
Why you must be more careful about when to use psychedelics

59 posts in this topic

I strongly recommend against psychedelics. They are very few people who ostensibly benefit from such a thing. Psychedelics simply do not have any effect on most people. They reach same insights. They still talk about the already existing same information inside their head. Claiming they have made contact with a "spiritual entity" or reached "god recognition". And most of those who overdose psychedelics just because they don't have any effect at first end up being hospitalized. So what's the point?
I don't think this psychedelics thing benefits you this much. When you examine people with high IQ, concentration ability, continuous bliss, for example, you realize none of them are taking anything like a special drug, be it psychedelics or any supplement at all. What does that mean? That means you are just doing something else wrong. You need to find that thing. Of course, it will take a lot of time and effort. Nothing hard is easy to achieve. Very similar to the process of gaining muscle. It will be very painful at first. It will be very difficult to lift even the lightest weights. But you need more patience and perseverance. Otherwise, If you keep thinking like this, constantly trying to reach perfect results without putting sufficient effort into it, you will not be able to arrive anywhere. There is no short-cut. At least, not possible when you consider today's primitive advancement of technology when compared with what artificial general intelligence could achieve once found.

When it comes to the dosing, it depends on what psychedelics you use. If you take mushroom, for example, which is naturally poisonous, you need to be careful about the amount you take on your "trip". Even when you take LSD, overdosing causes "bad trip". If you choose to take less, you'll have little to no effect. Most of the time, maybe, all the time, psychedelics do not cure any psychiatric illnesses. It can't resolve excessively heavy brain sickness, it is claimed to solve mild mental illnesses even though I highly doubt if it is really psychedelics that cure these other than placebo. What logical use could psychedelics have other than confusion, sorry, "deep insights"? The reason depression or obsession patients can't cure their illnesses with psychedelics is because they have set up a lot of wrong, inefficient, misleading, twisted connections and accumulated domain-specific dopamin addictions that you can't target directly apart from holistic targeting. Not so different from taking a lot of methylphenidate instead of patiently trying find out what you did wrong and lost your mind. Just because the the person in question can't pay attention to things he would like to, she stupidly keeps taking more and more of these sorts of dangerous pills. Your brain will burn. That's very similar to loading a very inefficient computer program to a better hardware instead of changing those inefficient algorithms. If there is an infinite loop, you could even damage the CPU no matter how powerful the new hardware is. So what's the point of psychedelics? Even the lightest psychiatric drugs can lead to sudden deaths let alone terrifying and sometimes permanent side effects once abused. Encouraging random people to use psychedelics is a terrible idea. Even if that person's illness is seemingly untreatable, psychedelics is last means you should resort to, maybe never. Understanding of biology of the members in the forum is limited. So think twice, talk once.


Edit :

I have got quite logical answers. I thank everybody whether they use psychedelics or not. From the answers I got they psychedelics are pretty useful tool to aid the process of enlightenment provided you already know how to apply it properly. I prefer more natural nootropics such as concentration and non-reactive meditation to disable your brain's default networking mode also know as "ego", semen-retention for more energy and rapid processing information of the brain, intermittent fasting(both watery and dry) to deactivate the inflammations genes, light therapy for resetting your circadian rhythm so your pineal gland secretes so called god molecule DMT naturally instead of relying on external pills, hydration, physical movement be it aerobic or heavy lifting, unlike what hinduists claim, eating more animal products like read meat, milk, egg, chicken, fish since these have higher absorption rate in terms of the minerals, vitamins, has more all proteins needed by the formation of new memories in the brain, shortly gives more energy because it is at higher levels in the ecological pyramid.


Buddists are right about potential harms of our ego but it is not something to keep turned off forever. Do not become a mad hermit who climb to mountains, settle in a cave, and live the rest of their life there forever.

You are not disabling your ego to isolate yourself from worldly matters, pleasures, desires. If you become enlightened and die, then what's the point of becoming enlightened? There are a lot of unenlightened people who contribute more to the tools or corporations increasing welfare of humanity than supposedly enlightened people.

You have to become enlightened anyway. To make a more higher difference.

Hinduist buying the idea of the necessity of brahmacharya for faster and more complete spiritual development are right.

Semen retention either through full celibacy or non-orgasmic tantric sex is necessary. But they are doing more harm than good by also promoting veganism. Instead, at least, be vegetarian.

Like Leo Gura also said, there are really valuable insights you can acquire from religious teachings but bullshit encompassing the most contents of them is more.

Edit 2 :

When it comes to meditation, most of the methods shared also in this forum are pretty valid. Most relies on the same logic. It all boils down to non-reactive meditation(careful observation of thoughts without reacting) and full concentration meditation(bringing your awareness back to the moment or the object of concentration each time your mind wonders). It is more likely that you are doing something/s else wrong related to your general health.

