
Thoughts do not think

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If that were accurate, the thought ‘a hundred thoughts’ would represent the truth, that there is a hundred thoughts. 

There is not even an experience of two. 

The ego is it’s own lawyer and needs no assistance. 

Truth is ir-representable, un-resource-able, and infallible. 



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@Nahm Let me clarify. Thoughts can represent falsehood and truth

"Grass is blue", experientially a thought, but also representing falsehood, in saying that what we call grass is experienced as the color blue as a human on this earth, which is not congruent with experience

"Grass is green", experientially a thought, but also representing truth, in that what we call grass is experienced as the color green as a human on this earth, which is congruent with experience

Edited by AlphaAbundance

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Grass, blue, and green, are thoughts. Dropping whatever you’re presently engaged in and spending just a few minutes researching conjecture can save you years of sleep. Whatever you do, don’t take my word for it, as that’s of course, another thought(s). 



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@Nahm Are those thoughts? Yes

Do certain thoughts represent truthhood (congruent with experience) or falsehood (incongruent with experience)? Yes

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35 minutes ago, AlphaAbundance said:

Do certain thoughts represent truthhood (congruent with experience) or falsehood (incongruent with experience)? Yes

Black and white concepts like "grass" and "color" fall far short of truthfully representing experience. Experience is an infinite gradient.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Nahm Lol somehow I can say the same but I'm listening

@Carl-Richard I wonder what your intention is with that very statement then

Edited by AlphaAbundance

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31 minutes ago, AlphaAbundance said:

I wonder what your intention is with that very statement then

Communication. If you want experience, go grab it :)

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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2 hours ago, AlphaAbundance said:


"Grass is green", experientially a thought, but also representing truth, in that what we call grass is experienced as the color green as a human on this earth, which is congruent with experience

@AlphaAbundance lol, grass is not green, and the thought is not congruent with any experience, as experience is also thought. 

Colors don't even exist. 

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@Nahm Yes the audio verbalization and visual symbol of "listening" are associated with thoughts, and this contextualization of experience is a thought. Does this go to show something?


@Carl-Richard Was it not your intention to convey truth / understanding / wisdom through your (thought/language based) communication?


@Fearless_Bum Yes those are symbols / words / concepts / labels which are thought-based, however I am talking about what they refer to. Take a step back and look at how you sound ? hahahaha

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3 minutes ago, AlphaAbundance said:

Does this go to show something?

In the ‘when you see it’ sense yes. Listening is one thought. That’s it. 



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Thoughts do not represent falsehood or truth, any thought is bullshit. 

You can say grass is blue, green, purple, etc. It's still bullshit. 

6 hours ago, AlphaAbundance said:

Let me clarify. Thoughts can represent falsehood and truth

"Grass is blue", experientially a thought, but also representing falsehood, in saying that what we call grass is experienced as the color blue as a human on this earth, which is not congruent with experience

"Grass is green", experientially a thought, but also representing truth, in that what we call grass is experienced as the color green as a human on this earth, which is congruent with experience

These statements, they are ridiculous lol. 

You (knowledge) will never give up the fight, you're too smart for that. So no use in slamming all your statements in this thread you win, continue making maps, one day you'll rip em to pieces. 

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34 minutes ago, AlphaAbundance said:

Was it not your intention to convey truth / understanding / wisdom through your (thought/language based) communication?

The truth is not in the communication. Communication is a means to an end; utilitarian. Truth is existential.

Truth cannot be spoken. Speech is noise, Truth is silence. If there was any intention behind the communication, it was to put an end to it :D 

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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55 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

The truth is not in the communication. Communication is a means to an end; utilitarian. Truth is existential.

Truth cannot be spoken. Speech is noise, Truth is silence. If there was any intention behind the communication, it was to put an end to it :D 

Human beings will continue to communicate with language until the end of humanity. Best we all get on the same page. Words are used to refer and talk about collectively experienced things. The word is simply a sound associated with an experiential phenomenon. That which the word points to is never a word. Future humans must be able to use language but not be trapped by it.

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2 minutes ago, WokeBloke said:

Words are used 


1 hour ago, Carl-Richard said:

Communication is a means to an end; utilitarian.


Case in point :P

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Nahm Please clarify what insight you are talking about

@Fearless_Bum The content of thoughts is not experience or truth itself, but it represents or points to experience either accurately (truthfully) or inaccurately (falsely). Why the fuck are you even using language if it doesn't offer any insight or truth, just goofy. The fact that we are even here conversing proves my very point. 

Consider that its only in the inadequacy of being unable to make accurate maps and understand things conceptually that people claim its impossible to. And no need to tell me I win, its almost self-evident.

@Carl-Richard Don't confuse the domains of relative and absolute truth. Obviously Truth can't be verbally communicated satisfactorily, but truth can.

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Another thing to add to the conversation. Thoughts do not experience anything. Thoughts are dead. 

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10 minutes ago, AlphaAbundance said:

@WokeBloke Haha how do you know? Have you experienced being a thought? Aren't you a thought alive and experiencing right now?

I am definitely not a thought. You'll have to see my body. 

Experiencing being a thought is like experiencing being a birthday card. There is no experience for a birthday card.

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