Leo Gura

Leo's Practical Guide To Enlightenment

616 posts in this topic

@Akos thank you :)

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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If you put all of this together into a video course with exercises and such similar to your Life Purpose Course I think many people including myself would purchase it and gain a lot of insight toward experiential realizations of Truth. It would be another source of revenue for you as well which I'm sure would help you continue to create this content and expand your audience! I'm sure this has been suggested before but I'm brand new to the forum and just thought I'd throw that out there.

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hey, I actually am very clear of what I am,  major shift in consciousness has occurred, I understand the ramifications of this, and I am do not identify with my body anymore.. HOWEVER I do not feel infinite or unlimited or any of that.. so my question is, where did I half-ass enlightenment ??

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Are some people born inclined to seek out the experience of enlightenment more than others? 

Edited by Amanda Valenti

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5 hours ago, Amanda Valenti said:

Are some people born inclined to seek out the experience of enlightenment more than others? 

Of course.

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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@Leo Gura Hi Leo, is it a ridiculous idea if "You could somehow missing one very obvious point about Enlightenment"?

Furthermore, could it be a dogma: the claim that everyone have to have and find a different path to get Enlightenment, but there is one methodology that works well and fast for everyone when done properly?

I am far from the idea to claim I know more than you, my questions, though are based on my own empirical experience and I know you value such things therefore dare to ask such questions.



Edited by Justdoit247
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I saw the latest video on Leo;s blog and had some thoughts.

But what would be if the “awakening” is the problem? Because when you create a problem you start to search for an answer. The problem itself create the need for an answer. What if behind the “awakening” is nothing and it is just an abstract human concept?

Where do you want to go? There are no other lands out there. It is just one Reality.

Why do you need a God? Why do you want to live an ethernal life? Why do you want to be saved? Is something behind these words? Because the obsession for them leads to suffering.

As Leo said, why do we want to spoil “the God dream”? The awakening for me means my dissparition  from the God dream. Why would I want such a foolish thing?

Vedanta and Upanishads talk about Reality  as a dream or illusion. That’s what the ancient rishis teach us. But it is only their oppinion and it reflects their thoughts at a specific time and place in history. You can agree with them or not. But besides their psihical powers they still thought that the Earth is a plate sitting on four turtles and the mountain Meru is in the centre of the world.

What if Reality is not an illusion, the single illusion is the search for a final answer  and our trying to grasp the concept with our minds?

I think that everything is perfect. All the people are awoke but they don’t realise that and they are just trying to see flowers on the sky where are none. We invent a problem and then we work hard and suffer to get an answer, when the solution is just seeing that is no problem to solve.

Nirvana is not a stade to attain. “Zen mood” is just full adapted, spontaneous and natural response to different situations met in our lives. Not the awakening is important, but the way, and this way is exploration. Through exploration we can see the fabric of the Reality and aquire the capability to access the powers of the mind. Exploring means knowledge. A man who read all the books from a library is more awoke than a man who never read a book. There is no border to say “I am awoke” but grades of awakening.

Just enjoy the life, it is a rare gift given to us and be easy. The good had to be made because its own value, not with fear of damnation or waiting for a prize. Who would want to live in a bad world where everyone is evil? The idea of God and religion is just an external enforcement. The self consciousness is only an internal simulation program that help us to compare, make scenarios and take decisions. But we don’t want to think that the things are so simple and we hunt a more complex answer.


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Hi there!

Just wondering what are peoples tips for getting the most out of solitary psychedelic exploration for the purpose of expanding consciousness? For example, is it better to sit inside your house, out in the countryside alone, in a busy park etc etc...


Edited by Richy G

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@Richy G A warm welcome to the forum from me :)

Any environment where you are safe and not disturbed is good. Turn off all communication to the outside world and focus on yourself.

You can set an intention or write topics you want to contemplate and deconstruct. During the trip let go of that intention and go with the flow of what comes up for you.

If you want you can listen to the guided exercise videos of Leo for realizing God and Infinity. Play good music and satsangs of teachers. Look for what they say in your perception. What you seek is already here.

Make a commitment to never close yourself off to psychedelics. This comes in handy if you have a bad experience and then swear to never do it again. If you have trouble integrating, take your time. Psychedelics rewire the brain over time and you become more open. Be sure you feel centered and your whole body says yes to trip.

Always take your time with integration e.g. contemplation. It can be of use to you to imbody your experience and insights through body-based practices & exercises.

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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On 2/18/2022 at 11:31 PM, Twentyfirst said:

@Leo Gura hey Leo how does it make sense that if im the one observing the body that means im not the body? your saying that whatever you look at cant be you cause your the one who is doing the looking but I just dont get it. im looking at my hands right now, that doesn't prove that its not me or part of me. if the hands are attached to the body and the body is attached to me then I should be able to observe something thats a part of myself. im not arguing I just dont understand this point but I can see where your coming from on the other ones

If you inquire you will find that it feels like you are like a point of consciousness or a camera, a subject that observes objects, but that can't really observe itself.

Everything that you can observe is an object. It could be a part of yourself, but it can't be the core of what you are, the subject.

So your hand could be a part of you, but it can't be the core of what you are, the subject which is doing the "looking".

That's is the purpose of this particular exercise.


But then the next step is to realize that this subject which you think you are, which looks at objects, doesn't really exist in the way you first assume. 

The subject is not like a hidden entity that observes objects. The Subject is everything that is.

At that point the duality of subject and object collapses. There is only One, that which is, and it could be called both subject and object.

This One is Consciousness, thus it is the Subject, what you truly are. And it is also everything you previously considered "objects out there". No duality, complete Oneness, just One.

So the hand is in fact you, just like everything else. Nothing is more or less you. There is no "core of you", all is You.

You don't perceive a hand or a chair by observing it, but by being it. You are the chair.

Knowing, being and being conscious of are the same. 

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On 12/23/2021 at 10:23 AM, Amanda Valenti said:

Are some people born inclined to seek out the experience of enlightenment more than others? 

@Amanda Valenti Yes, I think that I am one of them but I don't want to get too cocky here since the forum generally speaking tries to go for a higher conscious experience.

Edited by AndylizedAAY
I wanted to further explain my answer.

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@Leo GuraI am focusing on multiple questions at a time during the hour, is that alright or should I seriously focus on one question? I also wanted to upload the screenshots of the instructions from my phone and it's on "do not disturb", is that alright? I'm doing nothing else but seeking enlightenment right now. Should I use my computer as my digital timer instead? 

Edited by AndylizedAAY
I wanted to ask about the computer.

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Why do people say that your body doesn't exist if your sense organs (eyes, skin, nose, tongue) are perceiving and translating stimuli in your environment into a subjective phenomenal experience?

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On 8.8.2022 at 11:59 PM, Topspin715 said:

Why do people say that your body doesn't exist if your sense organs (eyes, skin, nose, tongue) are perceiving and translating stimuli in your environment into a subjective phenomenal experience?

"Your body doesn't exist" is a pointer to the illusion of interpretation.

The body exists, the world exists, yes. Recognize that a chair is not the word, and that your body is not what you understand your body to be. Fundamentally, it's pointing to the quality of not-knowing of everything in existence. To know nothing is to know everything because one is conscious in every moment of the inherent unknown mystery of everything in existence.


Existence is not what it appears to be to the human mind.

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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