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Fixing myself.... (no comments please)

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I did the psychopath test.

And found that my primary psychopathy score is significantly low so I don't have any concerns in this area.. 

But my Secondary psychopathy score is a bit high, not too much but still high. 

I'm not surprised at all given my self harm tendencies, this was going to be high, I was expecting it. 

OK so today I tried to dig deeper into secondary psychopathy.


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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1 minute ago, Preety_India said:


I did the psychopath test.

And found that my primary psychopathy score is significantly low so I don't have any concerns in this area.. 

But my Secondary psychopathy score is a bit high, not too much but still high. 

I'm not surprised at all given my self harm tendencies, this was going to be high, I was expecting it. 

OK so today I tried to dig deeper into secondary psychopathy.


OK this thing gets quoted.. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I did the psychopath test.

And found that my primary psychopathy score is significantly low so I don't have any concerns in this area.. 

But my Secondary psychopathy score is a bit high, not too much but still high. 

I'm not surprised at all given my self harm tendencies, this was going to be high, I was expecting it. 

OK so today I tried to dig deeper into secondary psychopathy. 








INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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After realizing that I might have some degree of psychopathy in me, my next strategy should be to reduce it significantly 

It causes harm to others as well as me. 

I didn't find any narcissism in me but psychopathy to a certain level was prevalent. 

Rule number 1 

No shit talking. 

One thing that I need to stop doing is shit talking. Gossip and shit talking aren't useful, they might seem useful in the moment looking like it's serving some purpose but long term it's a pain in the ass and it boomerangs. 

In the moment it's kinda tempting because it feels like you're onto something essential that you must know. 

It doesn't work. 

Just use a simple strategy. Talk to those who are simple, polite, friendly, non shaming, non gaslighting, affectionate, caring and faithful to a certain degree. 

That's all.. That simple. 

Avoid those who create drama and gossip and shit talk or act passive aggressive even in the slightest. 

The thing is psychopathy can be controlled if the factors provoking psychopathic behavior are minimized down to zero. 

If you're surrounded by people who bring out the psychopath in you, shut them out. 

One of the most common types of people who bring out the psychopath in you are narcissists. They make it impossible for you to feel free constantly putting you in traps and chains making you act psychopathic in order to deal with it. 

For example if someone made your life difficult, you will learn to steal to get your way, in order to survive. This makes you a thief???? 

But what If such a situation never existed in the first place. 

I'll call it maladaptive behavior, that is behavior that has been caused directly and indirectly by circumstantial conditions.. 

Your psychopathy won't be activated in a normal environment 

Positive healthy environments tend to suppress bad behaviors to a certain degree. 

Whereas negative unhealthy environments tend to activate bad behaviors and set off the bomb. 


When you allow people to shit talk to you behind other's backs, you show poor boundaries although you're unaware of this yourself. It has a snowballing effect. 

They shit talk to you. You add to it. It keeps getting bigger and bigger 

You feel manipulated. And obviously it is manipulation to poison someone's opinion. 

Lets say I always thought good about person A. 

Now person B comes to me and says awful shit about person A day and night, 24/7 and for months. For months they keep coercing and influencing me into believing that person A is so nasty etc etc. 

This is going to have an impact on the psyche. It's difficult to be neutral. You can only be neutral for a while after which you start believing the narrative presented by person B. 

Thus you form a negative opinion on or of person A. 

You don't know how to deal with it. 

You might even end up attacking person A in order to deal with your cognitive biases against person A. 

This leads to feelings of doubt, guilt and confusion. It becomes a messy situation. 

Now you try to defend person A. Yet person B begins to gaslight you for being favorable to person A... 

This becomes very complex. 

Person B also signs an agreement with you that none of the stuff should be spoken to person A.. This is the pure definition of gossip and maligning, mud slinging and shit talking in the name of venting. Venting should only be for 1 day not for months and months, otherwise it's manipulation. 

How should you escape such a tight situation? 

Just block person B the shit talker. 

You don't give them air time and tell them to vent elsewhere. So you don't have to fall into the psychological traps they are creating for you.

Talk to people who only say positive things. 

Gossip is attractive but gossip is dangerous. It has a bad effect on mental health of the listener of gossip. 

Don't allow any Tom Dick and Harry into your life. Learn to be cold to people who don't go by your rules. 

Don't get easily influenced or manipulated. 

Mostly shit talkers are the worst kind of people to be around. They are downers 

They praise you during the shit talk and compliment you so that you should listen to them but at the same time they're putting others down to make themselves feel better. 

Their praise is fake. If they can shit talk about others they can betray you in seconds and do the same to you. 

Such people are energy vampires. 

They suck out the energy from you. They make you slip. They lure you and then prey on you. In short they're predatory and parasitic. 

And if you're a psychopath (for example me), you will feel energized in wrong ways by such people, you'll feel like taking revenge, you'll feel less stable, more triggered, you'll start playing mind games to deal with it. This is like you're getting trapped in their web and unable to get out and finding psychopathic ways to get out. 