Look also to https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/73676-meditation-done-properly-for-all-sort-of-handicaps/


Edited by HypnoticMagician
to add extra important information

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Psychedelics will reveal all of your lies. Everything you just listed is completely imaginary. So yes. Don't do psychedelics if you want to still believe you're real, I completely agree.

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13 minutes ago, Godishere said:

Psychedelics will reveal all of your lies. Everything you just listed is completely imaginary. So yes. Don't do psychedelics if you want to still believe you're real, I completely agree.

You don't need psychedelics to reach whatever conclusion you would reach with other more beneficial and sound methods. The alleged effects of psychedelics are more of placebo rather than things that actually work. If you want me to give you a similar kind of advice :

jump as high as possible, rotate 3 times in the air, and then stupidly scream aloud like a donkey, if you manage to not hit your head to the hard ground, you deserve to live. If you die, we call this natural selection... So psychedelics are a good tool to eliminate retarded people. I know where you are coming from, that's the reason I am no longer into such useless substances because I don't insist on using the same method tons of times like an angry bull not giving up constantly and cluelessly hitting the same wall. There is nothing wrong with temporarily trusting the process but you also need to question this process on regular intervals so you don't end up causing permanent damage both to your mind and body. Even the scientific method work in this way, you set temporary hypothesis' , if it doesn't work, you simply drop it, and try another idea. Do you think you are really smart? Only dump people think they are smart, at least, most of the time. I wish there were more smart people claiming authority over the masses more than the huge load of crap uploaded to the internet either by inexperienced persons or morons.

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@Godishere But pychedelics are imaginary as well. There are no molecules inside of them that affect your brain. It's all placebo in the end.


Edited by Tyler Durden

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Everything is the Infinite playing field of God. Whatever you eat, think, use and dream of is of the same source.

Everything you consume is changing and interfering with your Infinite fractal you call yourself and the sense of yourself. What you eat, products you use, people you hang out with, people you share consciousness with. Your lifestyle choices define what you are in this dream, and at the end of the day, rightfully so, because its your experience.

But some things are higher in frequency (more source like) than others.

Everything can be overused and cause you to trip of your balance, but thats there to help you to get up and try again, but with a more mature approach.

Psychedelics are not for everybody. But for those who choose that path. There will be a learning curve and a balancing technique to learn. You learn that the easy way or the hard way.

And as Leo mentioned many times, treat psychedelics as a loaded gun.

And that principle should be applied to Every aspect and area of “your” life.

But as previously mentioned, its all Imaginary. And so is the you as a doer in this Infinite Dream.

Choose with caution and realize that, whatever you are choosing is precisely what you are experiencing. Consciously or unconsciously choosing.

Edited by Vincent S

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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I have a feeling nobody understands this subject properly enough to comment about it here. It takes enourmous level of understanding of human system and mechanics of enlightenment and life to have something significant to say on this. But I'll just share my limited perspective on this.

What I see is that usually people who are most impatient and compulsive and have no clarity of mind who are the most attracted to these substances. It's a very understandable desire, to sit on couch, masturbate, play video games, take some drugs and become Jesus Christ. Who wouldn't want that? But I have a feeling life doesn't work like that. In this life you only get what you deserve. Whether it's fortune or misfortune, freedom or bondage, in some way it is your karma. All those people who got enlightened by luck like ramana maharshi or sadhguru simply did their share of sadhana and hard work in their previous lifetimes. That's how things work here. You don't get anything for free out of nowhere just by playing video games. For everything you have to pay and earn it one way or another. A wise man understands these principles and aligns himself with them to reach the goal. That's why buddha's teaching is called dhamma. It means laws and principles of nature.

Psychedelics can be used to assist to process of growth of you understand the laws of these substances. Otherwise you'll just slow yourself down by damaging yourself to varying degrees. But people like to take the chance while having wishful thinking that they will come out of the psychedelic experience untouched, undamaged which is a very childish attitude that stems out of impatience and compulsiveness and certain sense of desperatness not out of wisdom or awareness or peace. If you observe, it is usually the beginners that are most drawn to it not the sages or wise people. I used to feel very passionate about psychedelics first time I heard about it, like it was some super smart thing to do, as the time went on and I sticked to my practice and just rised my baseline sufficiently I came to the point where the idea of doing psychedelics started to make little to no sense to me. I bet if people could come out of their initial stages into states of presence and peace, the desire for such things would evaporate. You'd simply be content with the way things are unfolding in its natural way, in its own perfect timing. The way it is meant to be.

"Nature is never in the rush, but always accomplishes its work"  ~Tao Te Jing. Wise man is one who follows the natural laws and is not trying to force things to happen before its right moment.

