This is never tested for and during autumn a lot of it is found outside and inside. I have a big problem with mould as well




Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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@Michael569 i was thinking the same thing but my allergy test said I’m not allergic to mold. I do notice though the more I am indoors the worse it gets.
If it is a mold problem, how would I fix this? 

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@captainamerica thanks I already do this and it has helped me a little but my breathing is definitely still blocked

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2 hours ago, KenDo said:

but my allergy test said I’m not allergic to mold.

Maybe you haven't sensitised fully yet to start producing IgEs to be able to show on tests.

2 hours ago, KenDo said:

I do notice though the more I am indoors the worse it gets.

I had  same thing and spending more time outside helped a lot. 

 For example, I've started reacting to mould after around 7 months of living in a new place because we live in an old house and there is some inside unfortunately that we can't get to. We've started looking for a new place to rent but in the meantime, the most effective thing was to buy a highly sensitive air filter. This is what I've got

It's now got much better after 1 month of using the filter + doing a herbal cleanse + some Immuno balancing tinctures + occasionally taking quercetin powder.   I can't really tell what was the thing that helped the most but the air filter was a huge help. 

But it is also possible your thing isn't mould in which case the air filter won't help.  It could be some sort of food intolerance. You could try with eliminating all major allergens from diet for 2 weeks and see if you get better: These would b: dairy, gluten, fish, soy, eggs and tree nuts. If it doesn't help, dig deeper. I guess I would try that for a start. Basically you would do a close to plant-based diet with some lean meat without nuts and bread. 

How is your sleep? Do you have breathing problems at night? 


Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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2 hours ago, KenDo said:

If it is a mold problem, how would I fix this? 

btw on this, you have to look and see. Google how moldy surface looks. You're looking for dump smell and those surfaces with black dots. Look at places such as bathroom, behind beds, at wall that is often covered but also at the door of bathroom, corners as well as around kitchen sink, cupboard etc. If you identity anything, be super super careful with cleaning it. Sometimes it is better to hire a professional mould cleaning company and leave the house while they clean it because you would sneeze your brains out and probably get a bit wheezy as well 

Small bits you can clean yourself (wear double mask, glasses and gloves) with designated mould cleanser. Make sure to room is well ventilated. But for bigger areas, pay someone to look into that. 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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1 hour ago, Michael569 said:


@Michael569 thank you soooo much for you extensive reply! I will try your recommendation on diet and report back to you. I’ll also try various supplements and see if that helps. And I will save up for a good air purifier :) could you recommend me the herb detox and immunity tinctures you used?

also I’ll make sure to get my flat tested for mold! Thanks for the tip

my sleep is okay but of course I imagine it would be more restorative if my breathing improves.

Much obliged, 


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7 minutes ago, KenDo said:

could you recommend me the herb detox and immunity tinctures you used?

I bought them from a friend herbalist in UK. I'd suggest you find a herbalist locally and ask them to put something together for you to help with allergy. Querciin powder (not in capsules) was the most effective acute remedy I found. It does not fix the issue but it stops most allergic symptoms while you worked on the underlying thing. 

Take care! drop me dm if I can help with anything. 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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