You're simply looking for liberation. 

When you lay a boundary and they don't follow it, it's a toxic situation you have found yourself in. 

If you're a normal person you will handle it without causing much damage. 

If you're a psychopath you will end up making the whole thing way worse and complicated. 

Such people are drama Queens and kings. They spread poison yet they themselves are not affected by it. However the psychopath suffers terribly because psychopaths don't have much control on their feelings and actions. They can either be impulsive or they might start plotting long term. This is dangerous to both the psychopath as well as others. 

How should you deal with such a situation? 

If you find yourself lying, or doing something underhanded or acting sneaky or sketchy, that's the psychopath coming out. If you feel like you are being dishonest, remember the situation is making you dishonest. 

Honesty is the best policy. If something doesn't feel right, just let the person know. A loving person will understand and back off and not break your boundaries. A cunning vampire selfish narcissistic abusive person Will endlessly argue and even gaslight and project endlessly.. 

Whatever praise this energy vampire is heaping you is all fake. 

Whatever compassion they are showing for your misery is fake compassion. 

If they say they care so much about you, they actually don't, they're simply using you for their temporary needs. 

If they say they will help you, it's a  fake promise, they will never help you, they will throw you temporary bread crumbs and then forget you. All the help is fake. Even the promises to help you in the future are just a lure to keep you tied up to them or these promises are simply fake promises 

What they are doing essentially is use you as a "dump basket". They're dumping all their negativity and venting on you like a total parasite so they feel better and relieved at the expense of manipulating and taxing your brain with additional stress that you don't need. 

What to do in such a situation? 

Get such people out of your life. They are needy, clingy, parasitic, narcissistic, bipolar, Whiny and generally miserable bitter people with nothing better to do. They are jealous and mean as fuck =my mother, she is always mean, narcissistic and jealous of neighbors and I always tell her to stop being jealous. 

Such people project their own shit on you either making it look like you're doing something that they might be doing or saying someone else is doing it 

For example, in the above case, person B will poison my mind by saying person A is jealous but in reality it is B who actually is. Similarly my ex boyfriend Joseph used to always suspect that I was cheating on him and constantly throw false accusations at me and projections at me meanwhile he was the one cheating on me all along. Narcissists tend to hide what they do and project it on you. So whenever they make such statements blaming and accusing of shit you never did, they are the ones who are actually doing it but they always find a scapegoat to pin it on. Either it is you or someone else. 

Just block such people from your life for good. The first sign is when they start shit talking.

Cut them out immediately. 

Also they either use you or ask you for favors. Narcissists rarely speak without demanding something in return 

Narcissists generally use people secretly as a dump basket. 



All you have to do is recognize signs and cut such people for good. Tell them to fuck off and you're saved from a parasite. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Saving the Psychopath 

Psychopath healing strategies 

dos and don'ts



Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The parts where I flunked the test were related to manipulation and lying. 

The parts related to empathy, I scored well. 

I didn't have a problem of lack of compassion as I'm high on compassion and empathy. 

But I'm low on social behavior. There's significant anti social personality stuff like lying. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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So I have to cut down on scheming and plotting because those specific traits are rating me high on psychopathy or contributing factors. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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One way to work around my flaws is to keep a lid on it. 

Let those flaws stay down to a minimum. 

To keep it as neutral and liberated as possible

Make sure those flaws aren't getting activated. 

For example imagine a small hole in a cloth. Don't allow that hole to get bigger. 

Keep it as it is. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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One thing that triggers psychopathic traits is the need for survival. 

The need to fight for survival makes psychopath traits more attractive. 

One way to combat this is to let go 

Easier said than done especially when you are operating 24/7 in survival mode. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The most important word here is bypass. 

When you have some evil or bad or flaw in you, instead of letting it be a conduit for the devil, look for a bypass. 

Bypass the need to do bad things by taking the Liberation route. 

Set yourself free from forces which will use your flaws and weaknesses to hurt you and others. 

Just bypass it and focus on good. 

The negativity will die down. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Here the spiritually significant words are 


  • Bypass
  • Liberation and freedom. Lack of freedom is abuse. Lack of self preservation is self abuse 
  • Love and growth. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Evil can exist in any shape or form. 

It's not necessary that the person has to be deeply evil for evil to happen. 

Evil can happen anyway. Even mentally ill people end up doing evil stuff. Without realizing it of course. 


What you need at the end of the day is cognitive awareness, empathy and the willingness to change who you are. 

If you are ready to change you should be forgiven instead of being demonized and blamed, harassed or targeted, simply because you opened up about  your flaws. 

Some people aren't willing to change their mentally disordered ways. This is where the real fault lies. I think such people should be cut out of society because they are truly harmful in the total absence of self awareness and how their actions cause irreversible damage to others. 

Such people are truly unfit and will cause severe damage one way or another and the best is to avoid them in your lives. 

Is to say bye bye to them. 





INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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All public relationships are collapsible and false. 

