Leo Gura

What Do You Love The Most About Life?

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I love intense adventures, I love taking spirituality to its dangerous limits. I love when humans shows tremendous goodness, goodness that makes you cry, goodness that kills you. I love playfulness. I love laughing/ crying, taking care of other. I admire people that loves from the shadow. ( maybe a little bit infected by Batman by Nolan which is one of my favorite movie) people who helps you you do not even realize they help you. I love when love goes fast and intense. I love love. I love life. I love natural and authenticity. I love beauty and creativity. I love spontaneity and I love Truth. Finally I admire masculine Love cause it is not the most natural Love which I have been gifted with. 

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1 hour ago, diamondpenguin said:

@Harikrishnan looks like you gotta contemplate it and then come back with your answer. 

what did you think I was doing?  ?

Edited by Harikrishnan

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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messi's pen and ronaldo's header, floods of tears streaming and we're but halfway through the group stages

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Conscious creating. The intrinsic most intimate ineffable ‘aspect’ of being alchemy. Bottomless transmutation and ensuing synchronicities. That an idea can manifest ‘into the flesh’, being the vessel or vehicle in and of itself, and the divine contagion & intoxication of it. It’s like a magic trick I can’t get enough of. Probably will do & share this forever. But idk. Really love that I don’t know what’s gonna happen next. Seems impossible and mesmerizing, and then what does happen next always seem like a miracle. 



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18 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I have an simple assignment for you:

Contemplate what you love most about life and post your answer down below.

Only pick 1 thing. Do not post a list of stuff.

Treat this seriously. Don't post dumb, cheeky, or cheap responses. Contemplate carefully before you post. Maybe you will need to contemplate for a few days to reach a genuine answer.


I see philosophy and personal development as the same. Philosophy is supposed to grow us. Although, in the end, we are all perfect the way we are, personal development and philosophy to me are about actualizing our full potential while also having a deep existential connection to it.

I love philosophy because it engages my mind and motivates me to keep growing and helped me develop a love of learning in college, where I never really valued learning, education, and thinking until I took a philosophy class in college. 

Philosophy is my ultimate passion and love for life. It is amazing that we exist and that we can ponder and introspect about reality and our function within it.

With philosophy, a deep passion for me is to grow, but to also help others grow and develop their own philosophies and answers to life’s deepest questions and challenges. 

How I apply my love for philosophy is through existential therapy. I use existential therapy to help others find their own answers to life and also reframing how they view life to the fullest and existential layer. A lot of times, our problems in life prevent us from looking within to that existential domain. So much of life is missed when we do not spend time contemplating.

I love helping others, but I also love just being in solitude out in nature just contemplating and marveling at life. I love to read books out there as well and write about insights or just think them.

I have a bias towards contemplation over meditation. I use my contemplations to help me ground myself into being. But I also realize that contemplation is actually a form of meditation called analytical meditation. I believe contemplation is the key that unlocks the answers to life if only we stop wasting time and do it.

I truly believe Socrates when he states that “The unexamined life is not worth living,” as well as “the only thing I know is nothing.”

I still don’t know where I want to go in life or the specifics of what I want to do, but I do know that philosophy is my passion and the impact I want on the world is through my talks, teachings, counseling, and writings about philosophy and how we need to live more examined lives. Don’t shut off your minds, use them! This is the one thing I don’t like about traditional forms of meditation because clear thinking is important. We examine our lives through both thinking and not thinking I suppose, but I know that we should learn how to contemplate more clearly in life. Contemplating and questioning is lacking in our society. If everyone spent time deeply contemplating, there problems would be few as opposed to many. I witness this with my clients, which many of them I admit are still at the physiological stage of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and need that emotional/social support.

Philosophy and examining life, enjoying life, and blossoming to my full potential are some of the things I enjoy. Memento mori has been a practice that has helped me put my life in perspective. I also subtlety help clients do this to by them thinking about life in terms of an hourglass in which it is all about what we do with the sand (time) we have left.

Any feedback is warranted and well-appreciated because I am still trying to make my vision of philosophy, personal development, and consciousness raising more clear and specific


“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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@Leo Gura The possibility of achieving something big in life. 

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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It was the first thing that came up.

