Hap E-Boi

Was U.G. Krishnamurti stage coral?

3 posts in this topic

After seeing this man... might this be what has been suggested with stage Coral? He seems antisocial, amoral, but without the egocentrism of red. Also he seems awake and some even claim he's enlightened. When I'm listening to him I feel like waking up somehow.

There is a pattern of first tier stages having an equivalent in the 2nd tier:
beige - yellow, both have survival as a theme, but for yellow it's survival of humanity.
purple - turquoise, both have magic as a huge part of their experience, but for turquoise it is in a holistic way.
So one could guess red and coral are both antisocial, amoral colors? But the latter being a cleaning of the ego (including morality) rather than the emergence of it?


It would be interesting to see other perspectives on this one.

Edited by Hap E-Boi

Often overlooked causes of spiritual regression are exposure to free glutamate and EMF's. For me personally the REID program has helped me a lot, but everyone walks their own path and what has a profound impact for one person might be negligible for another.

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Nobody knows what coral is. In fact, we don't even know what turquoise is (at least I don't). I don't know how you would distinguish turquoise from yellow. I just refer to both as Tier 2.


14 minutes ago, Hap E-Boi said:

There is a pattern of first tier stages having an equivalent in the 2nd tier:
beige - yellow, both have survival as a theme, but for yellow it's survival of humanity.

Everything is survival. SD just maps how large your circle of concern is.


17 minutes ago, Hap E-Boi said:

purple - turquoise, both have magic as a huge part of their experience, but for turquoise it is in a holistic way.

Turquoise (or Tier 2) is not an inherently mystical (or magical) stage. Differentiate between growing up and waking up.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Hap E-Boi

SD’s doesn’t carry over into identity, there is (was) no enlightened Krishnamurti, that’s God without self referential thought. 


Yellow is inward oriented, turquoise is the outward sharing of all which was realized in yellow. 




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