Leo Gura

What Do You Love The Most About Life?

135 posts in this topic

I have an simple assignment for you:

Contemplate what you love most about life and post your answer down below.

Only pick 1 thing. Do not post a list of stuff.

Treat this seriously. Don't post dumb, cheeky, or cheap responses. Contemplate carefully before you post. Maybe you will need to contemplate for a few days to reach a genuine answer.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I love the potential of it and the taking steps toward the potential. As in it really is like a computer game and you can focus on something and make it come into reality for the character youre playing. You can work on your trauma and issues that youve accumulated, you can help others reach their potential, there are so many possibilities, it is mind blowing and amazing when you think about it. You can say tomorrow 'im going to learn how to be a chef' and actually take steps to do that and have that experience. I could change it to just experience but i like the idea of playing it like a game. Its like the most immersive, incredible, computer game, theres so many levels (of awareness) so much to reach for and experience, the shit is amazing. 

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@Leo Gura

Almost everything. The method I use to start to love something I didn't like initially is simply trying to interpret that field of endeavor as positively as possible, writing good poems praising how beautiful, enjoyable area it is. Even after that, I still start small. Doing small chores about that subject. Of course, it is no longer a chore because you have changed your interpretation of that topic. Even if you couldn't initially write a good story about good aspects of your target intellectual activity, you are gonna start finding positive parts of it after learning enough about it. After a while you are gonna start to see even the dullest parts of it pretty entertaining. For example, I did not like history at the time. I found it quite boring. The way I transformed it into fun was trying to find heroism, the noble struggle for epic victories in every event, war, and sometimes feeling empathy towards all nations you come across in history books as if you were of them. Even if that nation was supposedly your enemy in the past. I no longer think like that. There is no such a thing as enemy. This is against the one of the fundamental principles of spirituality. Separation also damages your mirror neurons. The more you hate others, the more reasons you are gonna find to hate yourself or vice versa. So it is pretty obvious to be bidirectional.  Hopefully, Leo doesn't see me as enemy just because I am slightly more advanced than him. Do you agree, Mr. Gura? Even if you don't agree with me, god bless you <3 By god, I mean the entire universe ;)

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I'd say what I'm most appreciative of is that I even have an inner life that's available for me to explore. How strange is it that I have this innate ability to contemplate and self reflect on my experiences, and to be able to find satisfaction in doing so. 

This is something that's seemingly simple only because it's usually taken for granted.

Being able to engage with my intellect and my emotions enriches every other aspect of my life. The fact that this innate capacity is something that can be cultivated over the course of one's life is something that never ceases to amaze me.

Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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I get great pleasure from learning new things and life seems inexhaustable in terms of what we can learn about it. I'm 23 and in the past 5 or so years there were many points, where I thought I had everything figured out, more or less. Looking back I see the obvious naivety, but I already sense this state of mind creeping back in.

Can't wait for something to put me back in my place. Doubt that's gonna happen though, I'm confident this time.

Edited by DnoReally



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right now what I love the most is the ability to dream in your sleep and to forget that I am alive in this world.


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Service and selflessness.

Exiting my isolation and the engrossment in my thought stories to assist. Complete dropping away of selfhood with the dawning of the severity of the situation.  Realizing my value in the play and the value in my preparations.  Meeting angels along the path.  The humor,  the joy in the process. 


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What could be called contemplation: Exploration, research, discovery, understanding. Finding things out.

AKA learning.

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The pure and genuine understanding of the mind and it's dynamics. The how and why of it and everything to do with it.

It is delightful, yummy, profound, fascinating, exciting, it is fun.

Even mindfucks and paradoxes leave in awe and perplexed.

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Without a shred of doubt, it is Life itself.

Just that there is this wonderful, impossibly absurd, utterly improbable thing going on that we call life. 

It's IMPOSSIBLE. And yet, here we are:D when you really get with this feeling that I'm describing... there just are no words.

The amazement that there is just anything at all, that there is Existence, and the amazement that this is Love, that it is Intelligence, that it is Self-Creating, that it is Nothing, and that it is a complete necessity because WHAT ELSE COULD THERE BE??

It's an infinite mind-fuck. You just want to die into this Amazement, give yourself to this, forever. 

