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To the women here: What are your thoughts on all the male heavy advice about dating?

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I'm not asking about whether or not you would change it, are judging it, your gender war preferences, etc, but rather your sort of meta thoughts on it? Has it opened your mind some? What has sort of shocked you? Has any of it helped you? Have you gained a more holistic view? I ask this because this subforum is still heavily geared towards advice for men about the initial stage of meeting and attracting women, having sex and sort of fundamental concepts of masculine/feminine polarity to help them find a girlfriend/sex. I recently had a conversation about male dating advice and techniques with my girlfriend and she was completely shocked and blown away. Felt like I was exposing the secrets to fight club xD It was completely shocking to her and it all started when told her how I was given support by one of my friends when I was having some problems in a relationship. Basically telling me not to take it too seriously and that there are other fish in the sea. This mortified her. Once she let down her guard a bit (I purposefully avoided a gender war) she was super open minded but still shocked and I could tell I expanded her world view quite a bit. She said she was so interested in all the stuff I was telling her, basically a lot of the mindsets and stuff talked about here and given to guys that are having problems finding a date or getting into a mindset where they feel they can get a girlfriend and not fall into worshiping and feeling one single girl is their only opportunity for love. What have been your thoughts and has it helped you understand men better?

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9 hours ago, Lyubov said:

What have been your thoughts and has it helped you understand men better?

Just being on this sub-forum has reminded me that men are trying to do their best and their intentions are not malicious most of the time :)

"You Create Magic" 

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A mixture of feeling depressed and hopeful but mainly a sad feeling that  some guys still don't have a clue about women. 

Edited by Surfingthewave

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