You'll never know how a person really is in the public sense since you are not in their head.

What they write to you are simply pixels on the screen. How can you really anything from it? 

There are deeper layers to a person that are simply not visible in public conversations. Those are just pixels. If they are bad with pixels, then they are horrible in real life because they could not be decent enough when it comes to pixels. Or they are completely ridiculous to the point that they have no social tact and it is possible that they have a good heart but don't keep up with a good social image due to lack of self awareness. 


They're really bad and have no qualms about it. 

One way or another, there's really no sureshot way to gauge personalities online unless you're in a relationship with them. Having a relationship with a person for years helps you understand that person inside out at least to a certain degree. 

But outside of it, that is outside of an intimate relationship online or offline there is really no way to navigate this terrain without error in judgement. That is, you can't really tell who you're dealing with and the only thing that you can rely on are a few non verbal clues, body language (since it's not visible) I'll call it body language of text. 

There is a certain body language to text that gives away clues about the type of person you are dealing with.. 

Analyze the text in multiple ways. Repeated exposure to how a person writes gives away important clues to a detective eye. 

There are intuitive elements and aspects to writing. You learn a lot intuitively about how a person generally responds and what type of person you are dealing with. 

This requires an expert level of expertise, skill and experience. 

Writing analysts and experts can easily decode personality through vast amounts of texts. These are the kind of people hired in criminal psychology. They are called profilers.. 

Can it be possible to know intuitively if you're dealing with a sociopath or psychopath through text? I'm not sure at the moment. Maybe there are ways that experts know.. 

"body language of text." 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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On top of all of that, there's a creepier aspect to writing. The pen is mightier than the Sword..people can really influence you simply through text. So even if you are creepy within, your text won't show it and people will really take you as an inspiration just because you write a few good things. 

That's why the online world of written texts cannot be valued for what it's worth nor can it be trusted or taken too seriously. Everything is at face value, pretty much. You have what you have and you don't what you don't. 

You can have someone who completely lacks social tact and acts like an edgelord and they could have a heart of gold or you could have someone who appears pretty decent in their conversations but could be a super pedophile behind those beautiful inspiring words. You never know what sort of weird you are running into. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The only solution that I can profess to the aforementioned problem is to have a battery of safeguards against malevolent behaviors that might find their way into your peaceful Meta space and of course you don't want that creepy creeper to climb into the vortex of your inner space. 

So once you realize that, then use various tests like shit tests to know beforehand what you are dealing with. These are not the tests that you use in dating. These are psychological body language tests that you run on people that you come in contact with online and gauge their levels of empathy, subtle clues here and there that reveal their inner self, like peekaboo moments that allow you to know who you are dealing with, again this is not easy and often you could end up misinterpreting people but such tests and screening filters are handy to screen out people who are toxic to you. 

Also remember toxic does not necessarily mean that you're dealing with a bad hearted person. It could only be that they are slightly screwed up mentally and are toxic but they could be fine, yet they should be avoided because of their toxicity. 

Also the not so toxic ones could be pure cancer like frenemies. 

They might appear superficially nice but their real face shows when they are mean and cold in times when you really need them. 

There are so many aspects to this that you could almost write an entire book on this. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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To kill a rat you have to burn the house down. 

This is what you need to do. The internet is a place of great complexity. You cannot simply avoid a few bad apples the way you do in real life, because in real life you simply stop visiting a person and poof their energy is gone. However this doesn't happen online. Online people can access you with the click of a button. They can steal your pictures, circulate your identity and private information, make multiple accounts to harass you, send you unsavoury messages, write mean and awful things about you in public or spread disinformation about you. The list goes on and on. The problem is that there is no way to really avoid all of this. The only way is to log out. But that is really not a solution, rather just an escape from the real problem. What I have realized is that the nature of internet is such that either you have thick skin and you let it slide or you simply don't deal with anything "online".... Burn the house down instead of chasing the rat. The online world is a giant paradox and a can of worms, looking for that one rascal is like searching for a needle in a haystack. Nope. That won't work. Once you realize that there's a creep and there are no adequate measures in place to keep you safe, you have to burn the whole house down in the proverbial sense. No point in chasing the rat because it's an infestation, not just one rat. You have to do the easiest possible thing and that is to block it entirely so the rats have nothing to feed on. You burn the house. And move on and create a new safe home where you don't have to deal with rats anymore. You simply block it off altogether. So nothing ever gets in. That way the port of entry or "the port" is sealed shut and forever closed. This is what you need to do. 

And if the place offers no such choice then it's truly shitty with infestations and It's best to not put up with it. 

Complaining about things won't work because you'll turn into a complaint box. Simply observe. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I'm generally never fishing for praises, likes or compliments neither am I looking for criticisms. Both don't serve any good anyway, all of it is just one giant heap of nonsense. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I want to isolate myself as much as possible. 

Even if it's a painful thing to do. 

It's for my own good. 

I'm too tired dealing with people. I don't need it.. 

Isolation has always benefitted me. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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