
"Depression is not real" Andrew Tate

18 posts in this topic

I just want it to share it with you here, i really want to hear your opinion. 

This is the most ridiculous things i have ever heard.  



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i agree with what hes saying

just be here, if you can do it this moment you can do it the next moment

this is the now, now is all that is real, the truth is now, not your concept or experience, just this

is there suffering in this ? work to be done young jedi. me

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Hm... who should I believe...? This barechested buffoon who is talking out of his ass or 99% of people who experienced severe depression and the entire psychology/medical establishment...

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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He even brings up the universal truth that for there to be winners there has to be losers... and im that loser, and thats why im depressed

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19 hours ago, Rilles said:

Hm... who should I believe...? This barechested buffoon who is talking out of his ass or 99% of people who experienced severe depression and the entire psychology/medical establishment...

Agreed. Everyone here should watch Robert Sapolsky's talk on depression. It is very easy to label depression as a temporary thing that we can snap out of, but very few people understand that some people (not all, but some) are born with severe chemical deficiencies. We don't expect diabetics to stop taking insulin because it's something to "get over," so we shouldn't ask it of depression, either. Some people have perfect childhoods, exercise, eat well, and meditate, but still struggle with mental health. 

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At least now we know idiocy is real.

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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@kras What's absolutely mind-boggling is that there are actual people who believe this is a valid, plausible, evidence-based perspective. 

Unbelievable. We are still in a sense living in the dark ages with so many grossly uneducated people. 

Edited by Harlen Kelly

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I've seen so many videos of this guy with these radical and uninformed takes. Don't know if its for attention or if he actually believes, either way pretty bad.

Describe a thought.

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The worst part about this perspective is that it's even counterproductive and harmful. These kinds of ideas should be banned from YouTube.

Imagine running a marathon while carrying extra weights. That's how depression is like. And then someone comes like an idiot and tells you that you're imagining the extra weights because you're lazy or lack a certain mindset, which puts more extra weights (stress) on an already depressed person, which then causes them to deteriorate and devolve to self-hatred, resentment, doubt, neuroses, and other conditions that basically worsen the suffering, let alone serious psychological and life-threatening problems such as suicidal ideation.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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Usually that kind of people have never experianced depression, so they just don't have idea what might be like...

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18 hours ago, Gesundheit2 said:

The worst part about this perspective is that it's even counterproductive and harmful. These kinds of ideas should be banned from YouTube.

Imagine running a marathon while carrying extra weights. That's how depression is like. And then someone comes like an idiot and tells you that you're imagining the extra weights because you're lazy or lack a certain mindset, which puts more extra weights (stress) on an already depressed person, which then causes them to deteriorate and devolve to self-hatred, resentment, doubt, neuroses, and other conditions that basically worsen the suffering, let alone serious psychological and life-threatening problems such as suicidal ideation.


my mini-blog! 

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16 minutes ago, flume said:

Depression is real in the sense that it's a real response to the circumstances you live or have lived in, a coping-mechanism to keep the organism alive, a great way to protect the system from overflowing with pain. Whether that's past trauma, unbearable living situations, a hopeless future, or anything else... The depression does a great job at "pointing towards" what it is that needs resolve.

So in that sense, it's not helpful to identify with it, as it's not personal. It's not "real", as in "part of you" or intrinsically "yours". It's a protection that can be taken off if the real issues are faced & transformed.

I doubt Mr Tate thinks that deeply, hes more of a Orange type of "just do it" guy with no regard for human complexity.

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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He’s angry. He talks really fast. His body is devoid of something that’s missing. It’s his coping mechanism for not feeling something very painful beneath. This guy is either going to have a breakdown and have to rebuild himself into something more functional or he’s gonna be trapped in this for the rest of his life kinda like Donald Trump. The choice is his. He would benefit listening to someone like Mike Tyson, who walked a similar path and was brave enough to move beyond the resistance and anger. 

Edited by Lyubov

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In the third house, the person is open minded to the possibility of ghosts and makes new friends. Like in the movie Crimson Peak, at first you'd think the ghosts are the horror in the film, but in reality the ghosts are revealing to her what she must know and are the pinnacle of the story she writes and lives. 

There is no dismissing depression, it just is not the terrifying villain we think it is. 

Nothing is real. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Depression is real and there are people who have it induced by brain chemistry through no fault of their own. And it can be debilitating to the point that you can't do anything when it hits.


I would say the vast majority of people who claim to be "depressed" this doesn't apply to. Either they over-exaggerate their depression, use it as an excuse to avoid working on themselves, or haven't tried anything like exercise or changing their diet to fix it.

With the TikTok generation it's trendy and cool to say you're depressed and anxious. Mental illness and being part of any kind of minority group is glorified. If you don't have some medical diagnosis and you aren't a member of the LGBT community you aren't cool.

Most depressed kids these days it's just because they have too much time, too much opportunity and potential. Paradoxically, the better your life is, it seems like the more depressed you are. That's why so many rich people are depressed and drug addicts. Literally if you made these kids go and work in a factory for 12 hours a day they'd be less depressed than sitting around on their phones all day. Because when you constantly have something to do and you go home tired at the end of the day, there's no time to sit around and be depressed.

I've been hit with this depression of decadence multiple times in my life, especially when there isn't much going on, if you're between jobs or school or projects, or you're just coasting in life without much effort and not actively trying to improve yourself. Yeah it's real and you feel depressed. But with a little willpower you can start actually doing stuff and pull yourself out of it pretty quickly. If you wallow it just keeps going.
It's like if you wake up and focus on how groggy and sleepy you feel, it'll last like that for hours. If you just put your shoes on and go for a walk even though you're groggy, you'll be fully awake in 5 minutes. If you give depression your attention you breed more of it. If you allow yourself to believe you're depressed then you'll be depressed.

The other 5 - 10% require medication

Edited by Yarco

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