If I were to live for only 1 second, it would've been worth it. 

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This is easy as I contemplate this just about every day at some point. I’m awed at it’s ‘diversity’. So many things are possible. Infact I could live this current life over and over, in a multitude of different ways from the get go. Literally infinite different ways. I could never run out of different ways to live it even if I was this personal character time and time again. But even just during this one lifetime the diversity is unbelievable. From this very moment now in my late 30’s the variety of ways it can go from here is unnumbered. I also love the fact it can be worked out what is actually going on. What a life is. But without it being so diverse you may not be able to do that. A monkeys life is not diverse enough for it to work out what it truly is. Where as a human life is. So as much as I love working it out, it’s the pure diversity of the whole thing that I love the most. Both the good and bad possibilities. I just try to stick to my own relative opinion of what’s good

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  On 10/22/2021 at 5:55 PM, Leo Gura said:

I have an simple assignment for you:

Contemplate what you love most about life and post your answer down below.

Only pick 1 thing. Do not post a list of stuff.

Treat this seriously. Don't post dumb, cheeky, or cheap responses. Contemplate carefully before you post. Maybe you will need to contemplate for a few days to reach a genuine answer.

What I love the most is the realziation of oneness, which is experienced through understanding something so deeply that you realize you are the the same thing as the thing you're trying to understand. When I experience sameness, I experience love.

Edited by SamC

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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I’m including music, artwork, film, fashion, etc. all within the broad term of Art.

Every individual’s unique creative expression in general, and connecting to and finding deep meaning within that, instant connection to others, how we all relate, and creating, creation, forward movement progress and evolution itself.

Life is just a huge Art/creativity project video game, you can create and express whatever you want.


Sex and Love, also my favorite things in life, are no different than Art, that’s what Art is. 

Music, Artwork, and Fashion have some of the most immediate and strong visceral response and feeling to me. Can feel my soul. Life itself really, the trees, nature, architecture, animals, people, all beautiful art to me by God. It’s my passion primary to the mind.

Yeah I love to think, contemplate, research, and dig deep to understand spirituality, metaphysics, psychology, etc to really get to the big picture of life, to understand myself,

but after that, I just want to enjoy and create, and express. Beauty. That’s Art.




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Conquering fear and coming out of the other end a better person. In other words, the process of growing.

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Intimacy. As in seeing through.

I believe awareness itself is what is capable of intimacy and self-realization is intimacy with the whole. In the common language, it carries this sense of familiarity, an ability to relate and remove a barrier between a subject and an object. 

Generally speaking, intimacy between humans can be divided in several categories:

  • Emotional intimacy- the ability to be close on the emotional level. Feeling safe to reveal one's vulnerability and feelings.
  • Intellectual intimacy- the ability to be on the same page intellectually/conceptually. Communicating views, thoughts and believes safely and being met there.
  • Spiritual intimacy- the ability to share the same level in awareness/perception. Resonating on the spiritual level.
  • Experiential intimacy- sharing moments, life and experience, the same reality
  • Physical intimacy- the ability to feel a sense of sameness/closeness on the body level/ physical form level.

The end game of intimacy is recognizing Oneness in all there is. Seeing how everything is only one. It is what fosters unity. Love. Wholeness...

Of course, the whole game of awakening is also recovering intimacy with Self (in all its dimensions!).

Edited by Etherial Cat

Be cautious when a naked person offers you a t-shirt. - African proverb

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Realizing and surrendering to the divinity of the Self.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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The feeling I get when travelling alone without any plan or objective in mind, going to a totally new place, totally new culture, somewhere I have never been before. 

It's just the actual experience of being on an adventure into the unknown. Just me, my intuition and an unpredictably changing environment. This sense of mystery & exploration. It makes me feel alive in a raw way I can't possibly explain in words.  

I envy the explorers of the past who discovered new lands, and the astronauts who will go on to explore the depths of the universe. 

But it all ties down to this sense of exploration, this raw feeling of aliveness while on an adventure. That is what I love.

Edited by TheAlchemist

"Only that which can change can continue."

-James P. Carse

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Creativity. In my case it is in programming, spiritual experiences and also in science it acts as discovery. 

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