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The Top 10 Most Important Principles To Live By

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Imagine that you have a baby that you gave birth to. Sometimes, too many principles can be confusing and hard to remember and keep track of on a daily basis. 

What would be the top 10 most important principles, rules, or lessons that you would want to impart on your child before they grow up and take on the world?

Here is my list, feel free to critique and add your own.

1. Ambition, potential, and work ethic- live life to the fullest and develop a work ethic for following through to unlock your dreams and full potential. Take action!

2. Contemplate Daily - live an examined life, where you are contemplating for its own sake for gaining insights into reality that you can actualize. Contemplate each day. Think for yourself.

3. Invest in yourself (life is deeper than money) - spend time each day growing yourself through education, reading, etc. Save money so you can have freedom, not things.

4. Kaizen - find ways to make small improvements and habits each day

5. Courage - face fears. Stand up for yourself no matter how uncomfortable it may feel. Be assertive for what you need. Have the courage to persist even if it seems like nothing is happening.

6. Integrity - your actions represent your principles and values. Do what you say.

7. Passion/Excitement - Always live your life aligned with your top passions and excitements. 

8. Gratitude and self-compassion - always have and express gratitude for yourself and give your self the love and kindness you always deserve.

9. Playfulness - while work ethic is important, it is also vital to be playful and enjoy life right now. Have your mind and soul like a child and bring playfulness and joy to whatever you are doing.

10. Question All Social Influences - invest in being all alone by yourself in solitude. Society makes slaves of us all. Be an independent thinker by allowing yourself time to be alone and away from social influences. Don’t do drugs. Don’t fall for peer pressure. Real peace and serenity is always in the present moment. Change your friends if all they want to do is change you.


This is my first attempt. I am going to need to make my list more simpler because it is so wordy. I will contemplate this more.

What are some of your principles that have been helpful to you, but also that you would impart on your child for being successful in the world?



“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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Being responsible.

Being proactive.

Being confident.

Being kind. 

Being disciplined.

Being loving.

Offer a listening ear.



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integrity, be true to yourself.

Courage, don't give in to fear

 diligence. don't give in to laziness

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