When I thought more about it it is this feeling… like playing. Like I want to giggle. Like butterflies in the stomach, like being a child.

When I thought even more about it I compared it with creation, but for me, imagination is something a bit different after all, it is instant creation, but then again not really…

It is a sense of everything having been created already. Like literally everything. And I just have to remind myself of it. So imagination has a quality of untangling to it. And also a sort of remembrance. While playing.

I really love how, as I have moved further on this path, imagination and reality become less and less separate.

It feels very magical to me.

I guess I think it’s really fun to explore the infinite in that way. With my imagination.

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After contemplating it for an hour I think love is a strange loop. There's no subject of your love and there never will be because love is fundamental. You list reasons for your answer. But what do you love the most about life? And why? Because it's what makes you feel the most love.

My answer is creating beautiful music. But I only create music because I love it. I think we're just uniquely cut gemstones meant to uniquely refract Love.

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That you can create your own destiny while simultaneously experiencing the unexpecting events that life throws at you.

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Reality itself. That we are even here existing as it. It's so absurd that it becomes beautiful and it brings so much love out of me the more I become aware of that. It's always new

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22 hours ago, Tim R said:

Without a shred of doubt, it is Life itself.

Just that there is this wonderful, impossibly absurd, utterly improbable thing going on that we call life. 

It's IMPOSSIBLE. And yet, here we are:D when you really get with this feeling that I'm describing... there just are no words.

The amazement that there is just anything at all, that there is Existence, and the amazement that this is Love, that it is Intelligence, that it is Self-Creating, that it is Nothing, and that it is a complete necessity because WHAT ELSE COULD THERE BE??

It's an infinite mind-fuck. You just want to die into this Amazement, give yourself to this, forever. 

If I were to live for only 1 second, it would've been worth it. 

I read this after I made my post, but YES. This is exactly what I feel. Once you realize this it occurs to you how much you and so many others took for granted that anything is happening at all

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Feeling :) 

I love the feeling of things coming together and making sense in new ways. I love the feeling of presence that washes over me when the sun hits my face. The warmth it blesses me with makes me feel so comfortable. 

I love the feeling of relief I get when I take in deep breaths of fresh air. The feeling of my body when it relaxes into a stretch. I love the feeling of petting a soft animal. Of enjoying a delicious meal and the way my body melts with pleasure at the first taste of its goodness. 

I love the feeling of waking up refreshed, the feeling of a hot shower. I love the sensation of pleasant smells that rush into my nose when I put drops of oils onto my skin. I love feeling excitement when I am with a new lover and of pride and accomplishment when I create something new.

I don't like feeling bad, like when I am experiencing pain or discomfort. But I love the feelings of clarity that come after those hard times. 

Thank you for this beautiful exercise. 

Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my 15+ years of personal spiritual exploration using psychedelics, meditation, mindfulness, personal development and somatics. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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How mind bogglingly complex existence is, it's so absurd it makes me laugh sometimes. The other is people, I'm in constant awe and amazement at what people are capable of creating and the sheer diversity of mastery; and how "ordinary" people are constantly doing extraordinary things without giving it a second thought.

Edited by LastThursday

57% paranoid

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Imagination reflecting on reality. / the amalgamation of form and metaphysics / Art

All basically the same thing in the end.


Infinite Imagination. Infinite universes. 

Edited by Intense

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Hard question.

I don’t fully know the answer yet but I really love it when I remember life is magical.

Now that’s quite abstract and I find it hard to pick one thing. But I experience life as magical in different ways:

  • When learning about anything. But more specifically something deep and beyond myself like nature, maths, psychology, or philosophy. Although if you dive deep enough into any topic, it becomes beautifully complex and interesting.
  • When I’m being creative. The act of creating does this. Makes me feel participant in the universe. I also especially love the creative process because it involves imagination and then you can actually turn it into reality!
  • And ways that are harder for me to articulate. Sometimes when I’m in the right state everything becomes magical. Normally I feel like a “flatlander” in life and take it for granted (like Leo said in his previous vid) but occasionally I remember that life is infinitely fucking significant and it’s time to become passionate again. This can be triggered by music, nature, by something someone says, or at random.

Anyways will take more than contemplation to really find the answer for me. Needs lots of more experience.

Edited by ItsNick

Plot twist: Waldo finds himself.

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