In the end everybody comes to their own conclusion about this topic according to their own inteligence and awareness. Non of us have a full picture understanding of this matter. But for what is worth, I feel there are much wiser, safer, better, more systematic and in the end faster ways of working on your consciouness than psychedelics. Not that I'm against psychedelics I just don't see them as great as they're being promoted here. Not to mention all the side effects and dangers assosiated with it. That's just how I see it today. I may change my mind someday. It's just a perspective in the end. 



Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Therein is our Glory. 

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Another person who understands me. I am glad you don't have fixed mindset like most of those in the forum. I too have temporary paradigms. As you also said, this is my current idea, maybe, I can change my mind later.

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@HypnoticMagician have you even tried psychedelics yourself? If not, I don’t believe that your are qualified to speak about them. It’s like telling someone not to have sex and that sex is bad, when you’ve never actually had sex to get referential experience.

and no one “must” do anything. That’s delusional and moralistic

Edited by Terell Kirby

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10 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

@HypnoticMagician have you even tried psychedelics yourself? If not, I don’t believe that your are qualified to speak about them. It’s like telling someone not to have sex and that sex is bad, when you’ve never actually had sex to get referential experience.

and no one “must” do anything. That’s delusional and moralistic

Yes, I tried. LSD, mushroom, DMT... By the way, the most harmless one between them is DMT even though you don't need even that either. You can make your body secrete the same hormones through more natural methods like sleeping in total darkness at right time or simply applying pressure to roof of the mouth with the tip of your tongue and then holding your breath at least one and half minutes. You'll reach a similar effect. That's very similar to the situation of people having lived near-death experience.

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Timestamp: 24:00 - 24:30

Timestamp: 0:00 - 2:00

Ram Dass on psychedelics 

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Therein is our Glory. 

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23 minutes ago, HypnoticMagician said:

Yes, I tried. LSD, mushroom, DMT... By the way, the most harmless one between them is DMT even though you don't need even that either. You can make your body secrete the same hormones through more natural methods like sleeping in total darkness at right time or simply applying pressure to roof of the mouth with the tip of your tongue and then holding your breath at least one and half minutes. You'll reach a similar effect. That's very similar to the situation of people having lived near-death experience.

Can you eloberate more on this technique with the tongue? (;

to the topic: relativism , but if you want to point out that psychedelics are no short cut. I think most of the people here are mature enough to know that. Cheers

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This is deluded when expanded to the general population of people who want to use them for serious spiritual work. If they aren’t you’re favorite thing, don’t do them.

There’s a reason they’ve been used for spirituality in many cultures for thousands of years. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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8 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

This is deluded when expanded to the general population. If they aren’t you’re favorite thing, don’t do them.

It is more deluded when you expand the use of psychedelics to the general population. It does more harm than good. Or, maybe, it is me who is missing something about the true value of psychedelics. Give me the reasons why you don't agree with me. Don't just say you don't agree. Can you provide some sufficiently plausible counter arguments?

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18 minutes ago, bensenbiz said:

Can you eloberate more on this technique with the tongue? (;

to the topic: relativism , but if you want to point out that psychedelics are no short cut. I think most of the people here are mature enough to know that. Cheers

I have already given enough detail. You can also research the rest from google. Various ways of making your body secrete DMT naturally...

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1 minute ago, HypnoticMagician said:

It is more deluded when you expand the use of psychedelics to the general population. It does more harm than good. Or, maybe, it is me who is missing something about the true value of psychedelics. Give me the reasons why you don't agree with me. Don't just say you don't agree. Can you provide some sufficiently plausible counter arguments?

I think your perspective is a bit to shallow. Of course there a way more facets about this topic. just giving psychedelics to gneral population would do more harm, of course. because their baseline concioussnes is way to low. So they would need a fundament of basics, meditation etc. and at some point using psychedelics in a careful way could would help them in their spiritual journey. For all? I dont know ? For none ? I also dont know. Thats what I meant: its not black and white.

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How poor reality would be if we could only look at 2 flowers. All flowers are beautiful and add glory to existance. You don't like the flower of psychedelics, it's okay you will be able to appreciate the flower of meditation, yoga or sex. All flowers add to the great sum. When I say all, it's all, tantra is a great example of this, all flowers can be used, no matter what.

Also you don't decide which flowers you like and which not, it's a natural because you are also an unique flower.  Enjoy your own flower, enjoy your flowers and let others enjoy their flowers. Radiating with your unique fragrance to the whole existance adding to the glory of reality.

If you don't think like me, it's okay, it's you fragance and I love it.


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"just giving psychedelics to gneral population would do more harm, of course. because their baseline concioussnes is way to low."

I have already said what is gonna follow from here on but let me repeat it anyway : If their consciousness level is low, almost nothing will work for them. If their consciousnessness is powerful enough, then they don't need psychedelics. So what is the point of obstinately encouraging the use of this supposedly ground-breaking substance called psychedelics.

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