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DMT vape pen question

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so i picked up DMT and 5meo DMT cartridge 

the dmt says its 1ml 800mg and the 5meo 150mg 0.5ml

now theres no instructions on how to use the pen

if i click it. the botton lights up green.. if i do 3 clicks it turns blue.. another 3 clicks turns red

then 2 clicks it cycles rainbow colors 

i assume the green/blue/red is the temperature selection ? or is that the force the smoke comes out ?

and whats tha rainbow coloring ? anyone know?


any tips ?

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also for the 5meo is there any difference method to smoking it or just smoke it as dmt since the cartridge  is only 150mg unlike the dmt one being 800mg so i assume just take deep puffs and hold 30sec like dmt.. 

but unlike dmt i dont need to repeat it 3 times and just once is enough with 5meo 

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