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Zen Devil

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Hi:  This is in response to the Zen Devil topic.  Leo, don't you think anyone who's intentions are correct on this path will know this hazard?  I was reading Adyashanti when I had to throw it out the window.  Why?  Because Zen or not, when you write a book and say that "you haven't become enlightened, enlightenment has become enlightened...". Give me a break.  Yes Ashanti, we know that, but for language sake its OK to use personal pronouns!  Stop being esoteric ad naseum.  I get it OK I get.  His writing is a classic case of ego unchecked.  Those like me GET IT.  Relax a little and let us absorb a little.  By writing in that style, it makes me want to bang my head against a wall.  Writing should be for clarity, not for showing us how advanced you are compared to your mere pedestrian followers.  Its arrogance that's driving me up the wall.  Listen to Matt Kahn and Whatever Arises Love That.  He's not arrogant yet gets his message across without annoying his following!

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@Ramu Adyashanti's not arrogant. He's trying to highlight a specific trap. Just because you're aware of the trap already doesn't mean other readers are. And also, in this work, it's always good to have reminders of the obvious.

Yes, Zen-talk, as I refer to it, can be infuriating. But once you deeply awaken, you'll see that most of the things they said make perfect sense and were communicated masterfully.

Adya's actually a very clear communicator as far as enlightened masters go.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Ramu To have ego taking credit for enlightenment is a common trap, one that I have fallen into myself. Adyashanti says that it occur more often than not, so if there is something that is worth repeating it is that.

When someone writes that they have awaken I usually post this video to them, just to make them aware of the trap.


Although I agree that some take this to far. It's ok to use I, you, we. They are just words and as long as we see through the illusion of these words they won't do any harm.

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