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Hi my friends, today I took mdma but I didn't want to comedown so I took a second dose. It's the first time I did this, I know I will feel very bad after the effects.

Can you guys help me with tips to what to do next when I will have negative thoughts and feel bad ? I'm sorry for this

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3 minutes ago, Gabith said:

I know I will feel very bad after the effects.

Not necessarily. Did MDMA four times and only had a bad mood once, and that was due to the combination with weed.

Drinking orange juice and talking to people close to you works wonders.

If any negative thoughts should come up, simply allow yourself to relax, and don't dwell on them. Relax deeper, and deeper. Breathe. If you want to, listen to some music. You got this. :)

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Ideally, you'd properly supplement yourself before, while, and after rolling on MDMA.

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I've down Ecstasy twice in my life, I had some  anhedonia, depression and anxiety about 3-4 days after. Its gonna be a bit rough but you just gotta ride it out. Youll be back to normal soon enough, or you could buy some 5-HTP but be very careful to not use before youre sober again, it can cause serotonin syndrome, use 5-HTP maybe 24 hours after youre back to normal. Try to not have any urgent plans after you come down, cozy up in bed and watch some stupid Netflix shows or something.

Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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